Prediction of batch heat transfer coefficients for pseudoplastic fluids ...

Prediction of batch heat transfer coefficients for pseudoplastic fluids ... Prediction of batch heat transfer coefficients for pseudoplastic fluids ...
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211- D!~ 'I'l\. PA-:JDLES 0.20 PERCENT CAR BOPOL Batch ',)eic;ht 9l~.4 1bs. Center Height = 7.0 inches Run Diameter RPJVj At'ea2 Dynamometer 'I'emperature (oC) Time x Height (ft. ) Scale Batch \va11 (min) (inches x C lOs) 1 2 1 2 inches) Heati!!!l 395 4.0 x LO 556 6.20 0.86 49.3 57.0 95.7 96.3 2.0 394 L~. 0 x LO 626 .,i,20 1.05 ')4.2 1+3.d 89.7 9L6 2.0 397 4.0 x LO 714 6.20 l.l~3 49.3 58.4 92.3 95.0 '2.0 392 1+00 x 2.0 340 6.20 1.n 42.':> 4B.3 90.3 94.2 2.0 393 4.0 x 2.0 412 6.20 1.21 5".2 60.5 92.1 93.0 2.0 "01 L~. 0 x 2.0 496 6.20 2.13 52.2 61.8 9L7 94.2 2.0 390 4.0 x 2.0 618 6.20 2.83 11-2.2 5 1 1-.2 82.3 87.7 2.0 402 6.0 x 1.0 278 h.20 1.11 /11.2 49.3 92.9 9'1-.9 2.0 403 6.0 y. 1.0 376 6.20 2.0? Ij.Fl • Po S;~. Pi '-\;. ': (1';;.7 2.0' P') ('\ 404 6.0 x 1.0 432 6.20 2.73 50.7 61. '5 Do' .0 ')L7 ,-.J 405 6.0 x 1.0 532 6.20 I~ .• ? '} 57.2 68.1 8G.b 0~ -;Jr... '" ,j 2.0 399 c-.O x 2.0 240 6.20 2.1') 51.1 61.] 92.0 95.3 2.0 398 6.0 x 2.0 290 6.20 3.08 38.5 51. 7 8ll'.7 88.8 2.0 400 6.0 x 2.0 342 6.20 4.33 ')(').3 6(').3 8').3 90.4 2.0 401 6.0 x 2.0 370 (').20 5.15 ')3.8 66.2 83.4, g1.1 2.0 411 8.0 x 1.0 163 6.20 1.13 52.5 ')9.5 96.6 97.7 2.0 410 8.0 x 1.0 220 6.20 2.13 37.7 48.8 87.3 91.8 2.0 412 b.O x 1.0 272 6.20 3.33 ')2.7 63.2 90.3 94.3 2.0 413 8.0 x 1.0 358 6.20 S.68 50.4 G1.9 80.7 .B9.2 2.0 407 8.0 x 2.0 130 6.20 1.65 46.3 53.8 95.7 98.1 2.0 406 8.0 x 2.0 182 6.20 3.08 11-8.8 59.8 87.4 90.7 2.0 408-2 8.0 x 2.0 216 6.20 4.48 61.1 70.0 85.7 92.2 2.0 409 8.0 x 2.0 265 6.20 7.1'3 f,2.7 73.9 87.h 93.9 2.0

DATA PADDLES 0.20 PEHCENT CARSOPOL Batch \veight 94.4 lbs. Center Height = 7.0 inches 21$ Run Diameter RPt'-l Area 2 Dynamometer :i:'emperature - COC) Time x Height (ft, ) Scale B!3.tch Wall (min) (inches x (lbs) 1 2 1 2 inches) Q£oli~ 395 LI-.O x 1.0 556 6.20 0.86 54.9 47.7 30.2 26.2 6.0 394 4.0 x 1.0 626 6.20 1.05 49.3 42.9 27.8 24-.3 6.0 397 4.0 x 1.0 714 6.20 1.4'5 ')0. E3 h8.2 ')2.3 27.9 6.0 392 4.0 x 1.0 340 6.20 1.13 53. l l- L1-6.8 26.6 25.2 6.0 393 4.0 x 1.0 412 0.20 1. 21 54.1 46.3 '50.4 26.7 6.0 391 1+.0 ... ........-\ x 1.0 LI-96 \-:>,.::'-" 2.13 60.4 50.2 3ELll- 30.8 6.0 390 1-1-.0 x 1.0 618 6.20 2.83 57.3 4G.3 37.1 31.8 6.0 402 6.0 x 1.0 271:\ 6.20 1.11 52.9 40.3 2b.a 2h.l 4-.0 403 6.0 x 1.0 376 6.20 2.02 60.7 5'5.3 39.1 32.6 4.0- 4-04 6.0 x 1.0 432 b.20 2..73 59.7 51. ? 39.7 33.8 11-.0 405 6.0 x 1.0 5?2 6.20 4-. ")3 67.9 56.7 48.7 l!-0.2 4.0 399 6.0 x 2.0 2LI-O 6.20 2.15 58.2 51.2 37.2 31. El 4.0 398 6.0 x 2.0 290 6.20 7).OB 60.0 SloB 42.,> 35.2 4.0 400 6.0 x 2.0 342 6.20 4. '53 59.2 49. 0 4-2.6 7,0).7 4-.0 401 6.0 x 2.0 370 6.20 5.15 63.7 53.0 46.4 39.3 4.0 411 8.0 x 1.0 163 6.20 1.13 55.7 50.7 29.9 28. 1 1- 4.0 410 8.0 x 1.0 220 6.20 2.13 52.4 46.7 31.8 28.7 4.0 412 8.0 x 1.0 272 6.20 3.?3 53.7 46.8 >\'5.2 30.2 I~_.O 413 8.0 x 1.0 358 6.20 5.68 ')5.2 46.7 4-0.3 33.5 4.0 407 S.O x 2.0 130 6.20 1.65 57.9 52.5 29.6 26.8 1+.0 406 8.0 x 2.0 182 6.20 3.08 57.7 50.2 38.8 33.7 4-.0 408 8.0 x 2.0 216 6.20 4.4-8 62.1 52.3 43.8 36.9 4.0 409 8.0 x 2.0 265 6.20 7.13 62.8 52.2 47.0 39.2 4.0

DATA<br />



Batch \veight 94.4 lbs. Center Height = 7.0 inches<br />

21$<br />

Run Diameter RPt'-l Area 2<br />

Dynamometer :i:'emperature<br />

-<br />

COC) Time<br />

x Height (ft, ) Scale B!3.tch Wall (min)<br />

(inches x (lbs) 1 2 1 2<br />

inches)<br />

Q£oli~<br />

395 LI-.O x 1.0 556 6.20 0.86 54.9 47.7 30.2 26.2 6.0<br />

394 4.0 x 1.0 626 6.20 1.05 49.3 42.9 27.8 24-.3 6.0<br />

397 4.0 x 1.0 714 6.20 1.4'5 ')0. E3 h8.2 ')2.3 27.9 6.0<br />

392 4.0 x 1.0 340 6.20 1.13 53. l l- L1-6.8 26.6 25.2 6.0<br />

393 4.0 x 1.0 412 0.20 1. 21 54.1 46.3 '50.4 26.7 6.0<br />

391 1+.0<br />

... ........-\<br />

x 1.0 LI-96 \-:>,.::'-" 2.13 60.4 50.2 3ELll- 30.8 6.0<br />

390 1-1-.0 x 1.0 618 6.20 2.83 57.3 4G.3 37.1 31.8 6.0<br />

402 6.0 x 1.0 271:\ 6.20 1.11 52.9 40.3 2b.a 2h.l 4-.0<br />

403 6.0 x 1.0 376 6.20 2.02 60.7 5'5.3 39.1 32.6 4.0-<br />

4-04 6.0 x 1.0 432 b.20 2..73 59.7 51. ? 39.7 33.8 11-.0<br />

405 6.0 x 1.0 5?2 6.20 4-. ")3 67.9 56.7 48.7 l!-0.2 4.0<br />

399 6.0 x 2.0 2LI-O 6.20 2.15 58.2 51.2 37.2 31. El 4.0<br />

398 6.0 x 2.0 290 6.20 7).OB 60.0 SloB 42.,> 35.2 4.0<br />

400 6.0 x 2.0 342 6.20 4. '53 59.2 49. 0 4-2.6 7,0).7 4-.0<br />

401 6.0 x 2.0 370 6.20 5.15 63.7 53.0 46.4 39.3 4.0<br />

411 8.0 x 1.0 163 6.20 1.13 55.7 50.7 29.9 28. 1 1- 4.0<br />

410 8.0 x 1.0 220 6.20 2.13 52.4 46.7 31.8 28.7 4.0<br />

412 8.0 x 1.0 272 6.20 3.?3 53.7 46.8 >\'5.2 30.2 I~_.O<br />

413 8.0 x 1.0 358 6.20 5.68 ')5.2 46.7 4-0.3 33.5 4.0<br />

407 S.O x 2.0 130 6.20 1.65 57.9 52.5 29.6 26.8 1+.0<br />

406 8.0 x 2.0 182 6.20 3.08 57.7 50.2 38.8 33.7 4-.0<br />

408 8.0 x 2.0 216 6.20 4.4-8 62.1 52.3 43.8 36.9 4.0<br />

409 8.0 x 2.0 265 6.20 7.13 62.8 52.2 47.0 39.2 4.0

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