Annual Report 2007-11-07-08.qxp - Canadia Bank Plc.

Annual Report 2007-11-07-08.qxp - Canadia Bank Plc.

Annual Report 2007-11-07-08.qxp - Canadia Bank Plc.


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<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 1 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 1 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

sarlixitBIRbFan / naykRbtibtþi<br />

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edayEp¥kelIbriyakasneya)ayEdlRbkbedayesßrPaB nigsuvtßiPaB nigesßrPaBsgÁm esdækic©rbs;<br />

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Epnkarkargarrbs;eK EdlTaMgGs;enHKWCakarcUlrYmcMENkmYyepSgeTotdl;sgÁmCatirbs;eyIg .<br />

TsSnvis½y<br />

KeRmagyuT§sa®sþGaCIvkmμsMrab;qñaM 2008 rbs;FnaKarkaNaDIya: k>G nwgrYmbBa©ÚlkarBRgIkbNþajsaxa<br />

rbs;xøÜndl;cMnYn 28saxa TUTaMgRbeTs . karbegáInnUvsmtßPaBFnFanmnusS tamry³vKÁbNþúHbNþalCMnajry³eBlxøI<br />

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c,as;BIkarsnSMR)ak; sMrab;karcMNayeTAelIkarsikSarbs;buRtaFItarbs;eK. FnaKarKeRmagBRgIkbNþajma:sIundkR)ak;<br />

ATM dl;cMnYn 50eRKÓg enAkñúgGMT,úgqñaM 2008 enH . FnaKark¾nwgBRgIk nigEklMGrbNþajepÞrR)ak;kñúgRsuk nig<br />

eRkARbeTs tamry³kic©shRbtibtþikarBIédKU MoneyGram International . bEnßmelIenHeTot naeBlfμI²enH<br />

FnaKar)ancuHhtßelxaCamYy China Union Pay edIm,ITijsiT§ipþac;muxesvab½NÑ\NTan CUP b¤b½NÑ\NTancin Edl<br />

nwgmanKeRmagdMeNIrenAkñúgGMT,úgqñaM 2008 enH . karpþl;esvafμIRbkbedayPaBRbkYtRbECgenHnwgBRgIkcMENk<br />

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Bug XavEs<br />

RbFanRkumRbwkSaPi)al nignaykRbtibtþi<br />

éfTI 25 Ex mifuna qñaM 2008<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 2 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 3 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 4 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


Dear valued shareholders, customers and friends of <strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>,<br />

Based on the stable and secure political climate and social stability, Cambodia's economy of <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> has<br />

been developing remarkably well, with an annual GDP growth rate of approx. 10.1%, a high inflow of<br />

foreign investments, an increase in national reserves and 22% increase in public revenues. The overall<br />

performance reflects the underlying strengths of Cambodia's economy with steady growth of the four<br />

pillars of economical development: agriculture, garment exports, tourism and the financial sector.<br />

Despite strong economical growth, Cambodia had to face an average inflation rate of around 6.5% in<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> with an increasing trend for 2008. Like other nations in the region and in the world, the Royal<br />

Government of Cambodia has promptly taken measures to address the issue of high inflation, which<br />

was and is driven by high commodity and food prices.<br />

Notwithstanding the sub-prime financial crisis and increasing inflation, the macroeconomic outlook for<br />

2008 and medium-term are in general positive. The World <strong>Bank</strong> estimates GDP growth to be around<br />

7.2% - 7.5% for 2008 and 2009 respectively.<br />

Our achievements<br />

Driven by our vision, mission and core values anchored deeply in our mind and taking advantage of<br />

Cambodia's respectable economic development, <strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong> performed again exceptionally well in<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>. Net profit increased by 61% to US$20.1million with earnings per share (EPS) of US$0.50. The<br />

return on total equity (RoE) reached 25.17% and the return on assets (RoA) increased 3.6% compared<br />

to 2006. Total assets grew by 50% to US$552 million backed by a strong growth in deposits by 56% to<br />

US$458 million. Loans increased by 62% to US$332 million. During <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> we employed 142 new staffs<br />

to assure our customer service quality requirements. Çanadia <strong>Bank</strong>'s human resource capital stands at<br />

602 employees at the end of <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>. We kept our position as leading bank in Cambodia and intend to do<br />

so in the future notwithstanding growing competition in the financial sector.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> has stabilized its market share and steadily increased the number of customers, with their<br />

loyalty and trust in our services providing sustainable income growth. The internal risk control measures<br />

were strengthened and fine tuned. In <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> the bank's loan policy focused especially on mortgage and<br />

real estate development as well as small and medium enterprises (SME) product development. In the<br />

second half of <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> the bank has launched a "Consumer loan product" in order to enable especially the<br />

Cambodian middle class to purchase their car and/or equip their home with furniture and home<br />

equipments.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>'s private banking arm with its tailor made services and products for VIP customers has<br />

been very well received by its respective customers and continues to go from strength to strength.<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> continues to give emphasis to develop its human resource capacity, thus building the<br />

necessary operating infrastructure in order to ensure sustainable growth.<br />

The new core IT banking system, "T24", which has been bought and installed in <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, will be put step<br />

by step into full operation in 2008. This new system will allow the bank to run its operation as well as<br />

MIS more efficiently, thus increasing our strength in the more and more competitive financial sector.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 5 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

During <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> the bank has donated approximately US$343,000 to various charity Projects,<br />

non-governmental organizations, community and village improvements. Providing internships to 171<br />

university students to lead them to a better understanding of values of team spirit in a corporate world,<br />

helping them at the same time to evaluate their own career plans, was another contribution to our social<br />

responsibility.<br />

Our Outlook<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>'s business strategy plan for 2008 calls for the expansion of its country wide presence to<br />

28 branches. Intensive skills training provided on management and staff level is another priority. In this<br />

regard the bank is developing in-house training and specific staff development programs. We will<br />

continue to promote our already successful "Junior Account" project through public awareness activities<br />

like TV spots, newspaper advertising, participating in trade fairs, leaflets etc. with the focus on parents<br />

awareness to save for their child's educational expenses. We plan to increase our ATM network to 50<br />

machines in 2008. The bank will further extend and improve its national and international transfer<br />

network with the cooperation of its partner MoneyGram International. In addition the <strong>Bank</strong> has<br />

recently entered into an agreement with China Union Pay to become the sole acquirer of CUP card or<br />

Chinese Credit Card, scheduled to go live during 2008. This challenging new service will lead our bank<br />

into a bigger share of the credit card market given increasing number of Chinese tourists and investors<br />

in Cambodia.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

On behalf of the board of directors, the bank management and myself, I would like to thank all<br />

customers and friends of <strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> for their support and loyalty. My best wishes also go in the<br />

direction of shareholders, regulators and suppliers.<br />

Once again it is also my pleasure to thank our employees at all levels for their dedication and hard work<br />

during the past year. Without our staffs and their teamwork we would not have achieved such<br />

outstanding results. I am looking forward to an even stronger human resource development in order to<br />

face future challenges and goals.<br />

Pung Kheav Se<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer<br />

25 June 2008<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 6 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

VISION<br />

To be a premier and a well-rounded local financial services group, dedicated to creating the highest<br />

levels of value for our clients, shareholders and employees, and at the same time producing long-term<br />

levels of industry-leading profitability and growth.<br />


We work as a unified team to understand our client's ever-changing requirements and exceeding their<br />

expectations by providing solutions to their business needs in this dynamic environment.<br />


Doing the right thing - We have the responsibility of being ethical ambassadors for our<br />

shareholders, communities and one another.<br />

customers,<br />

customers' satis-<br />

Trust and teamwork - We succeed together, taking collective responsibility for our<br />

faction.<br />

Inclusive meritocracy - We care about one another, value one another's differences, focus on results and<br />

strive to help all associates reach their full potential and get reward as well as recognition.<br />

Winning - We have a passion for achieving results and winning, for all our stakeholders and for one<br />

another.<br />

Leadership - We will be decisive and accountable leaders, taking action to help build a better future.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 7 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


Year ended 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006 2005 2004 2003<br />

(US$ million)<br />


Gross Revenue 43.63 30.93 23.48 17.67 13.86<br />

Net profit 20.<strong>11</strong> 12.52 6.03 3.78 3.47<br />

Total Assets 552.51 368.09 293.78 248.76 195.55<br />

Shareholders' Equity 73.17 60.14 43.67 27.55 21.47<br />

Loans (net) 332.40 205.41 157.73 129.50 96.52<br />

Deposits 458.31 293.33 237.68 214.42 165.54<br />


Return on Shareholders' Equity (RoE) 25.17% 20.80% 13.75% 13.29% 15.77%<br />

Return on Assets (RoA) 3.64% 3.40% 2.04% 1.49% 1.73%<br />

Interest margin to gross income 61.99% 61.59% 76.62% 67.56% 58.37%<br />

Expense to income ratio 42.37% 49.29% 67.89% 73.<strong>07</strong>% 74.89%<br />

Loans to Deposits 76.79% 74.13% 71.36% 66.22% 58.28%<br />

Solvency Ratio 16.71% 18.81% 15.94% 16.52% 18.00%<br />

Liquidity Ratio 61.05% 72.95% 71.60% 68.24% 85.00%<br />

Net worth (USD's million) 68.50 49.56 33.<strong>07</strong> 27.52 21.41<br />

Capital adequacy ratio 19.52% 22.83% 21.05% 16.54% 10.95%<br />

Earnings per share (US$/share) 0.50 0.30 0.23 0.16 0.19<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 8 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 9 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


Overall good business performance in all sectors, contributes to the healthy development of community<br />

and society. For this purpose, we recognise the importance of our mission to serve as a crucial part<br />

of the public infrastructure and also our social responsibilities. With such recognition, we undertake<br />

business operations that contribute to the steady development of Cambodia, and endeavor, as a good<br />

corporate citizen, to make a positive contribution to society. Major activities undertaken include:<br />

• Assisting the development of human resources in Cambodia, the <strong>Bank</strong> has provided<br />

171 internships for university students.<br />

• Donating total approximately US$343,000 to communities such as Cambodian Red<br />

Cross, Non-Profit Organizations and other communities.<br />


In <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, the <strong>Bank</strong>'s internal and external training programs were proactively implemented. The <strong>Bank</strong> has<br />

provided financial support for 31 staff members to undertake the ACCA training program both in<br />

Cambodia and overseas, and other staff are studying their MBA, and general English and Chinese language<br />

programs. In addition, the <strong>Bank</strong> has organised internal related training courses to enhance its staff<br />

capacity in skills of banking, accounting and stock exchange.<br />

The quality of training has been further improved in order to meet the requirements of business<br />

practices as well as development, modernization, competition and integration steps in line with the<br />

overall <strong>Bank</strong>'s business growth strategy.<br />


Although there is presently no code on corporate governance in Cambodia, the Board is fully committed<br />

to maintaining high standards of corporate governance as a matter of sound business practice to<br />

ensure the sustainable growth of the <strong>Bank</strong> and to protect the interest of various stakeholders.<br />

The composition of the Board has been changed to strengthen its capacity for setting the direction of<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong> and exercising oversight over management. Two executive directors and one independent<br />

director were appointed in <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>. The independent director has banking and auditing experience. Board<br />

members actively participated in the Board Meetings in <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> and are functioning effectively.<br />

The Audit Committee, who reports directly to the Board of Directors, reviews the audited financial<br />

statements to ensure that it conforms with accepted accounting principles and to give their judgments<br />

on items that might affect the financial position of the <strong>Bank</strong>. The Committee has the power to conduct<br />

or authorise investigations into any matter within its terms of reference.<br />


Being fully aware of the important role of risk management, the <strong>Bank</strong>'s Board of Directors has been<br />

particularly focused on this issue during the year. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) of the<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 10 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

Board, including two independent directors as member, has hold periodic meetings among members in<br />

order to assess risks of the bank and provide oversights about managing significant risks based on<br />

various sources of information and data with help of analytical and methodological framework. On the<br />

operational level, we have the Internal Audit that regularly performs the checking overview of the<br />

operations and transactions of the bank and then gives promptly corrective actions based thereon. We<br />

also have a head of Risk Management, also as Head of Credit Committee, who is also responsible for<br />

evaluating and monitoring risks exposed to granted credits. Moreover, each head of operating units has<br />

regularly been kept well informed of risks potentially or actually affecting the bank, especially their<br />

responsible unit.<br />


The <strong>Bank</strong>'s staff are required to perform their work diligently and honestly, always placing first, the<br />

interests of the <strong>Bank</strong>. In addition, all staff are deemed to have understood and accepted the duty to<br />

strictly abide by the <strong>Bank</strong>'s Code of Conduct which stipulates the following:<br />

• Not to solicit or to receive on an unsolicited basis gifts, commissions, kickbacks or valu<br />

ables of any kind from customers;<br />

• Not to use their position to conduct private business;<br />

• Not to conduct in any illegal or immoral activities acting in the capacity of the <strong>Bank</strong>'s staff;<br />

and<br />

• Not to engage in any acts, behaviors or arrangements causing a damage to the <strong>Bank</strong>'s repu<br />

tation and/or financial interest.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. <strong>11</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

No. 265 - 269<br />

Ang Duong Street<br />

Phnom Penh, Cambodia<br />



Before the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong> were drawn up, the directors took reasonable steps to ascertain<br />

that action had been taken in relation to the writing off of bad loans and the making of provisions<br />

for doubtful loans, and satisfied themselves that all known bad loans had been written off and that<br />

adequate provisions have been made for bad and doubtful loans.At the date of this report, the directors<br />

are not aware of any circumstances which would render the amount written off for bad loans or the<br />

amount of the provision for bad and doubtful loans in the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong> inadequate<br />

to any material extent.<br />


Before the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong> were drawn up, the directors took reasonable steps to ensure<br />

that any current assets, other than loans, which were unlikely to be realised in the ordinary course of<br />

business at their value as shown in the accounting records of the <strong>Bank</strong>, have been written down to an<br />

amount which they might be expected to realise.<br />

At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render the<br />

values attributed to the current assets in the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong> misleading in any<br />

material respect.<br />


At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances that have arisen which would<br />

render adherence to the existing method of valuation of assets and liabilities in the financial statements<br />

of the <strong>Bank</strong> misleading or inappropriate in any material respect.<br />


At the date of this report, there does not exist:<br />

(a) any charge on the assets of the <strong>Bank</strong> which has arisen since the end of the financial year<br />

which secures the liabilities of any other person, or<br />

(b) any contingent liability in respect of the <strong>Bank</strong> that has arisen since the end of the financial<br />

year other than in the ordinary course of banking business.<br />

No contingent or other liability of the <strong>Bank</strong> has become enforceable, or is likely to become enforceable<br />

within the period of twelve months after the end of the financial year which, in the opinion of the<br />

directors, will or may have a material effect on th e ability of the <strong>Bank</strong> to meet its obligations as and<br />

when they fall due.<br />


At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances, not otherwise dealt with in<br />

this report or the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong>, which would render any amount stated in the<br />

financial statements misleading in any material respect.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 13 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


The results of the operations of the <strong>Bank</strong> for the financial year were not, in the opinion of the directors,<br />

materially affected by any items, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature. There has<br />

not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item, transaction<br />

or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors, to substantially<br />

affect the results of the operations of the <strong>Bank</strong> for the year in which this report is made.<br />


The members of the Board of Directors holding office during the year and as at the date of this report are:<br />

Mr Pung Kheav Se, General Manager (Executive)<br />

Mrs Lim Sophany, Director (Executive)<br />

Mr Pung Way, Director (Executive)<br />

Mr Jimmy Leow Min Fong , Chairman of Audit Committee (Non-executive)<br />

Mr Charles Vann, Deputy General Manager (Executive)<br />

Mrs Pung Carolyne, Assistant to General Manager (Executive),<br />

(appointed on 10 February <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>)<br />

Mr Chen Lee Yiaw Hui, Senior Manager (Executive) (appointed on 10 February <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>)<br />

Mr Shen Jie Qing, (Non-executive) (appointed on 23 March <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>)<br />

Dr Sam Ghanty (resigned on 28 February <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>)<br />

The appointment of Mr Shen Jie Qing as a Director of the <strong>Bank</strong> is pending approval from the Central<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> as at the date of this report.<br />


The <strong>Bank</strong>'s directors who hold shares in CIHP, the ultimate parent company of the <strong>Bank</strong> are: Mr Pung<br />

Kheav Se, Mr Pung Way and Mrs Lim Sophany.<br />


During and at the end of the financial year, no arrangements existed, to which the <strong>Bank</strong> was a party, with<br />

the object of enabling directors of the <strong>Bank</strong> to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares<br />

in or debentures of the <strong>Bank</strong> or any other body corporate; and<br />

No director of the <strong>Bank</strong> has received or become entitled to receive any benefit by reason of a contract<br />

made by the <strong>Bank</strong> with the directors or with a firm of which the director is a member, or with a<br />

company which the director has a substantial financial interest other than those disclosed in the<br />

financial statements.<br />



The Board of Directors is responsible to ensure that the financial statements are properly drawn up so<br />

as to present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the <strong>Bank</strong> as at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

and of its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended. In preparing these financial<br />

statements, the Board of Directors are required to:<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 14 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

i) adopt appropriate accounting policies which are supported by reasonable and prudent judge<br />

ments and estimates and then apply them consistently;<br />

ii) comply with the disclosure requirements and guidelines issued by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and<br />

Cambodian Accounting Standards or, if there have been any departures in the interests of<br />

true and fair presentation, these have been appropriately disclosed, explained and quantified<br />

in the financial statements;<br />

iii) maintain adequate accounting records and an effective system of internal controls;<br />

iv) prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to assume<br />

that the <strong>Bank</strong> will continue operations in the foreseeable future; and<br />

v) effectively control and direct the <strong>Bank</strong> in all material decisions affecting the operations and<br />

performance and ascertain that such have been properly reflected in the financial statements.<br />

The Board of Directors confirm that the <strong>Bank</strong> has complied with the above requirements in preparing<br />

the financial statements.<br />

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.<br />

Mr Pung Kheav Se<br />

Gerneral Manager<br />

Date: 24 March 2008<br />

Mr Charles Vann<br />

Deputy General Manager<br />

Date: 24 March 2008<br />

Approval of Financial Statements<br />

The accompanying financial statements, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong> as at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then<br />

ended in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and Cambodian Accounting<br />

Standards, were approved by the Board of Directors.<br />

Mr Pung Kheav Se<br />

Gerneral Manager<br />

Date: 24 March 2008<br />

Mr Charles Vann<br />

Deputy General Manager<br />

Date: 24 March 2008<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 15 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

Independent Auditor’s <strong>Report</strong><br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers (Cambodia) Ltd<br />

124 Norodom Boulevard, Chamkarmon<br />

Phnom Penh<br />

Kingdom of Cambodia<br />

Tel : (855) 23 218 086<br />

Fax : (855) 23 2<strong>11</strong> 594<br />

To the Shareholders of <strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>.<br />

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of <strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. ("the <strong>Bank</strong>") which<br />

comprise the balance sheet as of 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> and the income statement, statement of changes in<br />

equity and cash flow statement for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting<br />

policies and other explanatory notes on pages 18 to 57.<br />

Board's Responsibility for the Financial Statements<br />

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial<br />

statements in accordance with guidelines issued by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and Cambodian Accounting<br />

Standards. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control<br />

relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material<br />

misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and<br />

making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.<br />

Auditor's Responsibility<br />

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We<br />

conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Standards require<br />

that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance<br />

whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.<br />

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in<br />

the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the<br />

assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or<br />

error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity's<br />

preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are<br />

appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness<br />

of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting<br />

policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as<br />

evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.<br />

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for<br />

our audit opinion.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 16 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

Opinion<br />

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the fin ancial<br />

position of the <strong>Bank</strong> as of 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for<br />

the year then ended in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and Cambodian<br />

Accounting Standards.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 17 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

taragtulükar<br />

naéfTI 31 ExFñÚ qñaM <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

kMNt; 31 FñÚ <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 31 FñÚ <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 31 FñÚ 2006 31 FñÚ 2006<br />

sMKal; duløarGaemrik lanerol duløarGaemrik lanerol<br />

¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦<br />

¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦<br />

RTBüskmμ<br />

sac;R)ak;kñúgéd 27>501>166 <strong>11</strong>0>087 25>141>461 101/998<br />

smtulüenAFnaKarkNþal 3 71>056>749 284>440 52>690>857 213>767<br />

smtulüCamYyFnaKar nigRKwHsßanhirBaØvtßúepSg² 4 79>785>657 319>382 55>998>868 227>187<br />

\NTan nigbuerRbTaneGayGtifiCn-suT§ 5 332>403>990 1>330>613 205>4<strong>07</strong>>545 833>338<br />

RTBüskmμepSg² 6 5>853>530 23>432 3>609>634 14>644<br />

vinieyaKTunkñúgFnaKarBaNiC¢kmμeRkARbeTs 7 10>580>000 42>352 10>580>000 42>924<br />

GclnRTBü 8 19>643>894 78>634 10>363>8<strong>07</strong> 42>046<br />

kmμviFIkMuBüÚT½r 9 1>172>275 4>693 99>522 404<br />

RTBüsm,tiþrwbGUs 10 4>512>741 18>065 4>198>690 17>035<br />

srubRTBüskmμ 552>510>002 2>2<strong>11</strong>>698 368>090>384 1>493>343<br />

RTBüGkmμ nigmUlniFiPaKTunik<br />

RTBüGkmμ<br />

R)ak;beBaØIrbs;FnaKarepSg² <strong>11</strong> 6>739>404 26>978 3>872>609 15>7<strong>11</strong><br />

R)ak;beBaØIGtifiCn 12 451>570>063 1>8<strong>07</strong>>635 289>458>459 1>174>333<br />

bMNulBn§elIR)ak;cMeNj 13 4>421>143 17>698 2>786>518 <strong>11</strong>>305<br />

bMNulepSg² 14 5>143>666 20>590 4>524>432 18>356<br />

kMcIepSg² 15 4>379>241 17>530 7>306>669 29>643<br />

bMNulbnÞab;bnSM 16 7>080>000 28>341 7>080>000 28>724<br />

srubRTBüGkmμ 479>333>517 1>918>772 315>028>687 1>278><strong>07</strong>2<br />

mUlniFiPaKTunik<br />

edImTunPaKh‘un 17 40>545>000 162>302 40>545>000 164>491<br />

cMeNjrkSaTuk 32>631>485 130>624 12>516>697 50>780<br />

srubmUlniFiPaKTunik 73>176>485 292>926 53>061>697 215>271<br />

srubRTBüGkmμ nigmUlniFiPaKTunik 552>510>002 2>2<strong>11</strong>>698 368>090>384 1>493>343<br />

kMNt;sMKal;EdlP¢ab;mkCamYyBITMB½rTI 30 dl; 57 KWCaEpñkmYyénr)aykarN_hirBaØvtßúenH .<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 18 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 19 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


AS AT 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

Note US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand 27,501,166 <strong>11</strong>0,087 25,141,461 101,998<br />

Balances with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> 3 71,056,749 284,440 52,690,857 213,767<br />

Balances with other banks and<br />

financial institutions 4 79,785,657 319,382 55,998,868 227,187<br />

Loans and advances to customers - net 5 332,403,990 1,330,613 205,4<strong>07</strong>,545 833,338<br />

Other assets 6 5,853,530 23,432 3,609,634 14,644<br />

Investment in the Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> 7 10,580,000 42,352 10,580,000 42,924<br />

Property and equipment 8 19,643,894 78,634 10,363,8<strong>07</strong> 42,046<br />

Computer software 9 1,172,275 4,693 99,522 404<br />

Properties foreclosed 10 4,512,741 18,065 4,198,690 17,035<br />

Total assets 552,510,002 2,2<strong>11</strong>,698 368,090,384 1,493,343<br />

Liabilities and Shareholder’s equity<br />

Liabilties<br />

Deposits and balances of other banks <strong>11</strong> 6,739,404 26,978 3,872,609 15,7<strong>11</strong><br />

Deposits from non-bank customers 12 451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

Current tax liabilities 13 4,421,143 17,698 2,786,518 <strong>11</strong>,305<br />

Other liabilities 14 5,143,666 20,590 4,524,432 18,356<br />

Borrowings 15 4,379,241 17,530 7,306,669 29,643<br />

Subordinated debt 16 7,080,000 28,341 7,080,000 28,724<br />

Total liabilities 479,333,517 1,918,772 315,028,687 1,278,<strong>07</strong>2<br />

Shareholder’s equity<br />

Share capital 17 40,545,000 162,302 40,545,000 164,491<br />

Retained earnings 32,631,485 130,624 12,516,697 50,780<br />

Total shareholders' equity 73,176,485 292,926 53,061,697 215,271<br />

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 552,510,002 2,2<strong>11</strong>,698 368,090,384 1,493,343<br />

The accompanying notes on pages 30 to 57 form an integral part of these financial statements.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 20 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

)aykarN_lT§pl<br />

sMrab;dMNac;qñaMéfTI31 ExFñÚ qñaM<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

kMNt; 31 FñÚ <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 31 FñÚ <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 31 FñÚ 2006 31 FñÚ 2006<br />

sMKal; duløarGaemrik lanerol duløarGaemrik lanerol<br />

¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦<br />

¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦<br />

cMNUlkarR)ak; 18 36>414>584 145>768 25>350>490 102>847<br />

cMNaykarR)ak; 19 ¬9>367>741¦ ¬37>499¦ ¬6>304>818¦ ¬25>579¦<br />

cMNUlkarR)ak;suT§ 27>046>843 108>269 19>045>672 77>268<br />

cMNUlkMér nigeCIgsar 20 5>523>652 22><strong>11</strong>1 4>403>523 17>865<br />

cMNaykMér nigeCIgsar ¬528><strong>07</strong>1¦ ¬2><strong>11</strong>4¦ ¬370>931¦ ¬1>505¦<br />

cMNUlkMér nigeCIgsarsuT§ 4>995>581 19>997 4>032>592 16>360<br />

cMNUlepSg² 1>690>935 6>768 1>171>273 4>752<br />

cMNayrdæ)alTUeTA 21 ¬7>449>198¦ ¬29>819¦ ¬6>313>951¦ ¬25>616¦<br />

cMeNjRbtibtiþkarmunkarxatbg;elIvisalPaB\NTan 26>284>161 105>215 17>935>586 72>764<br />

sMviFanFnsMrab;karxatbg;\NTan - suT§ 22 ¬1>140>676¦ ¬4>566¦ ¬2>254>535¦ ¬9>146¦<br />

cMeNjsuT§munbg;Bn§ 25>143>485 100>649 15>681>051 63>618<br />

Bn§elIR)ak;cMeNj 23 ¬5>028>697¦ ¬20>130¦ ¬3>164>356¦ ¬12>838¦<br />

cMeNjsuT§ 20><strong>11</strong>4>788 80>519 12>516>695 50>780<br />

kMNt;sMKal;EdlP¢ab;mkCamYyBITMB½rTI 30 dl; 57 KWCaEpñkmYyénr)aykarN_hirBaØvtßúenH .<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 21 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 22 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

Note US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Interest income 18 36,414,584 145,768 25,350,490 102,847<br />

Interest expense 19 (9,367,741) (37,499) (6,304,818) (25,579)<br />

Net interest income 27,046,843 108,269 19,045,672 77,268<br />

Fee and commission income 20 5,523,652 22,<strong>11</strong>1 4,403,523 17,865<br />

Fee and commission expense (528,<strong>07</strong>1) (2,<strong>11</strong>4) (370,931) (1,505)<br />

Net fee and commission income 4,995,581 19,997 4,032,592 16,360<br />

Other operating income 1,690,935 6,768 1,171,273 4,752<br />

General administrative expenses 21 (7,449,198) (29,819) (6,313,951) (25,616)<br />

Operating income before extensions of credit 26,284,161 105,215 17,935,586 72,764<br />

Provision for loan losses - net 22 (1,140,676) (4,566) (2,254,535) (9,146)<br />

Profit before income tax 25,143,485 100,649 15,681,051 63,618<br />

Income tax expense 23 (5,028,697) (20,130) (3,164,356) (12,838)<br />

Net income 20,<strong>11</strong>4,788 80,519 12,516,695 50,780<br />

The accompanying notes on pages 30 to 57 form an integral part of these financial statements.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 23 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

)aykarN_sþIBIkarERbRbYlmUlniFiPaKTunik<br />

sMrab;dMNac;qñaMéfTI31 ExFñÚ qñaM<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

edImTun cMeNjrkSaTuk srub<br />

duløarGaemrik duløarGaemrik duløarGaemrik<br />

smtulüenAéfTI 01 Ex mkra qñaM 2006 26>000>000 10>585>002 36>585>002<br />

cMeNjsuT§kñúgqñaM - 12>516>695 12>516>695<br />

cMNayCUnRkumRbwkSaPi)al - ¬40>000¦ ¬40>000¦<br />

bEnßmTunCasac;R)ak; 4>000>000 - 4>000>000<br />

cMNayPaKlaP - ¬10>545>000¦ ¬10>545>000¦<br />

TunbénßmBIkarvinieyaKeT,IgvijénPaKlaP 10>545>000 - 10>545>000<br />

smtulüenAéfTI 31 Ex FñÚ qñaM 2006 40>545>000 12>516>697 53>061>697<br />

smmUlCalanerol ¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦ 164>491 50>780 215>271<br />

smtulüenAéfTI 01 Ex mkra qñaM <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 40>545>000 12>516>697 53>061>697<br />

cMeNjsuT§kñúgqñaM - 20><strong>11</strong>4>788 20><strong>11</strong>4>788<br />

smtulüenAéfTI 31 Ex FñÚ qñaM <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 40>545>000 32>631>485 73>176>485<br />

smmUlCalanerol ¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦ 162>302 130>624 292>926<br />

kMNt;sMKal;EdlP¢ab;mkCamYyBITMB½rTI 30 dl; 57 KWCaEpñkmYyénr)aykarN_hirBaØvtßúenH .<br />

24 1<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 25 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Share Retained<br />

capital earnings Total<br />

US$ US$ US$<br />

Balance as at 1 January 2006 26,000,000 10,585,002 36,585,002<br />

Net profit for the year - 12,516,695 12,516,695<br />

Payment to the Board of Directors - (40,000) (40,000)<br />

Proceeds from issue of shares 4,000,000 - 4,000,000<br />

Dividends paid - (10,545,000) (10,545,000)<br />

Dividends reinvested in share capital 10,545,000 - 10,545,000<br />

Balance as at 31 December 2006 40,545,000 12,516,697 53,061,697<br />

In million Riel equivalents (Unaudited) 164,491 50,780 215,271<br />

Balance as at 1 January <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 40,545,000 12,516,697 53,061,697<br />

Net profit for the year - 20,<strong>11</strong>4,788 20,<strong>11</strong>4,788<br />

Balance as at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 40,545,000 32,631,485 73,176,485<br />

In million Riel equivalents (Unaudited) 162,302 130,624 292,926<br />

The accompanying notes on pages 30 to 57 form an integral part of these financial statements.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 26 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

)aykarN_lMhUrsac;R)ak;<br />

sMrab;dMNac;qñaMéfTI31 ExFñÚ qñaM<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006 2006<br />

duløarGaemrik lanerol duløarGaemrik lanerol<br />

¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦ ¬mineFVIsvnkmμ¦<br />

lMhUrsac;R)ak;)anmkBIskmμPaBRbtibtiþkar<br />

sac;R)ak;Edl)aneRbIR)as;kñúgRbtibtiþkar<br />

¬kMNt;sMKal; 24¦ 65>641>330 262>763 18>912>187 76>720<br />

Bn§elIR)ak;cMeNj)anbg; ¬3>394><strong>07</strong>2¦ ¬13>587¦ ¬1>635>851¦ ¬6>637¦<br />

sac;R)ak;suT§)anmkBIskmμPaBRbtibtiþkar 62>247>258 249>176 17>276>336 70>083<br />

lMhUrsac;R)ak;)anmkBIskmμPaBvinieyaK<br />

R)ak;beBaØIenAFnaKarkNþal ¬<strong>11</strong>>500>017¦ ¬46>035¦ ¬7>354>516¦ ¬29>837¦<br />

vinieyaKmUlb½Rt - - 2>214>014 8>982<br />

sac;R)ak;)anmkBIkarlk;GclnRTBü 90>146 361 735>469 2>984<br />

karTijGclnRTBü ¬10><strong>07</strong>9>408¦ ¬40>348¦ ¬3>638>297¦ ¬14>761¦<br />

karTijkmμviFIkMuBüÚT½r ¬1>162>108¦ ¬4>652¦ ¬7>144¦ ¬29¦<br />

sac;R)ak;suT§)anmkBIskmμPaBvinieyaK ¬22>651>387¦ ¬90>674¦ ¬8>050>474¦ ¬32>661¦<br />

lMhUrsac;R)ak;)anmkBIskmμPaBhirBaØb,Tan<br />

TunbEnßm - - 14>545>000 59>009<br />

PaKlaP)anbg; - - ¬10>545>000¦ ¬42>781¦<br />

sac;R)ak;)anmkBImUlniFikMcI - KfW - - 1>814>669 7>362<br />

TUTat;sgmUlniFikMcI - KfW ¬427>429¦ ¬1>710¦ - -<br />

TUTat;sgmUlniFikMcI -IFC ¬2>500>000¦ ¬10>008¦ - -<br />

sac;R)ak;)anmkBIskmμPaBhirBaØb,Tan ¬2>927>429¦ ¬<strong>11</strong>>718¦ 5>814>669 23>590<br />

karERbRbYlsuT§énsac;R)ak; nigsmmUlsac;R)ak; 36>668>442 146>784 15>040>531 61>019<br />

sac;R)ak; nigsmmUlsac;R)ak; ³<br />

naedImkariybriecäT 103>219>382 413>187 88>178>851 357>742<br />

nacugkariybriecäT ¬kMNt;sMKal;25¦ 139>887>824 559>971 103>219>382 418>761<br />

kMNt;sMKal;EdlP¢ab;mkCamYyBITMB½rTI 30 dl; 57 KWCaEpñkmYyénr)aykarN_hirBaØvtßúenH .<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 27 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

30 57<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 28 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Cash flows from operating activities<br />

Cash used in operations (note 24) 65,641,330 262,763 18,912,187 76,720<br />

Income tax paid (3,394,<strong>07</strong>2) (13,587) (1,635,851) (6,637)<br />

Net cash generated from operating activities 62,247,258 249,176 17,276,336 70,083<br />

Cash flows from Investing activities<br />

Statutory deposits and reserve account<br />

with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> (<strong>11</strong>,500,017) (46,035) (7,354,516) (29,837)<br />

Investment in securities - - 2,214,014 8,982<br />

Proceeds from sale of property and<br />

equipment 90,146 361 735,469 2,984<br />

Purchases of property and equipment (10,<strong>07</strong>9,408) (40,348) (3,638,297) (14,761)<br />

Purchases of computer software (1,162,108) (4,652) (7,144) (29)<br />

Net cash generated from investing activities (22,651,387) (90,674) (8,050,474) (32,661)<br />

Cash flows from financing activities<br />

Proceeds from issue of shares - - 14,545,000 59,009<br />

Dividends paid - - (10,545,000) (42,781)<br />

Proceed from borrowing - KfW - - 1,814,669 7,362<br />

Repayment of borrowed funds - KfW (427,429) (1,710) - -<br />

Repayments of borrowed funds - IFC (2,500,000) (10,008) - -<br />

Net cash generated from financing activities (2,927,429) (<strong>11</strong>,718) 5,814,669 23,590<br />

Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 36,668,442 146,784 15,040,531 61,019<br />

Cash and cash equivalents:<br />

At beginning of year 103,219,382 413,187 88,178,851 357,742<br />

At end of year (Note 25) 139,887,824 559,971 103,219,382 418,761<br />

The accompanying notes on pages 30 to 57 form an integral part of these financial statements.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 29 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

1- Background Information<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. was incorporated in 1991 under a joint venture between the National <strong>Bank</strong> of<br />

Cambodia ("the Central <strong>Bank</strong>") and certain overseas Cambodians. On 4 February 1998, the Central <strong>Bank</strong><br />

disposed of all its shares to private investors.<br />

In 2001, the Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation ("OCIC"), a public limited company<br />

incorporated in the Kingdom of Cambodia, acquired 100% of the shares of the <strong>Bank</strong> and con<br />

sequently became the holding company of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

During the year, OCIC conducted a corporate restructuring whereby it has transferred its investment in<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong> to <strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong> ("CIHP"), a newly established company. The restructuring<br />

was approved by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and the Ministry of Commerce. Consequently, CIHP is now the new<br />

holding company of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

The principal activities of the <strong>Bank</strong> comprise the operations of core banking business and the provision<br />

of related financial services through its head office and various branches in Phnom Penh and the<br />

provinces. The <strong>Bank</strong> holds a commercial banking license which was renewed for an indefinite period on<br />

18 October 2006. There have been no significant changes in the nature of these principal activities<br />

during the year.<br />

The registered office of the <strong>Bank</strong> is currently located at No. 265-269 Ang Duong Street, Phnom Penh,<br />

Kingdom of Cambodia.<br />

As at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, the <strong>Bank</strong> has 602 employees (31 December 2006: 460 employees).<br />

2- Summary of Significant Account Policies<br />

The significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set out<br />

below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.<br />

2.1- Basis of preparation<br />

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> and Cambodian Accounting Standards. The financial statements have been prepared under the<br />

historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of properties foreclosed. The accompanying<br />

financial statements are prepared for jurisdiction of Cambodia and are not intended to present the<br />

financial position, financial performance and cash flows in accordance with generally accepted<br />

accounting principles and practice in other countries and those who are not informed about Cambodia's<br />

accounting principles, procedures and practices.<br />

For the sole purpose of complying with Announcement No. B795-139-AN dated 5 December 1995 of<br />

the Central <strong>Bank</strong>, a translation to Khmer Riel is provided for the balance sheet, the income statement,<br />

the statement of changes in equity, the cash flow statement and the notes to the financial statements as<br />

of and for the year ended 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> using the official rate of exchange regulated by the Central<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> as at the reporting date, which was US$1 to Riel 4,003 (31 December 2006: US$1 to Riel 4,057).<br />

Such translation amounts are unaudited and should not be construed as representations that the US$<br />

amounts represent, or have been or could be, converted into Khmer Riel at that or any other rate.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 30 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

2- Summary of Significant Account Policies (Continued)<br />

2.2- Foreign currency transactions<br />

Items included in the financial statements of the <strong>Bank</strong> are measured using United States dollars (US$).<br />

The financial statements are presented in US$, a widely accepted currency in Cambodia.<br />

Transactions in currencies other than US$ are translated into US$ at the exchange rate prevailing at the<br />

date of transaction. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions<br />

and from the translation at the year end exchange rate from monetary assets and liabilities denominated<br />

in currencies other than US$, are recognised in the income statement.<br />

The principal rates used to translate monetary assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date are:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

Khmer Riel RIEL 4,003 4,057<br />

Euro EUR 0.68 0.76<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong>n dollars CAD 0.97 1.16<br />

Great British Pound GBP 0.50 0.51<br />

Hong Kong dollars HKD 7.69 7.69<br />

Japanese Yen JPY 100.00 125.00<br />

Thai Baht THB 40.00 40.00<br />

Australian dollars AUD 1.12 1.27<br />

2.3- Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand and deposits and placements with the Central <strong>Bank</strong>,<br />

other banks and other financial institutions with original maturities of three months or less.<br />

2.4- Statutory deposits with the Central <strong>Bank</strong><br />

Statutory deposits represent mandatory reserve deposits and cash maintained with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> in<br />

compliance with the Law on <strong>Bank</strong>ing and Financial Institutions and are not available to finance the<br />

<strong>Bank</strong>'s day-to-day operations. These statutory deposits are not considered as part of cash and cash<br />

equivalents for the purpose of the cash flow statement.<br />

2.5- Loans and advances to customers<br />

All loans and advances to customers are stated in the balance sheet as the amount of principal, less any<br />

amounts written off and the provision for loan losses. Short term loans are those with a repayment<br />

date within one year of the date the loan was advanced. Long term loans are those with a final repayment<br />

date of more than one year of the date the loan was advanced.<br />

Loans are written off when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Recoveries of loans and advances<br />

previously written off or provided for decrease the amount of the provision for losses on loans and<br />

advances in the income statement.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 31 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

2- Summary of Significant Account Policies (Continued)<br />

2.6- Provision for loan losses<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> is required to follow the mandatory credit classification and provisioning as required by Prakas<br />

B7-02-145 dated 7 June 2002 issued by the Central <strong>Bank</strong>. The Prakas requires commercial banks to<br />

classify their loan portfolio into four classes and the mandatory level of specific provisioning is<br />

provided, depending on the classification concerned and regardless of the assets (except cash) pledged<br />

as collateral as following:<br />

Rate of provision<br />

Standard 0%<br />

Substandard 10%<br />

Doubtful 30%<br />

Loss 100%<br />

2.7- Foreclosed properties<br />

Foreclosed properties are carried at the lower of the outstanding balance of the related loan or advance<br />

and the estimated net realisable value of the property at the date of foreclosure. Gains/losses are<br />

recognised in the statement of income at the date of disposal.<br />

2.8- Investment in Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> of Cambodia<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> entered into a sale and purchase agreement on 28 October 2005 with the Privatisation<br />

Committee (acting on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia), to acquire 46% of the share<br />

capital of Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> of Cambodia ("FTB"). This investment was recognised at cost and<br />

accounted for using the accounting for investments in accordance with the Cambodia Accounting<br />

Standard ("CAS") 25. The dividend income received from the investment in FTB is credited to the<br />

income statement.<br />

2.9- Other credit related commitments<br />

In the normal course of business, the <strong>Bank</strong> enters into other credit related commitments including loan<br />

commitments, letters of credit and guarantees. The accounting policy and provision methodology are<br />

similar to those for originated loans as noted above. Specific provisions are raised against other credit<br />

related commitments when losses are considered probable.<br />

2.10 -Interest Income and Expenses<br />

Interest earned on loans and advances to customers, deposits with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and other banks are<br />

recognised on a daily accruals basis, except where serious doubt exists as to the collectibility of loans and<br />

advances to customers, in which case, no interest income is recognised. The policy on the suspension of<br />

interest is in conformity with the Central <strong>Bank</strong>'s guidelines on the suspension of interest on non-performing<br />

loans and provision for bad and doubtful debts.<br />

Interest expense on deposits of customer and settlement accounts of other banks and borrowings are<br />

recognised on a daily accruals basis.<br />

2.<strong>11</strong>- Fee and Commission Income<br />

Fee and commission income is generally recognised on an accruals basis when the service has been<br />

provided. Fee and commission income comprises income received from inward and outward bank<br />

transfers, bank guarantees, letters of credit, ATM/Visa and Mastercard charges. Loan commitment fees<br />

are deferred and recongised as other income in the income statement over the loan term. Unamortised<br />

loan commitment fees are presented as a deduction to loan.In previous reporting periods, loan<br />

commitment fees were recongised as income when incurred. No restatement of prior year's accounts<br />

was made as the amount was immaterial.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 32 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

2- Summary of Significant Account Policies (Continued)<br />

2.12- Property and Equipment<br />

Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation, except freehold land which is<br />

not depreciated. Repairs and maintenance costs are charged to the income statement during the<br />

financial year in which they are incurred. The following rates and method of depreciation are used to<br />

allocate their cost to income statement:<br />

Buildings - straight-line 5%<br />

Renovations - straight-line 5%<br />

Motor vehicles - declining 25%<br />

Office equipment and furniture - declining 25%<br />

Computers and IT equipment - declining 50%<br />

2.13- Operating Lease<br />

Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor<br />

are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases are charged to the income statement<br />

on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.<br />

2.14- Computer Software<br />

Acquired computer software licenses are capitalised on the basis of cost incurred to acquired the specific<br />

software and bring it to use. These costs are amortised over two-year period using declining balance<br />

method. Costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software programmes are<br />

recognised as an expense as incurred.<br />

2.15- Income Tax<br />

Income tax is calculated on the basis of taxable profit, which is calculated by adjusting the financial<br />

result for certain expense items in accordance with Cambodian regulations. Taxes other than on income<br />

are recorded within operating expenses.<br />

Deferred income tax will be provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences<br />

arising between tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements.<br />

Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be<br />

available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.<br />

2.16- Subordinated Debts<br />

Subordinated debts are treated as financial liabilities for financial reporting purpose and included as a<br />

Tier II line item in the calculation of the <strong>Bank</strong>'s net worth in accordance with the guidelines of the<br />

Central <strong>Bank</strong>. Subordinated debts are interest-free with no fixed terms of repayment.<br />

2.17- Related Party Transactions<br />

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or can exercise<br />

significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions.<br />

In accordance with the Law on <strong>Bank</strong>ing and Financial Institutions, related parties are defined as parties<br />

who hold, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of the capital or voting rights and includes any individual<br />

who participates in the administration, direction, management or internal control of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

Transactions with related parties and related account balances are disclosed in note 27 to the financial<br />

statements.<br />

2.18- Comparative Figures<br />

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year's presentation of the<br />

financial statements.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 33 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

3. Balances with Central <strong>Bank</strong><br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Current accounts, non-interest bearing 8,601,000 34,430 7,735,124 31,381<br />

Term deposits, Interest bearing 25,000,000 100,<strong>07</strong>5 19,000,000 77,083<br />

Statutory capital deposit, non-interest bearing 4,054,500 16,230 4,054,500 16,449<br />

Reserve deposits, non interest bearing 33,401,249 133,705 21,901,233 88,854<br />

71,056,749 284,440 52,690,857 213,767<br />

Term deposits with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> will mature within one month and earn interest at the rates<br />

ranging from 4.00% to 4.19% per annum (2006: 3.79% to 4.06% per annum).<br />

Under Prakas No. B7-01-136 dated 15 October 2001; the <strong>Bank</strong> is required to maintain a statutory<br />

deposit of 10% of its registered capital. This statutory deposit is interest bearing at 1/2 of the six-month<br />

period refinancing rate set by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> for statutory deposits maintained in Riel and 3/8<br />

six-month SIBOR rate for statutory deposits maintained in US$.<br />

Reserve accounts represent the minimum reserve requirement which is calculated at 8% of the total<br />

deposits from customers and settlement accounts of other banks.<br />

4- Balances with other banks and financial institutions<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

In Cambodia:<br />

hhhCurrent accounts, non-interest bearing 740,862 2,966 427,210 1,733<br />

Outside Cambodia:<br />

hhhCurrent accounts 78,044,795 312,413 50,915,586 206,564<br />

hhhFixed deposits 1,000,000 4,003 4,656,<strong>07</strong>2 18,890<br />

79,785,657 319,382 55,998,868 227,187<br />

Analysis by maturity:<br />

hhhWithin one month 78,785,657 315,379 51,342,796 208,297<br />

hhhOne to three months 1,000,000 4,003 4,656,<strong>07</strong>2 18,890<br />

79,785,657 319,382 55,998,868 227,187<br />

Current accounts with banks outside Cambodia earn interest at the rate from 0% to 5.14% (2006: 0% to<br />

5.21%). Fixed deposits earn interest at 5% per annum (2006: 5% per annum).<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 34 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

5- Loans and Advances to customers<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Commercial loans:<br />

nnnOverdrafts 79,924,839 319,939 57,814,259 234,552<br />

nnnShort term loans 134,021,723 536,489 82,428,900 334,414<br />

nnnLong term loans 87,452,221 350,<strong>07</strong>1 51,3<strong>07</strong>,270 208,153<br />

nnnMicro-financing loans 147,5<strong>07</strong> 590 145,398 592<br />

301,546,290 1,2<strong>07</strong>,089 191,695,827 777,7<strong>11</strong><br />

Consumer loans:<br />

nnnMortgage loans 43,778,017 175,243 25,215,490 102,299<br />

nnnCredit cards 1,028,354 4,<strong>11</strong>7 530,043 2,150<br />

nnnOther consumer loans 385,501 1,544 - -<br />

45,191,872 180,904 25,745,533 104,449<br />

Total loans (gross) 346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

Provisions for loan losses - specific (*) (13,176,166) (52,744) (12,033,815) (48,822)<br />

Unamortised loan commitment fees (1,158,006) (4,636) - -<br />

(*) Movements on the provisions for loan losses are as follows:<br />

332,403,990 1,330,613 205,4<strong>07</strong>,545 833,338<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

At beginning of the year 12,033,815 48,171 9,856,220 39,987<br />

nnnExchange differences 2,235 9 1,962 8<br />

nnnCharges for the year 16,772,419 67,140 8,719,679 35,376<br />

nnnAmount written off (560) (2) (78,902) (320)<br />

nnnRecovery during the year (15,631,743) (62,574) (6,465,144) (26,229)<br />

At end of the year 13,176,166 52,744 12,033,815 48,822<br />

Further classification of loans and advances to customers (gross) is as follows:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Standard loans:<br />

nnn- Secured 322,512,095 1,291,016 178,366,178 723,632<br />

nnn- Unsecured 432,3<strong>11</strong> 1,731 557,837 2,263<br />

Substandard loans:<br />

nnn- Secured 6,824,523 27,319 15,054,774 61,<strong>07</strong>7<br />

nnn- Unsecured - - - -<br />

Doubtful loans:<br />

nnn- Secured 6,393,600 25,593 18,471,762 74,939<br />

nnn- Unsecured - - - -<br />

Loss loans:<br />

nnn- Secured 10,575,633 42,334 4,990,809 20,249<br />

nnn- Unsecured - - - -<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 35 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

5- Loans and Advances to customers (Continued)<br />

Further analysis of the above loans and advances to customers (gross) is provided below:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(a) Analysis by maturity<br />

nnn1 - 3 months 6,938,627 27,775 2,851,888 <strong>11</strong>,570<br />

nnn4 - 6 months 8,251,982 33,033 1,728,232 7,0<strong>11</strong><br />

nnn7 - 12 months 192,375,703 770,080 126,829,723 514,548<br />

nnnOver 1 year but within 3 years 87,303,867 349,477 55,640,688 225,735<br />

nnnOver 3 years but within 5 years 12,594,433 50,415 9,533,679 38,678<br />

nnnOver 5 years 39,273,550 157,213 20,857,150 84,618<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

(b) Analysis by currency<br />

nnnUS Dollar 345,465,486 1,382,898 215,609,730 874,729<br />

nnnKhmer Riel 147,508 591 247,590 1,004<br />

nnnThai Baht 1,125,168 4,504 1,584,040 6,427<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

(c) Analysis by residence<br />

nnnResidents 346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

(d) Analysis by relationship<br />

nnnNon-related parties 346,502,898 1,387,051 217,422,159 882,082<br />

nnnRelated parties 235,264 942 19,201 78<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

(e) Analysis by industry<br />

nnnManufacturing 32,429,041 129,813 17,392,828 70,563<br />

nnnBuilding and construction 87,297,636 349,452 56,645,481 229,8<strong>11</strong><br />

nnnMortgage 43,782,506 175,261 25,215,490 102,299<br />

nnnWholesale and retail 70,570,455 282,494 33,971,257 137,821<br />

nnnImport and export 13,850,276 55,443 6,391,476 25,930<br />

nnnTransportation, storage and communication <strong>11</strong>,293,512 45,208 5,3<strong>07</strong>,483 21,532<br />

nnnServices 75,747,889 303,219 66,310,152 269,020<br />

nnnAgriculture 4,220,175 16,893 2,192,795 8,898<br />

nnnProfessional and private individuals 1,028,354 4,<strong>11</strong>7 553,236 2,244<br />

nnnOthers 6,518,318 26,093 3,461,162 14,042<br />

346,738,162 1,387,993 217,441,360 882,160<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 36 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

5- Loans and Advances to customers (Continued)<br />

(f) Interest rates<br />

The annual interest rates that applied during the year are as follows:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

Overdrafts 6% - 18% 6% - 18%<br />

Short term loans 7.2% - 21.6% 6.0% - 24%<br />

Long term loans 7.2% - 16.8% 7.2% - 18.0%<br />

Venture capital loans 5%-6.5% 4%-6%<br />

Micro-financing loans 12% - 21.6% 12% - 21.6%<br />

Mortgage loans 7.2% - 12% 7.2% - 18%<br />

Credit card facilities 18% - 22% 18% - 22%<br />

6- Other Assets<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Deposits with companies outside Cambodia 234,890 940 259,066 1,051<br />

Accrued interest receivable 1,475,025 5,905 729,654 2,960<br />

Prepaid expenses 44,663 179 46,095 187<br />

Advances to constructors - - 728,226 2,954<br />

Other advances 734,152 2,939 564,005 2,288<br />

Travelers cheques purchased 36,517 146 135,028 548<br />

Guarantee deposits for MasterCard and Visa 940,<strong>11</strong>9 3,763 900,878 3,655<br />

Foreclosed property receivable 900,000 3,603 - -<br />

Other debtors 1,488,164 5,957 246,682 1,001<br />

7- Investment in Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> Of Cambodia<br />

5,853,530 23,432 3,609,634 14,644<br />

On 28 October 2005, the <strong>Bank</strong> entered into a sale and purchase agreement with the Privatisation<br />

Committee (acting on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia), to acquire 46% of the share<br />

capital of Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> of Cambodia ("FTB") for a consideration of US$ 10,580,000.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 37 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

8. Property and Equipment<br />

Assets<br />

Computer<br />

Freehold under Furniture Office and IT<br />

land Building construction and fixtures equipment equipment Vehicles Total<br />

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

At 1 January 2006<br />

Cost 4,<strong>11</strong>4,764 2,914,195 978,010 267,672 1,272,810 1,234,706 871,121 <strong>11</strong>,653,278<br />

Accumulated depreciation - (988,954) - (210,945) (1,130,404) (832,197) (455,506) (3,618,006)<br />

Net book amount 4,<strong>11</strong>4,764 1,925,241 978,010 56,727 142,406 402,509 415,615 8,035,272<br />

Year ended 31 December 2006<br />

Opening net book amount 4,<strong>11</strong>4,764 1,925,241 978,010 56,727 142,406 402,509 415,615 8,035,272<br />

Additions 100,900 26,515 3,<strong>11</strong>9,193 61,590 158,005 85,494 86,600 3,638,297<br />

Disposals/transfers (730,874) - - - (495) - (25,571) (756,940)<br />

Depreciation charge - (146,153) - (18,659) (60,122) (221,300) (106,588) (552,822)<br />

Closing net book value 3,484,790 1,805,603 4,097,203 99,658 239,794 266,703 370,056 10,363,8<strong>07</strong><br />

At 31 December 2006<br />

Cost 3,484,790 2,940,710 4,097,203 244,960 642,2<strong>11</strong> 1,080,852 925,921 13,416,647<br />

Accumulated depreciation - (1,135,1<strong>07</strong>) - (145,302) (402,417) (814,149) (555,865) (3,052,840)<br />

Net book amount 3,484,790 1,805,603 4,097,203 99,658 239,794 266,703 370,056 10,363,8<strong>07</strong><br />

In million Riel (unaudited) 14,138 7,325 16,622 404 973 1,082 1,502 42,046<br />

Year ended 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Opening net book amount 3,484,790 1,805,603 4,097,203 99,658 239,794 266,703 370,056 10,363,8<strong>07</strong><br />

Additions 360,000 322,691 7,583,8<strong>11</strong> 170,844 374,665 777,914 489,483 10,<strong>07</strong>9,408<br />

Disposals - net - - - (2,025) (1,148) - (85,599) (88,772)<br />

Depreciation charge - (150,122) - (38,397) (100,998) (297,587) (123,445) (710,549)<br />

Closing net book value 3,844,790 1,978,172 <strong>11</strong>,681,014 230,080 512,313 747,030 650,495 19,643,894<br />

At 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Cost 3,844,790 3,261,401 <strong>11</strong>,681,014 413,330 1,008,039 1,733,515 1,314,813 23,258,902<br />

Accumulated depreciation - (1,285,229) - (183,250) (495,726) (986,485) (664,318) (3,615,008)<br />

Net book amount 3,844,790 1,978,172 <strong>11</strong>,681,014 230,080 512,313 747,030 650,495 19,643,894<br />

In million Riel (Unaudited) 15,391 7,919 46,759 921 2,051 2,989 2,604 78,634<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 38 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

9- Computer Software<br />

Work in<br />

Software progress Total<br />

US$ US$ US$<br />

At 1 January 2006<br />

Cost 478,251 - 478,251<br />

Accumulated amortisation (296,850) - (296,850)<br />

Net book amount 181,401 - 181,401<br />

Year ended 31 December 2006<br />

Opening net book amount 181,401 - 181,401<br />

Additions 7,144 - 7,144<br />

Allocations (14) - (14)<br />

Amortisation charge (89,009) - (89,009)<br />

Closing net book amount 99,522 - 99,522<br />

At 31 December 2006<br />

Cost 485,395 - 485,395<br />

Accumulated amortisation (385,873) - (385,873)<br />

Net book amount 99,522 - 99,522<br />

In million Riel equivalents (unaudited) 404 - 404<br />

Year ended 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Opening net book amount 99,522 - 99,522<br />

Additions 106,483 1,055,625 1,162,108<br />

Amortisation charge (89,355) - (89,355)<br />

Closing net book amount <strong>11</strong>6,650 1,055,625 1,172,275<br />

At 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Cost 591,878 1,055,625 1,647,503<br />

Accumulated amortisation (475,228) - (475,228)<br />

Net book amount <strong>11</strong>6,650 1,055,625 1,172,275<br />

In million Riel equivalents (unaudited) 467 4,226 4,693<br />

10- Properties Foreclosed<br />

These represent the collaterals held for loans which are in default and have been foreclosed in the<br />

ordinary course of banking operations. Foreclosed properties are accounted for in accordance with note<br />

2.7. These assets are not held for operational purposes and will be disposed of in order to recover the<br />

outstanding amount within the maximum allowable period of twelve months as per the guidelines issued<br />

by the Central <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 39 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

<strong>11</strong>- Deposits and Balances of other banks<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Current accounts 3,996,884 16,000 2,361,292 9,580<br />

Saving accounts 2,742,520 10,978 1,5<strong>11</strong>,317 6,131<br />

6,739,404 26,978 3,872,609 15,7<strong>11</strong><br />

Current accounts are non interest bearing. Saving accounts of other banks earn interest rate at 0.75%<br />

per annum (2006: 0.75% per annum).<br />

12- Deposits from Non-<strong>Bank</strong> Customers<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(a) Analysis by category<br />

nnnCurrent accounts 29,873,554 <strong>11</strong>9,584 17,895,055 72,600<br />

nnnSaving accounts 255,969,220 1,024,645 142,029,873 576,215<br />

nnnFixed deposits 165,151,846 661,103 128,033,027 519,430<br />

nnnMargin deposits 575,443 2,303 1,500,504 6,088<br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

Margin deposits represent the aggregate balance of required non-interest bearing cash deposits from<br />

customers for letters of credit and guarantee outstanding at year end (note 26)<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(b) Analysis by maturity<br />

nnnWithin 1 month 285,842,774 1,144,229 162,227,805 658,158<br />

nnn1 to 3 months 28,957,230 <strong>11</strong>5,916 47,392,359 192,271<br />

nnn4 to 6 months 20,805,476 83,284 20,830,920 84,5<strong>11</strong><br />

nnn7 to 12 months 35,514,774 142,166 46,057,776 186,856<br />

nnnOver 1 year but within 3 years 80,449,809 322,040 12,949,599 52,537<br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 40 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

12- Deposits from Non-<strong>Bank</strong> Customers (Continued)<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(c) Analysis by resident status<br />

nnnResidents 447,<strong>11</strong>4,874 1,789,801 286,172,351 1,161,001<br />

nnnNon-residents 4,455,189 17,834 3,286,108 13,332<br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

(d) Analysis by relationship<br />

nnnRelated parties 514,751 2,061 646,302 2,622<br />

nnnExternal customers 451,055,312 1,805,574 288,812,157 1,171,7<strong>11</strong><br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

(e) Analysis by currency<br />

nnnUS dollar 445,153,522 1,781,950 282,835,562 1,147,463<br />

nnnKhmer riel 4,282,805 17,144 4,766,953 19,340<br />

nnnThai baht 2,022,745 8,097 1,614,990 6,552<br />

nnnGold <strong>11</strong>0,991 444 240,954 978<br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

(f) Analysis by customer<br />

nnnGovernment and state enterprises 17,890,792 71,617 18,672,525 75,754<br />

nnnBusiness enterprises 168,892,526 676,<strong>07</strong>7 90,<strong>11</strong>8,252 365,610<br />

nnnOther financial institutions 170,582 683 - -<br />

nnnIndividuals 253,650,445 1,015,363 173,682,961 704,632<br />

nnnNot-for-profit organisations 5,733,000 22,949 2,730,421 <strong>11</strong>,<strong>07</strong>7<br />

nnnOther 5,232,718 20,946 4,254,300 17,260<br />

(g) Interest rates<br />

451,570,063 1,8<strong>07</strong>,635 289,458,459 1,174,333<br />

The current accounts and margin deposits are not interest bearing. The saving and fixed deposits bear<br />

the following interest rates per annum:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

nnnSaving deposits 0.75 - 2.00 0.75 - 2.00<br />

nnnFixed deposits 3.00 - 9.60 3.00 - 6.50<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 41 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

13- Current Tax Liabilities<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Balance at beginning of the year 2,786,518 <strong>11</strong>,154 1,258,013 5,104<br />

Charge for the year 5,028,697 20,130 3,164,356 12,838<br />

Income tax paid during the year (3,394,<strong>07</strong>2) (13,586) (1,635,851) (6,637)<br />

4,421,143 17,698 2,786,518 <strong>11</strong>,305<br />

Provision for income tax is calculated by applying accounting net income before tax to the corporate tax<br />

rate. No effect has been taken into account on items deemed not deductible by the Law on Taxation.<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> has obtained tax clearance up to the fiscal year 2004. The remaining tax years are currently<br />

being reassessed by the Tax Department and accordingly its tax for these years are not considered final.<br />

The outcome of a tax audit cannot, at present be determined.<br />

14- Other Liabilities<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Accrued interest payable 3,641,960 14,579 2,523,841 10,239<br />

Provision for L/C claim - - 862,360 3,499<br />

Suspense account remittance - - 192,767 782<br />

Tax payable 100,716 403 67,731 275<br />

Accounts payable 42,288 169 5,<strong>07</strong>9 21<br />

Accrued expense 152,697 6<strong>11</strong> 1<strong>07</strong>,516 436<br />

Amount due to MasterCard International 538,050 2,154 333,059 1,351<br />

Staff bonus payable 251,658 1,0<strong>07</strong> 185,324 752<br />

Other liabilities 416,297 1,667 246,755 1,001<br />

5,143,666 20,590 4,524,432 18,356<br />

15- Borrowings<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Borrowed funds from IFC - - 2,500,000 10,143<br />

Borrowed funds from KfW through MoEF 4,379,241 17,530 4,806,669 19,500<br />

4,379,241 17,530 7,306,669 29,643<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 42 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

15- Borrowings (Continued)<br />

The US$2,500,000 borrowed from the International Finance Corporation ("IFC") was the result of a<br />

Loan Agreement between the <strong>Bank</strong> and the IFC dated 20 September 2004 whereby IFC agreed to lend<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong> US$2,500,000 to be loaned out to eligible sub-borrowers to finance acquisition of residential<br />

property in Cambodia. On 22 January <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, the <strong>Bank</strong> fully settled IFC's loan.<br />

The US$4,592,955 borrowed from KfW through the Ministry of Economy and Finance ("MoEF") is<br />

the result of loan and finance agreements between the <strong>Bank</strong>, KfW and MoEF dated 23 April 2003 for<br />

SME term-lending I and dated 18 October 2005 for SME term-lending II. The agreements stipulate that<br />

the funds borrowed from KfW, through MoEF shall be sub-lent to Small and Medium Enterprises<br />

("SME") to build SME capacity in Cambodia. The sub-loans are classified as an asset of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

During the year, the <strong>Bank</strong> repaid US$427,428 to MoEF.<br />

The interest rates during the year were as follows:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

IFC 8.67% - 9.36% 6.67% - 8.67%<br />

KfW 5.01% - 6.00% 4.34% - 4.88%<br />

16- Subordinated debt<br />

On 28 October 2005, the <strong>Bank</strong> entered into an agreement with Mr Pung Kheav Se (a main shareholder<br />

of the <strong>Bank</strong> through CIHP) to provide the <strong>Bank</strong> with a subordinated loan of US$ 7,080,000 for the purpose<br />

of acquiring shares in the Foreign Trade <strong>Bank</strong> of Cambodia. This subordinated debt is interest free<br />

with no fixed terms of repayment. This subordinated debt was approved in principle by the Central <strong>Bank</strong><br />

on 28 December 2005.<br />

This subordinated debt is treated as a liability for financial reporting purpose and included as capital Tier<br />

II for the <strong>Bank</strong>'s Net Worth calculation in accordance with Guidelines of the Central <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

17- Share Capital<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong> (CIHP) 40,545,000 162,302 - -<br />

Overseas Cambodian Investment<br />

nnnCorporation (OCIC) - - 40,545,000 164,491<br />

40,545,000 162,302 40,545,000 164,491<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 43 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

17- Share Capital (Continued)<br />

During the year, OCIC conducted a corporate restructuring whereby it has transferred its investment in<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong> to <strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong> ("CIHP"), a newly established company. The restructuring<br />

was approved by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> and the Ministry of Commerce. Consequently, CIHP is now the<br />

new holding company of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

The total authorised amount of share capital as at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> was 40,545,000 shares (2006:<br />

40,545,000 shares) with a par value of US$ 1 per share.<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

At beginning of the year 40,545,000 162,302 26,000,000 105,482<br />

Increase during the year - - 4,000,000 16,228<br />

Dividends paid and re-invested - - 10,545,000 42,781<br />

At end of the year 40,545,000 162,302 40,545,000 164,491<br />

On both 29 April 2006 and 26 June 2006, the Board of Director approved a US$2 million increase in<br />

paid up capital through the issuance of 2,000,000 ordinary shares at a par value of US$1 per share<br />

resulting in an overall increase in paid up capital of US$4 million.<br />

A directors resolution was passed on 12 June 2006 which specified that the US$10,545,000 declared as<br />

a dividend was to be reinvested in the share capital of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

The capital increase in aggregate of US$14,545,000 was approved by the Central <strong>Bank</strong> on 21 July 2006.<br />

18- Interest Income<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Loans and advances to customers 31,713,930 126,952 21,697,042 88,025<br />

Placements with banks 3,478,277 13,923 2,843,760 <strong>11</strong>,537<br />

Placements with the Central <strong>Bank</strong> 1,222,377 4,893 809,688 3,285<br />

19-Interest Expense<br />

36,414,584 145,768 25,350,490 102,847<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Deposits from customers 9,101,653 36,434 5,890,144 23,896<br />

Borrowings - KfW and IFC 266,088 1,065 414,674 1,683<br />

9,367,74 137,499 6,304,818 25,579<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 44 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

20- Fee and Commission Income<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Commissions from remittance Service 1,789,023 7,161 1,366,5<strong>07</strong> 5,544<br />

Loan commitment fees 1,326,735 5,3<strong>11</strong> 745,001 3,022<br />

Fees for telex, fax and phone 436,734 1,748 592,003 2,402<br />

Other fees and commissions 8<strong>07</strong>,485 3,232 528,296 2,143<br />

Income from letters of credit 204,336 818 221,086 897<br />

Miscellaneous loan fees and service charges 727,905 2,914 537,135 2,179<br />

Fees for credit card advances and late charge 109,623 439 181,743 738<br />

ATM/Credit card annual fees 121,8<strong>11</strong> 488 231,752 940<br />

21- General Administrative Expense<br />

5,523,652 22,<strong>11</strong>1 4,403,523 17,865<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Payroll and other staff cost 3,373,229 13,503 2,720,967 <strong>11</strong>,039<br />

Depreciation and amortisation expenses 799,904 3,202 654,359 2,655<br />

Repair and maintenance 92,252 369 86,333 350<br />

Building rental 166,020 664 135,440 549<br />

Utilities 237,128 949 200,568 814<br />

Loss on foreign exchange currency 309,098 1,237 504,547 2,047<br />

Charitable donations and gifts 523,824 2,097 304,276 1,234<br />

Travel, accommodation and food 249,106 997 274,478 1,<strong>11</strong>4<br />

Advertising and public relations 337,173 1,350 217,578 883<br />

Legal and professional fees 172,122 689 177,933 722<br />

Taxes and duties 272,510 1,091 164,344 667<br />

Communication 229,280 918 152,791 620<br />

Motor vehicles 96,460 386 79,453 322<br />

Furniture, fixture and equipment expenses 42,456 170 5,251 21<br />

Stationery and supplies 32,639 131 71,162 289<br />

Printing and forms 58,878 236 31,758 129<br />

Insurance 18,672 75 17,808 72<br />

Loss on disposal of property and equipment 235 1 21,431 87<br />

Other operational costs 438,212 1,754 493,474 2,002<br />

7,449,198 29,819 6,313,951 25,616<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 45 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

22- Provision For Loan Losses - NET<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Provision for loan losses (16,772,419) (67,140) (8,719,679) (35,375)<br />

Recovery of loan losses 15,631,743 62,574 6,465,144 26,229<br />

23- Income Tax Expense<br />

a)- Income tax expense<br />

(1,140,676) (4,566) (2,254,535) (9,146)<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Current 4,421,143 17,698 2,786,518 <strong>11</strong>,305<br />

Deferred tax - - - -<br />

4,421,143 17,698 2,786,518 <strong>11</strong>,305<br />

In accordance with Cambodian tax laws, the <strong>Bank</strong> has an obligation to pay corporate income tax on the<br />

higher of either the Tax on Profit at the rate of 20% of taxable profit or Minimum Tax at 1% of<br />

turnover inclusive of all taxes except Value Added Tax.<br />

b)- Reconciliation between income tax expense and accounting profit:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Accounting profit before income tax 25,143,485 100,649 15,681,051 63,618<br />

Non-deductible expenses for tax purposes - - 140,730 571<br />

Taxable income 25,143,485 100,649 15,821,781 64,189<br />

Income tax calculated at the rate of 20% 5,028,697 20,130 3,164,356 12,838<br />

c)- Other tax matter<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong>'s tax returns are subject to periodic examination by the Tax Department. Some areas of tax<br />

laws and regulations may be open to different interpretation, therefore tax amounts reported in the<br />

financial statements could be changed at a later date, upon final determination by the Tax Department.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 46 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

24- Cash Used in Operation<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Cash flows from operating activities<br />

Profit before income tax 25,143,485 100,649 15,681,051 63,618<br />

Adjustments for:<br />

nProvision for loan losses - net 1,140,676 4,566 2,254,535 9,146<br />

nDepreciation and amortisation 799,904 3,202 654,358 2,655<br />

nGain on disposals of property and equipment (1,373) (5) 21,481 87<br />

Operating profit before changes in<br />

nworking capital 27,082,692 108,412 18,6<strong>11</strong>,425 75,506<br />

Increase/(decrease) in cash attributable<br />

nto the change in operating assets and<br />

nliabilities:<br />

nPayment to the Board of Directors - - (40,000) (161)<br />

nDeposits and placements with banks 3,656,<strong>07</strong>2 14,635 (2,156,<strong>07</strong>2) (8,747)<br />

nLoans and advances to customers, net (128,137,122) (517,568) (49,930,573) (202,568)<br />

nOther assets (2,243,895) (8,982) (674,547) (2,737)<br />

nForeclosed properties (314,051) (1,257) (1,391,486) (5,645)<br />

nDeposits and balances from banks 2,866,795 <strong>11</strong>,476 1,038,955 4,215<br />

nDeposits from non-bank customers 162,<strong>11</strong>1,604 648,933 54,6<strong>11</strong>,643 221,559<br />

nOther liabilities 619,234 7,<strong>11</strong>4 (1,157,158) (4,702)<br />

Cash generated from operations 65,641,330 262,763 18,912,187 76,720<br />

25- Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Cash on hand 27,501,167 <strong>11</strong>0,087 25,141,461 101,999<br />

Deposits and placements with the<br />

Central <strong>Bank</strong> 33,601,000 134,505 26,735,124 108,464<br />

Deposits and placements with banks 78,785,657 315,379 51,342,797 208,298<br />

139,887,824 559,971 103,219,382 418,761<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 47 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

26- Commitments and Contingencies<br />

(i) Loan commitment, guarantee and other financial liabilities<br />

At 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> and 2006, the <strong>Bank</strong> had the contractual amounts of the <strong>Bank</strong>'s off-balance sheet<br />

financial instruments that commit it to extend credit to customers, guarantee and other facilities as follows:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Documentary credits 6,926,989 27,741 2,637,587 10,701<br />

<strong>Bank</strong>ers' acceptance 3,286,418 13,156 2,020,180 8,196<br />

Performance and bankers' guarantees 759,482 3,040 855,779 3,472<br />

Tender bonds - - 51,901 2<strong>11</strong><br />

Unused portion of approved credit facilities 39,748,989 159,<strong>11</strong>5 25,502,232 103,463<br />

Other 108,190 433 102,0<strong>07</strong> 414<br />

No material losses are anticipated as a result of these transactions.<br />

(ii) Lease commitments<br />

50,833,068 203,485 31,169,686 126,457<br />

Where the <strong>Bank</strong> is the lessee, the future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases<br />

of its branches in Phnom Penh and provinces are as follows:<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Not later than one year 176,080 705 129,600 526<br />

Later than one year and not later than three years 294,580 1,179 326,380 1,324<br />

Over three years 2,446,352 9,793 2,574,372 10,444<br />

2,917,012 <strong>11</strong>,677 3,030,352 12,294<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 48 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

26- Commitments and Contingencies (Continued)<br />

(iii) Capital commitments<br />

At 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>, the <strong>Bank</strong> had capital commitments in respect of new office buildings, new core<br />

banking software and other related services.<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

Authorised and contracted for: (Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Not later than one year 1,425,464 5,706 1,777,650 7,212<br />

Later than one year and not later than three years 559,753 2,241 2,281,185 9,254<br />

1,985,217 7,947 4,058,835 16,466<br />

The estimated total capital expenditures of the <strong>Bank</strong>'s new head office building are approximately<br />

US$18.7 million of which costs incurred and capitalised under the property and equipment to date is<br />

US$<strong>11</strong>.7 million. Out of the US$7 million of outstanding capital expenditure, an amount of US$1.9<br />

million has been contracted for.<br />

27- Related Party Balance and Transactions<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> is controlled by <strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong> (2006: Overseas Cambodian Investment<br />

Corporation) which owns 100% the <strong>Bank</strong>'s share.<br />

The following transactions were carried out with related party:<br />

(a) Loans and advances to directors and key management<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

Authorised and contracted for: (Unaudited) (Unaudited)<br />

Loans and advances to directors and key management<br />

Beginning of year 19,201 77 - -<br />

Loans advanced during the year 223,673 895 185,227 751<br />

Loan repayments received 7,610 30 1,026 4<br />

Interest received 13,858 56 787 3<br />

End of the year 235,264 942 187,040 758<br />

The loans to directors and key management carry interest ranging from 10% to 12% (2006: 10% to 12%).<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 49 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

27- Related Party Balances and Transactions (Continued)<br />

(b) Deposits with related parties<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Deposits with FTB 188,582 755 172,537 700<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> has correspondence account with FTB. This account is non-interest bearing.<br />

(c) Deposits from related parties<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Saving deposits from<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong> 66,413 266 153,729 624<br />

Directors and key management 448,338 1,795 492,573 1,998<br />

514,751 2,061 646,302 2,622<br />

Interest paid 3,3<strong>07</strong> 13 1,881 8<br />

The saving deposits from <strong>Canadia</strong> Investment Holding <strong>Plc</strong>, directors and key management bear<br />

interest at 0.75% (2006: 0.75%).<br />

(d) Borrowings<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Loans from directors, interest free - - 185,227 751<br />

Subordinated debt from Mr Pung Keav Se 7,080,000 28,341 7,080,000 28,724<br />

7,080,000 28,341 7,265,227 29,475<br />

The subordinate debt is interest free with no fixed term of repayment. This subordinate debt was<br />

to finance the acquisition of FTB. The proceed from the future disposal of FTB's shares is to pay<br />

back this subordinate debt.<br />

(e) Key management compensation<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Salaries and short term benefits 383,725 1,536 108,335 440<br />

(f) Other<br />

<strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong> 2006<br />

US$ Riel Million US$ Riel Million<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

(Unaudited)<br />

Rental income 1,200 5 1,200 5<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> provides office space to CIH<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 50 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

28- Financial Risk Management<br />

(a)- Credit risk<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> assumes exposure to credit risk which is the risk that a counterparty will be unable to pay<br />

amounts in full when due. The <strong>Bank</strong> structures the levels of credit risk it undertakes by placing limits on<br />

the amount of risk accepted in relation to one borrower, or group of borrowers, and the geographical<br />

and industry segments. Procedures of risk limit setting, monitoring, usage, and control are governed by<br />

internal regulations. Such risks are monitored on a regular basis.<br />

Exposure to credit risk is managed through regular analysis of the ability of the borrowers and<br />

potential borrowers to meet interest and capital repayment obligations and reviewing these lending<br />

limits where appropriate. Exposure to credit risk is also managed in part by obtaining collateral and<br />

corporate or personal guarantees as well as by providing for loan losses.<br />

Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of approved loans, guarantees or letters of<br />

credit. In general, all of the <strong>Bank</strong>'s guarantees and letters of credit are collateralised with cash deposits<br />

or collateral pledged to the <strong>Bank</strong>, and accordingly the <strong>Bank</strong> normally assumes minimal risks.<br />

(b)- Market risk<br />

(i)-Interest rate risk<br />

Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that future cash flows of a financial instrument will<br />

fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. Interest margins may increase as a result<br />

of such changes but may reduce or create losses in the event that unexpected movements arise.<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong>'s interest rates are generally fixed on a short term basis. Interest rates that are contrac<br />

tually fixed on both assets and liabilities are often renegotiated to reflect current market conditions.<br />

The management is satisfied that the <strong>Bank</strong>'s position is such that exposure to movements<br />

in interest rates is minimised.<br />

The table in note 29-1 summarises the <strong>Bank</strong>'s exposure to interest rate risks. Included in the table<br />

are the <strong>Bank</strong>'s assets and liabilities at carrying amounts, categorised by the earlier of contractual<br />

re-pricing or maturity dates.<br />

(ii)- Foreign currency exchange risk<br />

Foreign currency exchange risk refers to the adverse exchange rate movements on foreign<br />

currency exchange positions taken from time to time.<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> has no material exposure to currency risk as it transacts essentially in US$. Significant<br />

presence of US$ is the normalpractice of banks operating in Cambodia.<br />

(c)-Liquidity risk<br />

Liquidity risk is defined as the risk when the maturity of assets and liabilities do not match. Liquidity risk<br />

management at the <strong>Bank</strong> is performed on the basis of measuring liquidity surplus/deficit and liquidity<br />

ratios that are calculated using scenario analysis.<br />

The matching and/or controlled mismatching of the maturities and interest rates of assets and liabilities<br />

is fundamental to the management of the <strong>Bank</strong>. It is unusual for banks ever to be completely<br />

matched since business transactions are often of an uncertain term and of different types.<br />

An unmatched position potentially enhances profitability, but can also increase the risk of losses.<br />

The table in note 29-2 analyses the assets and liabilities of the <strong>Bank</strong> into relevant maturity based on the<br />

remaining period at the balance sheet date to the contractual or estimated maturity dates.<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 51 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

29- Interest Rate, Liquidity, Currency and Credit Risks<br />

29.1 Interest Rate risk<br />

Up to 1-3 4-6 7-12 1 to 5 Over 5 Non-interest<br />

1 month months months months years years bearing Total<br />

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

As at 31 December <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand - - - - - - 27,501,166 27,501,166<br />

Balances with the<br />

Central <strong>Bank</strong> 25,000,000 - - - - 4,054,500 42,002,249 71,056,749<br />

Balances with other banks<br />

and financial institutions 69,789,926 1,000,000 - - - - 8,995,731 79,785,657<br />

Loan and advances to<br />

customers - net 1,083,354 5,855,272 8,251,982 189,351,329 97,957,720 31,062,339 (1,158,006) 332,403,990<br />

Other assets - - - - - 1,175,009 4,678,521 5,853,530<br />

Investment in FTB - - - - - - 10,580,000 10,580,000<br />

Properties foreclosed - - - - - - 4,512,741 4,512,741<br />

Total assets 95,873,280 6,855,272 8,251,982 189,351,329 97,957,720 36,291,848 97,<strong>11</strong>2,402 531,693,833<br />

Liabilities<br />

Deposits and balances of<br />

banks 2,742,520 - - - - - 3,996,884 6,739,404<br />

Deposits from non-bank<br />

customers 255,969,220 28,957,230 20,805,476 35,514,774 80,449,809 - 29,873,554 451,570,063<br />

Current tax liabilities - - - - - - 4,421,143 4,421,143<br />

Other liabilities - - - - - - 5,143,666 5,143,666<br />

Other borrowings - 213,714 - 213,714 3,951,813 - - 4,379,241<br />

Subordinated debt - - - - 7,080,000 - - 7,080,000<br />

Total liabilities 258,7<strong>11</strong>,740 29,170,944 20,805,476 35,728,488 91,481,622 - 43,435,247 479,333,517<br />

Interest sensitivity gap (162,838,460) (22,315,672) (12,553,494) 153,622,841 6,476,098 36,291,848 53,677,155 52,360,316<br />

In million Riel equivalents<br />

(Unaudited) (651,842) (89,330) (50,252) 614,952 25,924 145,276 214,870 209,598<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 52 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />


29.1 Interest rate risk (continued)<br />

Up to 1-3 4-6 7-12 1 to 5 Over 5 Non-interest<br />

1 month months months months years years bearing Total<br />

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

As at 31 December 2006<br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand - - - - - - 25,141,461 25,141,461<br />

Balances with the Central<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> 19,000,000 - - - 4,054,500 - 29,636,357 52,690,857<br />

Balances with other banks<br />

and financial institutions 51,342,796 4,656,<strong>07</strong>2 - - - - - 55,998,868<br />

Loan and advances to<br />

customers- net 2,851,887 1,728,232 120,388,519 60,795,3<strong>07</strong> 19,643,600 - - 205,4<strong>07</strong>,545<br />

Other assets - - - - - 1,7<strong>11</strong>,565 1,898,069 3,609,634<br />

Investment in FTB - - - - - - 10,580,000 10,580,000<br />

Properties foreclosed - - - - - - 4,198,690 4,198,690<br />

Total assets 73,194,683 6,384,304 120,388,519 60,795,3<strong>07</strong> 23,698,100 1,7<strong>11</strong>,565 71,454,577 357,627,055<br />

Liabilities<br />

Deposits and balances of<br />

other banks 1,5<strong>11</strong>,316 - - - - - 2,361,293 3,872,609<br />

Deposits from non-bank<br />

customers 146,000,954 47,392,359 20,830,920 46,057,776 12,949,599 - 16,226,851 289,458,459<br />

Current tax liabilities - - - - - - 2,786,518 2,786,518<br />

Other liabilities - - - - - - 4,524,432 4,524,432<br />

Other borrowings 2,500,000 213,714 - 213,714 3,524,383 854,858 - 7,306,669<br />

Subordinate debt - - - - 7,080,000 - - 7,080,000<br />

Total liabilities 150,012,270 47,606,<strong>07</strong>3 20,830,920 46,271,490 23,553,982 854,858 25,899,094 315,028,687<br />

Interest sensitivity gap (76,817,587) (41,221,769) 99,557,599 14,523,817 144,<strong>11</strong>8 856,7<strong>07</strong> 45,555,483 42,598,368<br />

In Riel Million equivalent<br />

(Unaudited) (3<strong>11</strong>,649) (167,237) 403,905 58,923 585 3,476 184,818 172,822<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 53 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

29- Interest Rate, Liquidity, Currency and Credit Risks (Continued)<br />

29.2 Liquidity risk<br />

Up to 1-3 4-6 7-12 1 to 5 Over 5 No Fixed<br />

1 month months months months years years maturity date Total<br />

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

As at 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand 27,501,166 - - - - - - 27,501,166<br />

Balances with Central <strong>Bank</strong> 33,601,000 - - - - - 37,455,749 71,056,749<br />

Balances with other banks<br />

and financial institutions 78,785,657 1,000,000 - - - - - 79,785,657<br />

Loan and advances to<br />

customers - net 903,875 5,548,506 7,871,659 189,059,891 97,957,720 31,062,339 - 332,403,990<br />

Other assets 4,678,521 - - - - - 1,175,009 5,853,530<br />

Investment in FTB - - - - - - 10,580,000 10,580,000<br />

Properties foreclosed - 4,512,741 - - - - - 4,512,741<br />

Total assets 145,470,219 <strong>11</strong>,061,247 7,871,659 189,059,891 97,957,720 31,062,339 49,210,758 531,693,833<br />

Liabilities<br />

Deposits and balances<br />

of banks 6,739,404 - - - - - - 6,739,404<br />

Deposits from nonbank<br />

customers 285,842,774 28,957,230 20,805,476 35,514,774 80,340,309 109,500 - 451,570,063<br />

Current tax liabilities - 4,421,143 - - - - - 4,421,143<br />

Other liabilities 4,403,921 739,745 - - - - - 5,143,666<br />

Other borrowings - 213,714 - 213,714 3,951,813 - - 4,379,241<br />

Subordinated debt - - - - 7,080,000 - - 7,080,000<br />

Total liabilities 296,986,099 34,331,832 20,805,476 35,728,488 91,372,122 109,500 - 479,333,517<br />

Net liquidity surplus<br />

/ (gap) (151,515,880) (23,270,585) (12,993,817) 153,331,403 6,585,598 30,952,839 49,210,758 52,360,316<br />

In million Riel equivalents<br />

(Unaudited) (606,518) (93,152) (51,774) 613,785 26,362 123,904 196,991 209,598<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 54 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

29- Interest Rate, Liquidity, Currency and Credit Risks (Continued)<br />

29.2 Liquidity risk (Continued)<br />

Up to 1-3 4-6 7-12 1 to 5 Over 5 No Fixed<br />

1 month months months months years years maturity date Total<br />

US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

As at 31 December 2006<br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand 25,141,461 - - - - - - 25,141,461<br />

Balances with Central <strong>Bank</strong> 26,735,124 - - - - - 25,955,733 52,690,857<br />

Balances with other banks<br />

and financial institutions 51,342,796 4,656,<strong>07</strong>2 - - - - - 55,998,868<br />

Loan and advances to<br />

customers 2,851,888 1,728,232 120,388,518 60,795,3<strong>07</strong> 19,643,600 - - 205,4<strong>07</strong>,545<br />

Other assets 1,169,843 - - 728,226 - - 1,7<strong>11</strong>,565 3,609,634<br />

Investment in FTB - - - - - - 10,580,000 10,580,000<br />

Properties foreclosed - - - 4,198,690 - - - 4,198,690<br />

Total assets 1<strong>07</strong>,241,<strong>11</strong>2 6,384,304 120,388,518 65,722,223 19,643,600 - 38,247,298 357,627,055<br />

Liabilities<br />

Deposits and balances<br />

of banks 3,872,609 - - - - - - 3,872,609<br />

Deposits from non-bank<br />

customers 162,227,805 47,392,359 20,830,920 46,057,776 12,949,599 - - 289,458,459<br />

Current tax liabilities - 2,786,518 - - - - - 2,786,518<br />

Other liabilities 4,524,432 - - - - - - 4,524,432<br />

Other borrowings 2,500,000 - - - - 4,806,669 - 7,306,669<br />

Subordinated debt - - - - 7,080,000 - - 7,080,000<br />

Total liabilities 173,124,846 50,178,877 20,830,920 46,057,776 20,029,599 (4,806,669) - 315,028,687<br />

Net liquidity surplus<br />

/ (gap) (65,883,734) (43,794,573) 99,557,598 19,664,447 (385,999) (4,806,669) 38,247,298 42,598,368<br />

In Riel Million equivalent<br />

(Unaudited) (267,290) (177,675) 403,906 79,779 (1,566) (19,501) 155,169 172,822<br />

55<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

29- Interest Rate, Liquidity, Currency and Credit Risks (Continued)<br />

29.3 Currency Analysis<br />


US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents<br />

As at 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

Assets<br />

Cash on hand 24,642,650 1,534,355 7,725 1,177,053 130,673 8,710 27,501,166<br />

Balances with the central bank 70,669,355 387,394 - - - - 71,056,749<br />

Balances with other banks<br />

and financial institutions 75,008,275 4,084 1,903,474 - - 2,869,824 79,785,657<br />

Loan and advances to customers 330,622,806 147,5<strong>07</strong> - 1,633,677 - - 332,403,990<br />

Other assets 4,945,104 857,447 5,744 - - 45,235 5,853,530<br />

Investment in FTB 10,580,000 - - - - - 10,580,000<br />

Property foreclosed 4,512,741 - - - - - 4,512,741<br />

Total assets 520,980,931 2,930,787 1,916,943 2,810,730 130,673 2,923,769 531,693,833<br />

Liabilities<br />

Deposits and balances of banks 6,734,292 5,<strong>11</strong>2 - - - - 6,739,404<br />

Deposits from non-bank customers 445,153,522 4,282,805 - 2,022,745 <strong>11</strong>0,991 - 451,570,063<br />

Current tax liabilities - 4,421,143 - - - - 4,421,143<br />

Other liabilities 4,959,737 34,225 - - 4,323 145,381 5,143,666<br />

Other borrowings 4,379,241 - - - - - 4,379,241<br />

Subordinated debt 7,080,000 - - - - - 7,080,000<br />

Total liabilities 468,306,792 8,743,285 - 2,022,745 <strong>11</strong>5,314 145,381 479,333,517<br />

Net Balance Sheet Position 52,674,139 (5,812,498) 1,916,943 787,985 15,359 2,778,388 52,360,316<br />

In million Riel equivalents<br />

(Unaudited) 210,855 (23,267) 7,673 3,154 61 <strong>11</strong>,122 209,598<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 56 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong><br />

29- Interest Rate, Liquidity, Currency and Credit Risks (Continued)<br />

29.3 Currency Analysis (Continued)<br />


US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$<br />

As at 31 December 2006 equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents equivalents<br />

ASSETS<br />

Cash on hand 21,610,912 2,299,532 12,619 513,104 240,954 464,340 25,141,461<br />

Balances with central bank 51,473,847 1,217,010 - - - - 52,690,857<br />

Balances with banks and OFIs 52,958,442 29,989 1,983,021 686,018 - 341,398 55,998,868<br />

Loans and advances to customers 203,721,313 102,192 - 1,584,040 - - 205,4<strong>07</strong>,545<br />

Other assets 3,061,816 496,701 24,140 26,305 - 672 3,609,634<br />

Investments in FTB 10,580,000 - - - - - 10,580,000<br />

Properties foreclosed 4,198,690 - - - - - 4,198,690<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 347,605,020 4,145,424 2,019,780 2,809,467 240,954 806,410 357,627,055<br />


Deposits and balances of banks 2,920,881 951,728 - - - - 3,872,609<br />

Deposits from non-bank customers 282,835,562 4,766,953 - 1,614,990 240,954 - 289,458,459<br />

Current tax liabilities - 2,786,518 - - - - 2,786,518<br />

Other liabilities 4,280,002 217,322 - 27,108 - - 4,524,432<br />

Other borrowings 7,306,669 - - - - - 7,306,669<br />

Subordinated debt 7,080,000 - - - - - 7,080,000<br />

TOTAL LIABILITIES 304,423,<strong>11</strong>4 8,722,521 - 1,642,098 240,954 - 315,028,687<br />

Net Balance Sheet Position 43,181,906 (4,577,097) 2,019,780 1,167,369 - 806,410 42,598,368<br />

In million Riel equivalents<br />

(Unaudited) 175,189 (18,569) 8,194 4,736 - 3,272 172,822<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 57 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 58 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 59 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 60 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

Sovanna<br />

# 3<strong>07</strong>-309, St. 271, Sangkat Tumnup Teuk, Khan Chamkarmon,<br />

Phnom Penh City, Cambodia.<br />

Tel : (855-23) 214 129 / Fax : (855-23) 214 125<br />

Kbal Thnal<br />

# 480, National Road 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Loeu, Khan Meanchey,<br />

Phnom Penh City, Cambodia.<br />

Tel : (855-23) 720 238, 720 239 / Fax : (855-23) 720 292<br />

Siem Reap Phsar Leu<br />

#1<strong>07</strong>-108, Banteaychas Village, Slorkram Commune, Siem Reap District,<br />

Siem Reap Province.<br />

Tel : (855-63) 966 806, 63-966 8<strong>07</strong> / Fax : (855-63) 760 542<br />

Neak Loeung<br />

No.255-257, Village 4, Break Ksay Commune, Peamro District, Prey Veng Province.<br />

Tel : (855-43) 750 221, 43-750 222 / Fax : (855-43) 750 223<br />

<strong>Canadia</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Plc</strong>. 61 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>20<strong>07</strong></strong>

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