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Meet the Thief Ant<br />

Back in the days of the Wild West, Jesse James and his outlaw<br />

gang were some pretty crafty dudes. They robbed everything<br />

from stagecoaches and trains to banks and homes. His bandit<br />

bunch crept into towns, only to high-tail it out ahead of angry<br />

lawmen and Wanted posters bearing James clan faces. Imagine if<br />

the Jesse James family moved in right next door to your house!<br />

Many ant species in New York City face this predicament every<br />

day when thief ants (a.k.a. Solenopsis molesta) come to town.<br />

Thief ants are the Jesse James gang of the ant world, and these<br />

bite-size burglars pickpocket and plunder anything they can get<br />

their little mandibles around, living lives of artifice that would<br />

make Mr. James sit up and take some notes.<br />

Even though he was a robber and a murderer, Jesse James won<br />

the public’s hearts, in part because he was easy on the eyes.<br />

Thief ants are no different. Whenever I stumble upon a thief ant<br />

Urban Life<br />

Where it lives: Thief ants nest underground in<br />

forests and open, grassy areas. They also like<br />

to nest in human structures. They particularly<br />

like nesting near other ant species’ nests.<br />

What it eats: Tiny ants with big appetites, thief<br />

ants prefer protein like dead insects.<br />

NYC notes: Thief ants love New York. They<br />

can be found everywhere. They rise out of<br />

cracks. They climb buildings. They show up on<br />

rooftops. They are abundant and incredible<br />

and always there.<br />


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