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Russian Arbitration Association<br />

Newsletter<br />

Issue 3 // September 2014<br />

www.arbitraons.ru<br />

13<br />

The Role<br />

of In-House Counsel<br />

in Internaonal<br />

Arbitraon<br />

23<br />

Interviews with<br />

Leading In-House<br />

Counsel – William<br />

Spiegelberger<br />

39<br />

and Evgenia Loewe<br />

RAA40 Meeng:<br />

Sancons<br />

and Arbitraon<br />

– October 2014

Table of Contents<br />

Welcome from Co-Chairs<br />

Courts and Arbitraon in Russia<br />

Overview of Essenal Cases (May – September 2014)<br />

Cases to Watch in Russia and Abroad<br />

Breathtaking Developments<br />

New LCIA Rules<br />

Courts and Arbitraon Abroad - England<br />

Diag Human SA v Czech Republic 2014<br />

Rochester Resources Limited 2014<br />

Main Theme: IHC in Arbitraon<br />

The Role of In-House Counsel in Internaonal Arbitraon<br />

English Law Privilege<br />

Interview with William Spiegelberger (RUSAL)<br />

Interview with Evgenia Loewe (Renova Group)<br />

Some comments by Christer Soderlund<br />

Lawyers talk<br />

Arbitraon Events to Aend<br />

RAA40 Events<br />

RAA40 Meeng: Sancons and Arbitraon – October 2014<br />

RAA40 and LCIA YIAG Tulney Hall Seminar – 10 November 2014<br />

RAA40 New Year and Christmas Drinks – December 2014<br />

Become a Member of RAA40<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

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Welcome from Co-Chairs<br />

Dear friends and colleagues,<br />

We are pleased to present to you the third issue of the RAA40 Newsleer, which is a special issue devoted to<br />

the role of in-house counsel in internaonal arbitraon. The idea of this issue would not be born and realized<br />

if not the efforts and experse of Rosne Oil Company in-house counsel and our learned co-chair Anna<br />

Shumilova.<br />

We believe in any discussion of the arbitraon praconers one cannot ignore or underesmate the role of<br />

in-house counsel. In most cases they are important contributors and can make a real difference to the process<br />

and, most importantly, the outcome.<br />

The best way to understand the role of in-house counsel is to discuss it with them and other actors involved<br />

in arbitraon. Two very experienced in-house counsel Evgenia Loewe of Renova Group and William Spiegelberger<br />

of UC Rusal kindly agreed to be interviewed. We have also asked to parcipate in the discussion the<br />

other side – external counsel and arbitrators including Alexei Dudko of Hogan Lovells, Noah Rubins of Freshfields<br />

Bruckhaus Deringer, Julia Popelysheva of Clifford Chance, Christer Soderlund of Vinge, Alexey N. Zhiltsov<br />

of the Private Law Research Center, Nick Marsh of DLA Piper and Taana Minaeva of Jones Day. Taking this<br />

opportunity, we would like to thank them for their me and willingness to share their insights.<br />

We do hope that having read this issue of the Newsleer, you will learn something new about the profession<br />

and enrich your understanding of an in-house counsel’s role in arbitraon and how in-house counsel themselves<br />

see that role.<br />

Finally, we would like to note that a year passed since we started as the RAA40 co-chairs. Although it took us<br />

some efforts to arrange under-forty arbitraon events in Moscow on a regular basis and involve as many<br />

people therein as we could, we really enjoyed every opportunity to interact with all of you and would like to<br />

thank you for your support. We have some more ideas and will try to make this new year in office even more<br />

interesng for the Russian arbitraon community!<br />

As always, please, do not hesitate to contact us at raa40@arbitraons.ru should you have any queries about<br />

the acvies of RAA40, wish to share with us your ideas or submit a contribuon to the newsleer.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

RAA40 Co-Chairs<br />

Sergey Usoskin Anna Shumilova Olesya Petrol Ivan Chuprunov<br />


Courts<br />

and Arbitration<br />

in Russia<br />

Overview of Essential Cases: May–September 2014<br />

by Sergey Usoskin, Advocate, RAA40 Co-Chair<br />

1. Public Procurement Disputes Not Arbitrable<br />

State Establishment Proizvodstenno-Tekhnicheskoe Ob'edinenie Kapitalnogo Remonta i Stroitelstva … v. LLC<br />

Arbatstroy<br />

(Case No. A40-148581/12, Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court, Resoluon No. 11535/13 dated 28<br />

January 2014 (published in June 2014)<br />

The Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court ruled that disputes arising from public procurement<br />

contracts are not arbitrable. On this basis it set aside an award rendered by a domesc arbitral tribunal in a<br />

dispute between a private contractor and a state establishment. The dispute concerned the failure of the<br />

private contractor to complete construcon work on me.<br />

Russian law treats most contracts for the supply of goods or services to a state authority, state enterprise or<br />

state establishment (but not a state-owned company) as public procurement contracts. Most of these<br />

contracts are awarded on the basis of public bidding.<br />

The Supreme Commercial Court explained that only private law disputes are arbitrable under Russian law.<br />

Disputes arising from public procurement contracts are public rather than private, because such contracts<br />

are entered into to sasfy public interests rather than private ones.<br />

The court further noted that transparency is a central principle of the Russian public procurement regime,<br />

and that subming disputes arising from public procurement contracts to confidenal arbitraon is incompable<br />

with this principle.<br />

2. Arbitral Tribunal Entled to Rely on Apparent Authority of Party's Representave<br />

Autorobot-Strefa Sp. z.o.o. v. LLC Sollers-Elabuga<br />

(Case No. А65-30438/2012, Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court Resoluon No. 1332/14 dated 24<br />

June 2014)<br />

The court permied the enforcement of an LCIA award in favour of Autorobot. It was not open to the<br />

respondent to challenge the authority of a person that purported to act on the respondent’s behalf in the<br />

arbitraon, because that person’s authority had been apparent from the circumstances of the case. Nor was<br />

it open to the respondent to dispute the receipt of correspondence delivered to an address that the person<br />

acng under apparent authority had earlier provided.<br />


Autorobot commenced arbitraon to recover sums due for the goods it supplied to Sollers-Elabuga. Shortly<br />

thereaer the head of legal of the respondent’s parent company sent an email to the LCIA requesng all<br />

further arbitraon-related correspondence to be forwarded to his address. The arbitrator sent all further<br />

correspondence to this address. Eventually, he rendered in award in favour of Autorobot.<br />

The respondent argued that it had not authorised the person that corresponded with the LCIA to represent<br />

the respondent in the arbitraon and had not issued a power of aorney to him. The Supreme Commercial<br />

Court disagreed with this argument and held that the arbitrator had been entled to rely on a communicaon<br />

which made reference to the arbitraon and which was sent by a senior legal officer of the respondent’s<br />

parent company.<br />

3. Effect of Respondent’s Insolvency on Arbitraon Remains Uncertain<br />

LLC Terminal-Vostok v. Vincia Establishment<br />

(Case No. А40-166263/13, Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court Resoluon No. 5940/14 dated 15 July<br />

2014)<br />

In the previous newsleer we covered a decision of the Federal Commercial Court for the Moscow Circuit in<br />

the same case. The court held that once the first stage of insolvency proceedings – supervision<br />

(«наблюдение») – commences all claims against the debtor company, including those heard in an ongoing<br />

arbitraon, should be referred to the court supervising the insolvency. It set aside an award rendered by an<br />

arbitral tribunal sing under the ICAC at the Russian CCI rules, because the tribunal rendered the award aer<br />

the court had put the respondent company under supervision.<br />

The Presidium of the Supreme Commercial Court reversed this decision, but on a very narrow ground. It held<br />

that the tribunal had in fact rendered the award before the respondent was put under supervision. It was only<br />

the reasoned award that was produced aer the cut-off date. However, the Presidium failed to address the<br />

more general queson of insolvency’s effect on arbitraon.<br />

While the Presidium’s failure to tackle the issue is troubling, it should not be given too much weight. Earlier<br />

the Supreme Commercial Court held that an arbitral tribunal should terminate the proceedings once an insolvent<br />

company is put into liquidaon («конкурсное производство») as from this moment disputes seize to be<br />

arbitrable. In fact, the law expressly provides that the creditors are entled to pursue a case before state<br />

courts against a debtor put under supervision if ligaon was commenced beforehand.<br />

4. Respondent’s Failure to Promptly Invoke the Arbitraon Clause Amounts to a Waiver<br />

Demesne Investments Limited v. CJSC Metropolis<br />

(Case No. А60-5127/2014, Commercial Court for the Ural Circuit, Resoluon dated 19 August 2014)<br />

The court refused to refer the dispute to arbitraon. It held that the respondent had abused its rights by<br />

invoking the arbitraon clause only aer parcipang in two court hearings without objecon.<br />

Demesne commenced proceedings before the Sverdlovsk Region Commercial Court seeking recovery of the<br />

monies Demesne had lent to Metropolis. Metropolis’ counsel took part in two court hearings in the case without<br />

making any submissions in relaon to the merits of the case. Before the third hearing Metropolis submitted<br />

an applicaon asking the court to refer the pares to LCIA arbitraon as provided for in the loan agreement.<br />

The court rejected the applicaon. It noted that Metropolis’ counsel had reviewed the case-file which, in the<br />

court’s opinion, meant that counsel had the opportunity to become aware of the arbitraon clause in the<br />

loan agreement. Metropolis had then parcipated in a hearing without invoking the arbitraon clause and<br />

only raised the issue before the next hearing. In these circumstances, the court concluded that the<br />

respondent’s conduct was an abuse and therefore it was no longer an opon to invoke the arbitraon clause.<br />


5. Arbitrability of Concession-Related Disputes Le Unresolved<br />

St. Petersburg Commiee for the Management of City Property v LLC Nevskaya Concession Company<br />

(Сase No. A56-45107/2013, Commercial Court for the North-Western Circuit, Resoluon dated 14 August<br />

2014 and Thirteenth Appellate Commercial Court Resoluon dated 21 April 2014)<br />

The claimant commenced proceedings before the St. Petersburg Commercial Court to recover rent allegedly<br />

due under lease agreements with the respondent. The respondent invoked the arbitraon clause incorporated<br />

into the lease agreements by reference to the dispute selement clause in the concession agreement<br />

between the respondent and the city of St. Petersburg. In the concession agreement the pares agreed that<br />

any disputes between them shall be resolved by arbitraon under the UNCITRAL Rules by an arbitral tribunal<br />

seated in Moscow.<br />

The first instance appellate and cassaon instance courts both held that the dispute should be referred to<br />

arbitraon. However, their reasoning differs.<br />

The claimant relied on the invalidity of the arbitraon clause. It argued that under the Russian law on concession<br />

agreements any disputes under such agreements shall be submied to either state courts or domesc<br />

arbitral tribunals (“третейские суды”). A UNCITRAL arbitral tribunal is an internaonal arbitral tribunal and<br />

therefore it cannot resolve disputes under a concession agreement.<br />

The appellate court tackled the arbitrability of the concession agreement-related disputes heads on. It held<br />

that the law on concession agreements permits the pares to refer disputes to arbitral tribunals<br />

(“третейские суды”). The court held that a tribunal seated in Moscow fell within this category even if the<br />

proceedings were to be governed by the UNCITRAL Rules and the arbitraon in queson was an internaonal<br />

arbitraon as a maer of the Russian law. The appellate court added that, in any event, the dispute between<br />

the pares concerned the lease agreement rather than the concession agreement.<br />

The cassaon instance court chose not to address the restricons imposed by the law of concession agreements;<br />

the court limited itself to agreeing that the dispute concerned the lease agreements.<br />


Cases to Watch<br />

in Russia and Abroad<br />

Case: LLС Omsk-Steklotara v. Sklostroj Turnov CZ s.r.o. (No. A46-12418/2013)<br />

Forum: Commercial Court for the Western-Siberian Circuit (potenal)<br />

Significance of the Case: The case is significant in two respects. Firstly, the lower courts rejected the<br />

claimant's argument that it should be permied to ignore the arbitraon clause due to its inability<br />

to cover arbitraon-related costs. Secondly, before the lower courts the respondent successfully<br />

invoked the arbitraon clause clarificaon mechanism provided in the European Convenon on<br />

Internaonal Commercial Court. In the contract the pares agreed to submit all disputes to arbitra-<br />

on in Vienna. The President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce acng under the European<br />

Convenon clarified that the disputes should be submied to the Vienna Internaonal Arbitraon<br />

Center.<br />

Case: Serbian Privazaon Agency (Agency) v. OJSC Avtodetal-Service (No. А72-15958/2013)<br />

Forum: Uljanovsk Region Commercial Court<br />

Significance of the Case: Agency sought enforcement of an arbitral award rendered in Serbia arising<br />

out of a privasaon agreement between the pares. The first instance court rejected the applica-<br />

on. It noted that privasaon is a public law maer and therefore such disputes are not arbitrable.<br />

The court further stated that privasaon-related disputes are generally not arbitrable in Russia. An<br />

appeal is currently pending before the Federal Commercial Court for Povolz'e Circuit.<br />

Case: Victor Melnik v Omnilightstar Limited (No. А40-135118/13)<br />

Forum: Ninth Appellate Commercial Court<br />

Significance of the Case: Mr Melnik sought to enforce an arbitral award rendered in a dispute arising<br />

out of a shareholders agreement between the shareholders of a Russian joint-stock company. The<br />

tribunal ordered the respondent to pay RUR 150'000'000 in compensaon for breach of the agreement.<br />

The Moscow Commercial Court refused to enforce the award. It held that a dispute arising out<br />

of a shareholders agreement that governs the pares’ exercise of their rights as shareholders is a<br />

“corporate dispute”. The court then confirmed that “corporate disputes” are not arbitrable by virtue<br />

of Arcle 225.1 of the Russian Commercial ProcedureAppellate Commercial Court.<br />

Case: Kyrgyzstan v. Li John Bek, Central Asian Corporaon for Development Corporaon<br />

(No. А40-19518/14)<br />

Forum: Commercial Court for the Moscow Circuit<br />

Significance of the Case: Kyrgyzstan seeks annulment of an award rendered by a tribunal sing<br />

under the rules of the Arbitraon Court at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The<br />

tribunal relied as the basis of its jurisdicon on Arcle 11 of the Convenon on the Protecon of<br />

Investor's Rights (the ‘Convenon’), which provides that investment disputes are to be resolved by<br />

naonal courts, Economic Court of the CIS or by internaonal arbitraon. Both the arbitral tribunal<br />

and the Moscow Commercial Court agreed that this provision contains Kyrgyzstan's consent to<br />

submit investment disputes to any internaonal arbitraon forum chosen by the claimant.<br />


Case: In re Arcle 11 of the Convenon on the Protecon of Investor’s Rights<br />

Forum: Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States<br />

Significance of the Case: Kyrgyzstan requested an advisory opinion from the court on the interpreta-<br />

on of the above cited provision. Kyrgyzstan argues that this provision does not amount to the<br />

consent of signatories to the Convenon to submit investment disputes to arbitraon. A hearing is<br />

scheduled for 19 September 2014.<br />


Breathtaking Developments<br />

New LCIA Rules come into force on 1 October 2014<br />

by Deliya Meylanova, Eleni Polycarpou MCIArb, Withers LLP<br />

In July the LCIA adopted the final version of the new LCIA Rules which come into force on 1 October 2014.<br />

This is welcome modernisaon of those rules which have been in place since 1998, and arriving hot on the<br />

heels of new rules having been adopted by a number of other instuons in the last 2 years, including the<br />

ICC in Paris (‘ICC’) and the Internaonal Centre for Dispute Resoluon (‘ICDR’).<br />

The wording of the rules has been thoroughly reworked, with at least cosmec changes to most paragraphs.<br />

In general, the rules have been expanded and made more detailed. For instance, there are now clearer provisions<br />

on the permied methods of "delivery" of documents to pares in Arcle 4 (the word ‘service’ which<br />

may cause confusion by its implied reference to Court procedures has been removed).<br />

There are also some more substanve changes which, on the whole, make the rules more user-friendly and<br />

flexible. The aim seems to be to reduce procedural costs by removing uncertainty and to promote efficiency.<br />

The change which has been most discussed aer the publicaon of the dra of the new rules is the addion<br />

of ethical guidelines for legal counsel. These are included in an annex to the rules and comprise what are<br />

essenally the basics of an English solicitor’s or barrister’s duty to the Court in ligaon, that is, not to make<br />

false statements, conceal documents, knowingly prepare false evidence, or try to influence the arbitrators<br />

(on the last point see also Arcle 13). To English eyes these maers are standard, but, possibly in view of the<br />

fact that there are no restricons on the rights of audience before an arbitral tribunal (ie a wide variety of<br />

lawyers may be involved), the LCIA have decided to spell these maers out. However, the dra provision<br />

which expressly permied the LCIA to report legal advisors who infringed this code to any relevant professional<br />

body has not survived into the final version. Instead, the LCIA may issue a wrien reprimand, a wrien<br />

cauon and impose “any other measure necessary to fulfil within the arbitraon the general dues required<br />

of the Arbitral Tribunal” to conduct the arbitraon fairly, expediously, imparally and efficiently.<br />

The new rules impose slightly shorter deadlines on the pares – 28 day periods instead of 30 day periods<br />

(which on a praccal level should mean that deadlines will now not fall on non-business days) and 14 days<br />

where 15 days was previously permied (which again should have the same effect). The calculaon of deadlines<br />

now expressly takes into account the difference between me zones. Various provisions deal in detail<br />

with the diligence required of arbitrators and ways of dealing with arbitrators that are not carrying out their<br />

responsibilies.<br />

The rules now include an ability to appoint an emergency arbitrator before the tribunal is constuted (even<br />

if it is constuted in an expedited manner). This mirrors a change recently adopted in the ICC, the ICDR and<br />

the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce rules. However, given the wide use in England of interim relief from<br />

the Courts in support of impending arbitraon proceedings, it remains to be seen whether pares will elect<br />

to use these provisions instead.<br />

There are other important changes, such as the fact that late objecons to jurisdicon and claims that the<br />

Tribunal has exceeded its powers are permied if there is a good reason, and also that the choice of seat is<br />

deemed to be London in the absence of express agreement, and the ability to appoint more than 3 arbitrators.<br />

Arcle 16.4 expressly provides that, unless the pares provide otherwise, the law of the arbitraon<br />

agreement (as well as the law of the arbitraon) shall be that of the "seat" of the arbitraon. These are just<br />

some of the main changes: the number of amendments means that the new rules repay careful study.<br />


Courts<br />

and Arbitration<br />

Abroad - England<br />

Diag Human SA v Czech Republic [2014] EWHC 1639 (Comm)<br />

by Robert Dougans, Nabeel Osman, Maria Gritsenko, Bryan Cave LLP<br />

Arbitral proceedings took place in the Czech Republic resulng in an award against the government of the<br />

Czech Republic in favour of Diag Human. Diag Human applied to enforce this award in the Austrian<br />

courts. The Austrian courts refused to enforce the award, holding that the award was not final and binding<br />

because an arbitral appeal process had not yet run its course. Diag Human then applied to enforce the<br />

award in England.<br />

The Czech government argued that the award should not be enforced in England due to the doctrine of issue<br />

estoppel, which prevents the same pares ligang an issue that they have already brought before another<br />

court. Diag Human argued that issue estoppel should not prevent an arbitral award from being enforced, and<br />

that even if it did, no issue estoppel in fact existed.<br />

Mr Jusce Eder held that there was no reason why issue estoppel should not apply to the enforcement of<br />

arbitral awards under the New York Convenon. He held that issue estoppel did exist on the facts, because<br />

the Austrian court’s decision that the award was not final and binding was the same issue to be decided<br />

before the High Court. In parcular, he dismissed the argument that the Austrian court’s decision was based<br />

on the New York Convenon whilst the High Court must apply secon 103 of the Arbitraon Act 1996 (the<br />

“Act”); he stated that this was a "disncon without a difference" given that the Act gives the relevant provision<br />

of the New York Convenon legal effect in England.<br />

This is understood to be the first case in which the English Court has refused to enforce an award on the basis<br />

of issue estoppel. It has proved controversial, with a number of commentators arguing that as the New York<br />

Convenon and the Act provide for a limited number of excepons to enforcement which do not include<br />

issue estoppel, the High Court should not have acted on that basis. Alternavely, it may be argued that issue<br />

estoppel is a maer of English public policy, and therefore a failure to apply this defence in an arbitraon<br />

context would have been contrary to English public policy.<br />

However, Diag Human did not appeal the decision, and therefore the judgment is likely to be followed by the<br />

High Court if and when it is required to consider the same queson.<br />

Therefore, the effect of this decision is that any person seeking to enforce an arbitral award should take great<br />

care when considering in which state to enforce that award. As well as considering the commercial prospects<br />

of enforcement, pares should also consider whether the law and procedure of a parcular state means that<br />

there is a risk that the court will refuse to enforce the award. If so, pares should consider inially applying to<br />

enforce the award in jurisdicons which are not bound by the same legal and procedural constraints, before<br />

an aempt to enforce is made in a state where maers are less certain.<br />


Rochester Resources Limited, Viktor F. Vekselberg, Leonard v. Blavatnik<br />

v Leonid L. Lebedev and Coral Petroleum Limited [2014] EWHC 2926 (Comm)<br />

by Robert Dougans, Nabeel Osman, Maria Gritsenko, Bryan Cave LLP<br />

AThe English High Court refuses to grant an an-suit injuncon in relaon to proceedings in the New York<br />

court. In its decision rendered on 9 September 2014, Jonathan Hirst QC sing as a Deputy Judge of the<br />

High Court found that one of the Defendants, Leonid Lebedev was not a party to the arbitraon agreement<br />

contained in an acquision agreement entered into in 2003 by Rochester Resources Limited<br />

(“Rochester”) and Coral Petroleum Limited (“Coral”) (“Acquision Agreement”).<br />

The dispute arose from Leonid Lebedev’s investment in Tyumen Oil Company (“TNK”) prior to its joint venture<br />

with Brish Petroleum (“BP”). Around 1997, when the Russian Government sold an interest in TNK, Lebedev<br />

made a deal with Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik consisng of a transfer of his stake in TNK and<br />

payment of $25 million to enes owned and affiliated with Vekselberg and Blavatnik. When the joint<br />

venture was negoated by Vekselberg and Blavatnik as shareholders of TNK, Lebedev agreed to surrender his<br />

right to income under the joint venture and a promissory note in the amount of $200 million for the sum of<br />

$600 million (“Promissory Note”). This arrangement was the background to the Acquision Agreement which<br />

was entered shortly before TNK entered into its well-known joint venture with BP. The Acquision Agreement<br />

contained an arbitraon clause. The Acquision Agreement was expressed to bind “affiliates” of the pares<br />

as well as the pares themselves.<br />

In March 2013, Rosne acquired TNK-BP for $55 billion. The sum of $13.8 billion is believed to have been<br />

received by Vekselberg and Blavatnik as their joint share of the purchase price.<br />

In February 2014 Lebedev brought proceedings in New York against Vekselberg and Blavatnik on the basis<br />

that he had not received any payment for his equity stake in the BP joint venture.<br />

On 9 May 2014, Rochester, Vekselberg and Blavatnik applied to the High Court in London for an an-suit<br />

injuncon to prevent Lebedev from proceeding with the New York proceedings. They claimed that the New<br />

York proceedings involve disputes which ought to have been resolved pursuant to the arbitraon agreement<br />

in the Acquision Agreement, by which Lebedev is bound.<br />

The Claimants alleged that Coral was controlled by Lebedev and that it contracted throughout as the agent<br />

for Lebedev. Further, they alleged that Rochester entered into the Acquision Agreement as agent for<br />

Vekselberg and Blavatnik who are entled to enforce the Acquision Agreement against Lebedev. Alterna-<br />

vely, the Claimants asserted that if Rochester contracted as principal and only for itself, it can enforce the<br />

Acquision Agreement, including the arbitraon clause, against Lebedev for the benefit of Vekselberg and<br />

Blavatnik. This was argued on the basis that as its ulmate beneficial owners, Vekselberg and Blavatnik are<br />

affiliates of Rochester and are entled to enforce the rights conferred on them under secon 1 of the<br />

Contracts (Rights of Third Pares) Act 1999 and to invoke the arbitraon clause against Lebedev under either<br />

secon 8(1) or (2) of that Act.<br />

The Defendants’ posion was that Coral was independent of Lebedev and that it did not contract as agent for<br />

him; nor did Rochester contract as agent for Vekselberg and Blavatnik. They asserted that the only pares to<br />

the Acquision Agreement were Rochester and Coral and that Rochester had no right to enforce the arbitra-<br />

on agreement against Lebedev on their behalf. Further, even if Vekselberg and Blavatnik were to be treated<br />

as “affiliates” of Rochester, they were not entled to invoke the arbitraon clause because secons 8(1) and<br />

(2) have no applicaon and, in any event, it was not intended that the relevant clauses of the Acquision<br />

Agreement should be enforceable by affiliates. In their argument, the Claimants were not entled to an<br />

injuncon under secon 37 of the 1981 Act and Secon 44 of the 1996 Act was inapplicable.<br />


The Court first considered whether Lebedev was bound by the arbitraon clause which it indicated was the<br />

crical starng issue.<br />

In respect of the nature of Lebedev’s relaonship with Coral who was the signatory to the Acquision Agreement,<br />

the Court noted that that although it would probably not make much difference, it was not clearly<br />

established that Coral is owned by Lebedev. Further, there was no evidence that Lebedev was running Coral’s<br />

business.<br />

Further, the Court indicated that Lebedev’s involvement in the negoaons of the Acquision Agreement and<br />

its rights under the Promissory Note did not make him a party to the arbitraon agreement contained in the<br />

Acquision Agreement. Under the Acquision Agreement the Pares were defined as Coral and Rochester<br />

only. The Court therefore concluded that Coral had contracted to the Acquision Agreement as principal and<br />

that it was more likely that Lebedev was intended to be treated as an affiliate of Coral.<br />

Even if it could be demonstrated that Lebedev must have authorised Coral to enter into these engagements<br />

on his behalf and therefore Coral was contracng as Lebedev’s agent, that would not make him a party to the<br />

arbitraon agreement. The pares had made it clear that the arbitraon clause covers disputes “arising<br />

between the Pares”. The Court noted that had they not included these words, it might have been easier to<br />

conclude that the arbitraon clause was intended to apply also to affiliates. Based on the terms of the arbitra-<br />

on agreement in relaon to which the Court indicated “there are limits as to what a Court can properly do<br />

to improve a carefully draed and (at least in this respect) reasonably clear wrien agreement”. The Court<br />

concluded that Lebedev was probably not bound by the arbitraon clause and that it has certainly not been<br />

established to a high degree of probability that he is bound. Accordingly, the Court found that the Claimants<br />

had failed to meet the an-suit injuncon test and its applicaon under secon 37 of the 1981 Act for an<br />

an-suit injuncon must fail. Equally, the Court found that the applicaon under secon 44 of the Arbitraon<br />

Act 1996 must fail on that basis that it was also dependent upon Lebedev being party to the arbitraon agreement.<br />

This case arose out of complex issues. It does show that whilst the High Court is willing in some circumstances<br />

to make an an-suit injuncon against a person who is formally a non-party to an arbitraon agreement,<br />

these will only be made if the facts jusfy it. Here they did not.<br />


IHC in Arbitration<br />

The role of in-house counsel in international arbitration<br />

The IHC's role in an arbitraon starts with the selecon of external counsel and the negoaon of an appropriate<br />

fee structure. The choice of counsel is crucial, as in Western jurisdicons, and in parcular England, the<br />

experience and talent of a party's representaon in legal proceedings is vital for achieving success. This is<br />

where the IHC can add genuine value - by finding a law firm which understands the business, its strategic<br />

needs and the importance of working efficiently with the IHC, whilst appreciang the need to agree to flexible<br />

fee arrangements which are not unduly burdensome on the client's budget. It is therefore essenal for IHC to<br />

know and understand the market for legal services and the fee arrangements available in the jurisdicon of<br />

interest. For this purpose, it would be advisable for IHC to regularly aend legal conferences and to keep<br />

abreast of any developments in areas of interest. Recent developments include the ICC's Guidelines on "Effecby<br />

Nick Marsh, DLA Piper<br />

and Taana Minaeva, Jones Day<br />

In the fast-moving and demanding world of internaonal arbitraon, in-house counsel ("IHC") plays a<br />

pivotal role. An essenal interface between external counsel and the business, an IHC helps prepare and<br />

review informaon, evidence and documents, as well as being responsible for formulang case strategy<br />

and managing costs. An efficient and well-organised IHC can make the difference between success and failure<br />

in a dispute. Nick Marsh, partner at DLA Piper, and Taana Minaeva, Of Counsel at Jones Day, consider the<br />

features of the role of an IHC and how, in their experience, IHCs contribuon is integral to the success of an<br />

arbitraon.<br />

An IHC's role in internaonal arbitraon differs from jurisdicon to jurisdicon. In Russia, this depends on the<br />

IHC's personal experience as well as their employer's internal policy with regards to the resoluon of<br />

disputes. In certain cases, the IHC may even represent the company without the assistance of external counsel,<br />

although this is mainly the case in low value domesc arbitraons. In complex internaonal arbitraons,<br />

the role of the IHC is central and they should be acve in each stage of the process. This ensures beer monitoring,<br />

fewer surprises and, most importantly, yields tailor-made soluons that can influence the arbitral<br />

process to fit the client's needs without compromising the likelihood of a successful outcome. Below we<br />

share our views on the role of the IHC in each stage of an arbitraon.<br />

Selecng legal counsel<br />

Recent developments include the ICC's Guidelines on "Effecve<br />

Management of Arbitraon – A Guide for In-House Counsel and<br />

Other Party Representaves" whose purpose is to increasethe cost<br />

and efficiency of the arbitral process<br />


ive Management of Arbitraon - A Guide for In-House Counsel and Other Party Representaves" , which<br />

were published on 5 June 2014, whose purpose is to increase the cost and efficiency of the arbitral process<br />

and which we consider further below.<br />

Defining strategy<br />

Aer counsel is instructed, it is essenal that IHC provides external counsel with relevant informaon and<br />

instrucons from the outset of the arbitraon and acvely parcipates in discussions regarding case strategy.<br />

An IHC who understands the arbitral process (whether based on previous experience or academic studies)<br />

will be much beer placed to fix case strategy and ensure that it is implemented in accordance with the<br />

client's needs. To streamline the process and ensure that a comprehensive and accurate strategy is formed,<br />

IHC should have discussed strategic goals with the business from the outset and, in turn, communicate them<br />

to external counsel. Different procedural stages in an arbitraon coupled with unexpected commercial developments<br />

make up the ever-changing reality of a dispute, and strategies may need to be re-evaluated and<br />

updated throughout the course of an arbitraon. Parcular strategies may need to be adopted in respect of<br />

specific maers such as document producon or metabling. To ensure that both the business and external<br />

counsel are kept aware of, and are able to contribute connuously to, changes in the case strategy, it is vital<br />

for IHCs to appropriately and effecvely manage their communicaons.<br />

In parcular, IHC will oen ask external counsel to provide advice on strategy, prospects of success and risks.<br />

To ensure that this advice is provided in a mely and appropriate fashion, and that it is in a format which IHC<br />

can understand and, if required, translate or summarise it for the business, IHC will need to carefully and<br />

acvely communicate specific business goals to counsel so that the advice can be tailored as a set of recommendaons<br />

and appropriate acon points rather than pure legal advice.<br />

The ICC Guidelines provide a useful starng point for IHCs who may not yet be familiar with the intricacies of<br />

the arbitral process and the key steps involved. They encourage IHCs to consider case strategy at the outset,<br />

including early analysis of the prospects of success, the benefit and risks of selement discussions and the<br />

possibility of early (and cost-effecve) determinaon of key issues through proacve case management. The<br />

guidelines are, by their own admission, necessarily general in nature and cannot take into account the<br />

parcular issues in a given dispute or comprehensively cover all appropriate strategies and consideraons.<br />

Wrien submissions<br />

The IHC will also review and comment on leers, filings or documents prepared by external counsel. The role<br />

of IHC is important at this stage, parcularly in verifying the accuracy of facts. However, an experienced IHC<br />

should maintain confidence in its external counsel and give them a broad degree of discreon when making<br />

filings. An IHC which requires external counsel to let him or her approve each and every word of every filing<br />

may slow down the process unnecessarily and end up doing more harm than good.<br />

Arbitral tribunals oen fix demanding metables which suit their own, but not necessarily the pares',<br />

diaries. An effecve IHC will ensure that external counsel prepares dras of documents in sufficient me to<br />

allow the IHC and, where necessary, the business to comment - a dra document which is only provided to<br />

the IHC for their review on the day of a deadline is probably too late! The IHC should also manage the<br />

business's expectaons and ensure that key decision makers are available.<br />

Document producon<br />

The IHC's role is vital during the document producon phase, which requires the pares to produce documents<br />

which are requested or ordered. It is therefore important that IHC understands the document produc-<br />

on or discovery process applicable to the arbitraon. IHCs are necessary to help external counsel idenfy<br />


elevant holders or controllers of potenally relevant or responsive documents and to undertake appropriate<br />

internal searches and reviews of those documents. This is oen a very me consuming process. Because this<br />

procedure requires the party to either submit the ordered documents, or explain why they cannot produce<br />

them, the IHC needs to carry out internal due diligence and collect responsive documents. If documents<br />

cannot be found, the IHC should explain to counsel why this is the case so that, if necessary, explanaons can<br />

be provided to the other party and the tribunal.<br />

This stage requires the IHC to know whom in the business to address about the documents in queson. This<br />

is oen only half the bale: persuading the business to share documents and informaon for strategic<br />

reasons, even if will not be shared with opponents, is an equally important part of the IHC's role. In our experience,<br />

Russian business people will oen be reluctant to share informaon for fear it will be leaked to opponents.<br />

An IHC which has the confidence of the business will be beer placed to explain the importance of this<br />

informaon being released and, where appropriate, disclosed to the opponent. Developing an understanding<br />

of the business and its people, and developing a relaonship of trust and confidence with them, is therefore<br />

essenal.<br />

Document producon can be a very costly exercise and should be carefully managed by IHC. A suitably qualified<br />

IHC can somemes undertake an inial document producon review himself to remove obviously<br />

irrelevant documents, organise potenally relevant documents and help save cost, parcularly where the IHC<br />

understands the business or where documents are in Russian.<br />

Witnesses<br />

In internaonal arbitraon, parcularly ones based on common law systems, findings of fact can be heavily<br />

dependent on witness tesmony, which is first submied in wring and then assessed by the tribunal aer<br />

cross-examinaon of the witness. Whilst the interviewing of witnesses and preparaon of witness statements<br />

is oen principally a maer for external counsel, the IHC should be closely involved in the idenficaon of<br />

potenal witnesses from the business. The IHC's aendance at witness interviews will oen facilitate the<br />

sharing of informaon and documents between the witness and external counsel. Finally, the IHC may be<br />

required - with or without external counsel - to brief witnesses before they give live evidence to ensure they<br />

understand the process and feel at ease. In certain jurisdicons, such as USA, the witnesses can be coached<br />

by specialised trainers. In others, this is prohibited.<br />

Aending hearings<br />

The ICC Guidelines encourage<br />

an IHC to consider selement at<br />

an early stage of the proceedings<br />

It is essenal that IHC takes part in final hearings,<br />

as well as key interim hearings, as an acve<br />

observer. Somemes it is necessary to provide<br />

informaon quickly, so that it can be used to make or defend urgent applicaons. Parcipang in hearings<br />

also allows the IHC to get a clear first hand impression of how the case is progressing, to discuss prospects<br />

with external counsel, to update the business and, where appropriate, to iniate selement discussions.<br />

Selement<br />

In certain cases, selement can be the best outcome for a party. The ICC Guidelines, for example, encourage<br />

an IHC to consider selement at an early stage of the proceedings as part of the IHC's assessment of overall<br />

case strategy and prospects. As selement negoaons progress and a dra selement agreement is<br />

prepared by external counsel, the IHC should ensure that the business understands the consequences of the<br />

selement terms, including financial exposure, the prospects of any future claims and whether, for example,<br />

the business will be permied to comment to the press.<br />


Managing the costs of an arbitraon<br />

Any experienced praconer will tell you that the costs of an arbitraon are difficult to predict, given that<br />

they depend to a large extent on the approach adopted by third pares. Controlling legal costs and agreeing<br />

budgets with the business and external counsel is, even with this uncertainty, an essenal part of an effecve<br />

IHC's role. A good IHC will carefully manage external counsel and ensure that the legal team is not too large,<br />

that it works efficiently and that it does not spend me on unnecessary tasks. Where costs are parcularly<br />

sensive, IHCs can also consider the possibility of third party funding, which is becoming more common in<br />

internaonal arbitraon.<br />

The ICC Guidelines, for example, include a number of helpful quesons, criteria and recommendaons whose<br />

purpose is to help an IHC ensure that costs during the key stages of the arbitral process (such as costs of<br />

wrien submissions, witness statements, expert reports, final hearings and selement discussions) are<br />

considered strategically, managed carefully and, where possible, only incurred where necessary and propor-<br />

onate to the value and importance of the issues in dispute.<br />

Conclusion<br />

All of the above tasks require an IHC to act as a proacve interface between the business and external counsel.<br />

An IHC who understands the arbitral process and who invests me in their relaonship with the business<br />

and external counsel will be beer placed to meet the many logiscal and strategic challenges which both<br />

claimants and respondents inevitably face in arbitraons. Even if the IHC is not experienced, they should not<br />

be afraid to communicate with external counsel and to ask quesons to ensure that they, and through them<br />

the business, have a clear understanding of the process. A good rapport between the IHC and external counsel<br />

is an essenal ingredient for success.<br />

The authors<br />

Taana Minaeva is Of Counsel in internaonal dispute resoluon group of Jones Day with special focus on CIS<br />

disputes. In her professional career she has worked as in-house at a major Russian company where she was<br />

responsible for internaonal disputes.<br />

Nick Marsh is a partner at DLA Piper's London office who specialises in Russian and CIS disputes. Nick regularly<br />

works with in-house counsel in arbitraons involving Russian and CIS interests.<br />


English Law Privilege<br />

by Maria Gritsenko, Counsel, Bryan Cave<br />

In common law jurisdicons, legal professional privilege (“privilege”) entles a client to withhold certain<br />

documents and other communicaons from disclosure in legal proceedings. This arcle provides an overview<br />

of the English law rules on privilege, which are relevant to parcipants in internaonal arbitral<br />

proceedings in London as well as internaonal ligants before the English courts.<br />


There are two main types of privilege under English law:<br />

I. Legal advice privilege protects confidenal communicaons between a lawyer and his client if such communicaons<br />

are for the purpose of seeking and receiving legal advice in a relevant legal context;<br />

II. Ligaon privilege protects confidenal communicaons between a lawyer and his client and/or a third<br />

party or between a client and a third party, if such communicaons have been created for the dominant<br />

purpose of obtaining legal advice, evidence or informaon in preparaon for actual ligaon, or ligaon that<br />

is “reasonably in prospect”.<br />

Confidenal Communicaons<br />

The term “communicaons” includes actual lawyer/client communicaons as well as evidence of such communicaons.<br />

This would encompass the majority of work undertaken by lawyers: a communicaon will be<br />

protected if it is “part of that necessary exchange of informaon of which the object is the giving of legal<br />

advice as and when appropriate” (Balabel v Air India [1988] Ch 317 at 330). Similarly, any notes made by the<br />

solicitor of what he learns as a result of his professional relaonship with the client, will also be privileged:<br />

“…Notes or memoranda made by the solicitor are placed on the same foong as communicaons between<br />

the solicitor and the client.” (Ainswroth v Wilding [1990] 2 Ch 315 at 323).<br />

Privilege can only be claimed if the communicaon is confidenal. What that means is that if confidenality<br />

is lost, privilege will also likely be lost.<br />

Between a lawyer<br />

English law privilege applies to advice given by professional legal advisors, which include both external<br />

lawyers and in-house lawyers. Solicitors would need to hold a current pracsing cerficate. In-house lawyers<br />

have to be qualified to pracce under the Solicitors Regulatory Authority or by the Bar Standards Board and<br />

act in their capacity as a legal advisor (see Secon II for a more detailed analysis of the privilege regime for<br />

in-house counsels). Privilege extends to employees such as legal execuves, trainee solicitors and paralegals<br />

provided that they are properly supervised by qualified lawyers.<br />

Privilege will also extend to the advice given by foreign lawyers based abroad provided that they are qualified<br />

to pracse under their own regulatory body and to foreign lawyers based in England & Wales qualified to<br />


pracse under their own regulatory body and to foreign lawyers based in England & Wales qualified to prac-<br />

se under the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, irrespecve of whether they are advising on foreign or English<br />

law. For example, the court in the IBM case held that:pracse under the Solicitors Regulatory Authority,<br />

irrespecve of whether they are advising on foreign or English law. For example, the court in the IBM case<br />

held that:<br />

“The fact that the advice given [by American aorneys] related predominantly<br />

to English law is irrelevant. It was advice of foreign lawyers, acng as lawyers, to<br />

be used by Phoenix to decide what strategy to adopt in carrying on business...<br />

The correct approach is to look at the substance and reality of the document,<br />

the circumstances in which it came into existence and also its purpose. It was<br />

advice given by lawyers in circumstances where ligaon was contemplated to<br />

enable the recipient to decide what strategy to adopt, both from a legal and<br />

business standpoint. Such a document is privileged.” (IBM Corp v Phoenix Internaonal<br />

(Computers) Ltd [1995] 1 All. E.R. 413 at 429.<br />

Privilege does not, however, apply to other professionals, such as accountants, who give legal advice. This has<br />

been confirmed by the English Supreme Court in the 2013 Prudenal case. The case concerned tax advice<br />

given to Prudenal by its external accountants, disclosure of which had been sought by the tax authories.<br />

The court ruled that because the advice was given by non-lawyers, Prudenal was not entled to claim privilege.<br />

This meant that all relevant communicaons were fully disclosable, even though the advice was indisputably<br />

legal in nature. (R. (on the applicaon of Prudenal Plc) v Special Commissioner of Income Tax [2013]<br />

UKSC 1.<br />

And his client (Legal advice privilege)<br />

“Client” does not include everyone within the company or the department seeking legal advice. In Three<br />

Rivers (No. 5) the Court of Appeal gave a restricve definion of “client” for the purpose of legal advice privilege,<br />

including only those employees of an organisaon who are responsible for obtaining or receiving legal<br />

advice. Therefore, communicaons between legal advisors and employees outside the client team will not<br />

generally be privileged. (Three Rivers District Council v Bank of England (no 5) [2003] QB 1556 at [21], 1575-<br />

76).<br />

It is important to remember that this disncon only maers for the purposes of Legal advice privilege. Liga-<br />

on privilege covers communicaons with third pares and therefore the concerns arising out of the defini-<br />

on of “client” should not arise in the ligaon context.<br />

For the purposes of providing legal advice in the relevant legal context (Legal advice privilege)<br />

Legal advice privilege is not confined to advice on the law, but also covers “advice as to what should prudently<br />

and sensibly be done in the relevant legal context” (see Balabel at 330, endorsed by the House of Lords in<br />

Three Rivers District Council v The Bank of England (No 6) [2005] 1 AC 60 at 330). This will cover presenta-<br />

onal, commercial or strategic advice provided that it relates to a client’s legal rights, liabilies, obligaons<br />

and remedies. It will not apply to advice of a purely strategic or commercial nature which is not provided in a<br />

“relevant legal context”. As this was put by Lord Carswell,<br />


“all communicaons between a solicitor and his client relang to a transacon<br />

in which the solicitor has been instructed for the purpose of obtaining legal<br />

advice will be privileged, notwithstanding that they do not contain advice on<br />

maers of law or construcon, provided that they are directly relevant to the<br />

performance by the solicitor of his professional duty as legal adviser of his<br />

client.” (Three Rivers (No. 6) [2005] 1 A.C. 610 at 679, [111]).<br />

Or for the dominant purpose of ligaon (Ligaon privilege)<br />

“Ligaon” refers to adversarial proceedings and therefore will exclude, for example, internal disciplinary<br />

proceedings and invesgaons.<br />

Ligaon has to be actual or “reasonably in prospect”, i.e. more than a mere possibility. It is not sufficient that<br />

there is a disnct possibility that sooner or later someone might make a claim.<br />

Finally, since the 1979 ruling in the Waugh case, the use in or in connecon with ligaon must be the “dominant<br />

purpose” of the communicaon for which the ligaon privilege is claimed (even if the document may<br />

have been created for more than one purpose) (Waugh v Brish Railway Board [1980] AC 521). In a recent<br />

case, the Court of Appeal held that reports prepared by accountants were not protected by ligaon privilege,<br />

as they seemed to have two purposes of the nature of the accounng treatment of the loan transacons<br />

and the ligaon strategy, and it was not shown that the dominant purpose was for ligaon (Tchenguiz v<br />

Director of the Serious Fraud Office (Non-Party Disclosure) [2014] EWCA Civ 136).<br />


Under English law, in-house lawyers are treated in the same way as lawyers in private pracce for the<br />

purposes of legal advice privilege (Alfred Compton Amusement Machines Ltd v Customs & Excise Commissioners<br />

(No 2) [1972]). Lord Denning M.R. explained the posion as follows:<br />

“I have always proceeded on the foong that communicaons between the<br />

legal advisers and their employer (who is their client) are the subject of legal<br />

professional privilege. I speak, of course, of their communicaons in the capacity<br />

of legal advisers. It does somemes happen that such a legal adviser does<br />

work for his employer in another capacity, perhaps of an execuve nature. Their<br />

communicaons in that capacity would not be the subject of legal professional<br />

privilege.” [1972] 2 Q.B. 102 at 129.<br />

Lord Sco in Three Rivers confirmed that the advice had to be given in a “relevant legal context” in order to<br />

aract privilege:<br />

“If a solicitor becomes the client’s ‘man of business’… responsible for advising<br />

the client on all maers of business, the advice may lack a relevant legal →<br />


context. There is, in my opinion, no way of avoiding difficulty in deciding in marginal<br />

cases whether the seeking of advice from or the giving of advice by lawyers<br />

does or does not take place in a relevant legal context so as to aract legal<br />

advice privilege. In cases of doubt the judge called upon to make the decision<br />

should ask whether the advice relates to the rights, liabilies, obligaons or<br />

remedies of the client under either private law or under public law. If it does<br />

not, then, in my opinion, legal advice privilege would not apply.” [2004] UKHL<br />

48, [2005] 1 A.C. 610 at 651, at [38].<br />

It should be noted that in-house counsel is treated differently in common law and civil law jurisdicons. In<br />

many European countries (including France and Switzerland) in-house counsel is considered as a company’s<br />

employee who would lack sufficient independence for his communicaons to benefit from privilege.<br />

Similarly, EU legal privilege (relevant for the specific context of the EU compeon invesgaons) applies only<br />

to correspondence with an independent lawyer not bound to a client by a relaonship of employment. This<br />

was recently confirmed by the Court of Jusce in Akzo Nobel v European Commission (C-550/07). Communicaons<br />

with in-house counsel are not protected by legal privilege irrespecve of in-house counsel’s status<br />

under naonal law. The Court of Jusce held that an in-house counsel’s relaonship as an employee of the<br />

company by its very nature does not allow him to ignore the commercial strategies pursued by his employer.<br />

By reference to the English law posion, an in-house lawyer must take care to ensure that he disnguishes<br />

clearly between advice which is legal and that which is commercial in nature. His advice will only be privileged<br />

to the extent that it is legal advice; where he is providing business advice or advice relang to administraon<br />

or management affairs, it will not be possible to claim privilege.<br />

If an in-house counsel has to disclose his or external lawyers’ legal advice to the company’s board, this will not<br />

result in a loss of privilege. Board minutes solely summarising or aaching a copy of legal advice will be privileged;<br />

however a discussion of the commercial issues arising from the legal advice received will not be privileged.<br />


Privilege will be lost if a document is circulated widely or is made publicly available. If a privileged communicaon<br />

is disclosed to a third party for a limited purpose and on strict terms as to confidenality, it may be<br />

possible to maintain a claim to privilege in that document as against the rest of the world. (B v Auckland<br />

District Law Society [2003] UKPC 38)<br />

Where privilege is waived in respect of one document in a sequence of documents (or one part of a document),<br />

then the class of documents (or rest of the document) will have to be disclosed unless the document<br />

(or part of the document) disclosed deals with an enrely different issue or subject maer. This is to prevent<br />

pares from “cherry picking” among the privileged material. (Great Atlanc Insurance Co v Home Insurance<br />

Co [1981] 1 WLR 529; Dunlop Slazenger Internaonal Ltd v Joe Bloggs Sports Limited [2003] All ER (D) 137.)<br />

Common interest privilege may be construed as a defence to claims that privilege is lost/waived by circulang<br />

a document. When the disclosing party and the receiving party both share a common interest in the subject<br />

maer of the privileged document or in ligaon in connecon with which the document was created, the<br />

document will remain privileged. The common interest must exist at the me of disclosure to the receiving<br />

party.<br />


When a party mistakenly allows a privileged document to be inspected, the court will examine whether it was<br />

obvious that the disclosure was mistaken in deciding whether to allow the recipient to use the document. If<br />

it was either obvious to the recipient, or alternavely would have been obvious to a reasonable solicitor in<br />

the same circumstances, the court will prevent use of the document. (ISTIL Group Inc v Zahoor [2003] EWHC<br />

165 Ch).<br />

The privilege will also be lost if the client is engaged in a “strategy of concealment and deceit”, as this was held<br />

over a month ago by the Commercial Court in a case involving Mr Mukhtar Ablyazov’s interests. In that<br />

maer, BTA Bank sought disclosure of certain documents which would normally aract privilege and which<br />

were held by solicitors or former solicitors of Messrs Ablyazov and Shalabayev. BTA Bank had brought a<br />

number of acons against Mr Ablyazov alleging a mul-billion pound fraud, and sought disclosure of documents<br />

for the purposes of enforcing judgments. BTA Bank argued that Messrs Ablyazov and Shalabayev lied<br />

and deliberately misled the court about the extent and nature of the assets of which Mr Ablyazov was the<br />

ulmate beneficial owner and sought to put those assets outside of BTA Bank’s reach.<br />

The Commercial Court granted disclosure, on the basis that privilege would protect communicaons made<br />

for the purposes of legal advice or ligaon, in which the solicitor was acng in the ordinary course of the<br />

professional engagement of a solicitor. Where solicitors are deceived and used as an instrument to perpetrate<br />

a substanal fraud on the other party and the court, the normal client/ lawyer relaonships would be abused<br />

and privilege would be negated. (JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov [2014] EWHC 2788 (Comm) at 93).<br />

The Ablyazov decision is one of a number of recent decisions where the English court has ordered the disclosure<br />

of privileged informaon. It appears that such orders, although sll unusual, are being granted more<br />

readily.<br />


The confidenal nature of communicaons between a client and his is universally recognized; however the<br />

scope and regimes of the privilege rules vary from one jurisdicon to another, especially when we compare<br />

common law and civil law jurisdicons. For these reasons, applicaon of privilege presents parcular<br />

challenges in the context of internaonal arbitraon.<br />

Party autonomy and discreon of the tribunal remain the main principles. Most arbitral rules would contain<br />

a wording to the effect that the arbitrators shall determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and<br />

weight of the evidence offered by the pares (see UNCITRAL Rules Arcle 27(4), LCIA Rules Arcle 22.1(vi),<br />

AAA Rules Arcle 20(6)).<br />

More specifically on the issue of privilege, Arcle 9(2)(b) of the 2010 IBA Rules on Taking of Evidence in Internaonal<br />

Arbitraon provides that:<br />

“The Arbitral Tribunal shall, at the request of a Party or on its own moon,<br />

exclude from evidence or producon any Document, statement, oral tesmony<br />

or inspecon for any of the following reasons: (b) legal impediment or privilege<br />

under the legal or ethical rules determined by the Arbitral Tribunal to be applicable…”<br />

Arcle 9(3) also contains a “checklist” of issues which a tribunal “may take into account” when assessing<br />

whether a document is privileged:<br />


“In considering issues of legal impediment or privilege under Arcle 9.2(b), and<br />

insofar as permied by any mandatory legal or ethical rules that are determined<br />

by it to be applicable, the Arbitral Tribunal may take into account: (a) any need<br />

to protect the confidenality of a Document created or statement or oral communicaon<br />

made in connecon with and for the purpose of providing or obtaining<br />

legal advice; (b) any need to protect the confidenality of a Document<br />

created or statement or oral communicaon made in connecon with and for<br />

the purpose of selement negoaons; (c) the expectaons of the Pares and<br />

their advisors at the me the legal impediment or privilege is said to have<br />

arisen; (d) any possible waiver of any applicable legal impediment or privilege<br />

by virtue of consent, earlier disclosure, affirmave use of the Document, statement,<br />

oral communicaon or advice contained therein, or otherwise; and (e)<br />

the need to maintain fairness and equality as between the Pares, parcularly<br />

if they are subject to different legal or ethical rules.”<br />

The IBA Rules sll fail to provide any specific guidance as to what privilege regime should apply – the one of<br />

the law of the contract, or of the place of the arbitraon, or of the jurisdicons to which the pares’ counsel<br />

belong or where the document was created? Most oen the counsel in arbitraon proceedings will proceed<br />

according to the rules of the jurisdicon in which they are trained. If an issue arises – for example, when a<br />

party requests disclosure of a document which the other side sees as privileged – the tribunal will have to<br />

resolve in a way that ensures that each party has a reasonable opportunity to present its case.<br />

In doing so, and as reflected in Arcle 9(3) quoted above, the tribunal will take care to ensure the fairness and<br />

equality between the pares, while having regard to any mandatory ethical rules the respecve counsel may<br />

be subject to. The tribunal may also choose to apply a combinaon of the privilege regimes of the pares’<br />

lawyers- either applying the most extensive or the least extensive privilege rules. The tribunal will also oen<br />

be guided by the lex fori – for example, by the generally applicable principles of English law, if the arbitraon<br />

is seated in London.<br />

Most importantly, the concept of “fairness” would imply considering the pares’ expectaons when they<br />

were requesng and receiving legal advice and/or preparing for the arbitraon proceedings. It is therefore<br />

essenal for the pares to adopt, from the outset, an approach consistent with the rules applicable in the<br />

jurisdicons of their legal advisors. A prudent in-house counsel would also consider the dispute resoluon<br />

clauses typically used by his company (including the governing law and forum) and keep in mind the privilege<br />

regime which may eventually become relevant to the dispute.<br />


Interview with William Spiegelberger – UC Rusal<br />

William Spiegelberger<br />

Posion: Director of Internaonal Pracce Department of Legal<br />

Directorate<br />

Industry / Company: the world's largest producer of aluminium<br />

Number of employees: about 75,000<br />

External law firms: mainly Ashurst, Sidley Ausn, Egorov Puginsky<br />

Afanasiev and Partners<br />

Brief CV: William R. Spiegelberger is Director of the Internaonal<br />

Pracce Department at Rusal Global Management B.V. in Moscow<br />

(since 2007), where he manages, among other things, the corporate<br />

group’s major ligaons and arbitraons outside the CIS states. He<br />

was formerly Co-Head of the Disputes Group at White & Case LLC in<br />

Moscow (2003-7), associate in the ligaon department of Milbank,<br />

Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP in New York (1998-2003), and associate<br />

in the arbitraon and ligaon group of White & Case LLP in New York<br />

and Paris (1994-1997). The author of The Enforcement of Foreign<br />

Arbitral Awards in Russia (Juris, 2014), and several arcles on arbitra-<br />

on and internaonal legal pracce, he holds a J.D. degree from<br />

Columbia Law School and is a member of the Naonal Advisory Council<br />

of the Harriman Instute at Columbia University in New York.<br />

Willem Vis Experience 1st Moot (1994), Columbia University<br />

2 1 3<br />

Second best<br />

oralist prize<br />

(Marn Domke Award)<br />

First team prize<br />

(Frédéric Eisemann<br />

Award)<br />

Third team prize<br />

for a brief<br />

Why did you choose to concentrate mostly on dispute resoluon? Has your specializaon changed over<br />

me? Did parcipaon in Willem C.Vis moot influence your choice of pracce?<br />

I found dispute resoluon most interesng, the least monotonous, as each dispute is different, whereas one<br />

loan agreement is much like another. I also enjoyed oral argument, moot court, etc. I was parcularly inspired<br />

by my mentor at Columbia law School, the late Hans Smit. The Vis Moot confirmed my career choice of<br />

arbitraon: the compeon was an excellent experience, intellectually very sasfying, and a lot of fun.<br />

Could you please tell us how your in-house career started and has developed over the years? Why have you<br />

decided to move from one of the top internaonal law firms to the in-house department? Was the decision<br />

difficult one?<br />

I was hired by a friend who had started at Rusal<br />

a few months earlier as general counsel. I<br />

decided to move in-house because the posion<br />

appeared to present a lot of interesng problems,<br />

with a steady stream of high-profile and<br />

In a word: I changed jobs and went<br />

in-house for the adventure<br />

big-money disputes. It was not a difficult decision, as I was then ready for a change, and quite interested in<br />

learning how a large Russian corporaon operated. In a word: I changed jobs and went in-house for the<br />

adventure.<br />


What are your main responsibilies? Do you see yourself to be more a manager or a legal advisor?<br />

I oversee the company’s major ligaons and arbitraons outside the CIS, and deal with other legal risks<br />

outside of the CIS. I see myself performing a hybrid role, part business manager, part legal advisor. Much<br />

depends on the nature of the case vis-à-vis my personal abilies. Some cases I only manage; with others, I will<br />

dra the submissions myself. In both cases I act as intermediary between management, which has certain<br />

policies and goals, and the outside counsel who will<br />

help us implement those policies and achieve those<br />

goals.<br />

Law firms are like an extension<br />

of the university. One can<br />

almost always go from a law<br />

firm to an in-house posion,<br />

but the reverse is more difficult<br />

Are there people that are more suited for a posion<br />

in-house as opposed to private pracce and vice<br />

versa? What qualies a disputes lawyer needs to<br />

have to succeed as an in-house counsel?<br />

Private pracce lawyers must first and foremost be<br />

able to find new clients and generate fees; they make<br />

money from the clients. In-house counsel, in<br />

contrast, must first and foremost solve problems, formulate policy, help achieve the company’s goals, coordinate<br />

the work of counsel in various jurisdicons when a given case is being fought in more than one jurisdic-<br />

on. In-house counsel try to keep costs (legal fees) as low as possible.<br />

In the US in most cases lawyers move to in-house posions aer spending some me in private pracce,<br />

while in Russia many graduates join in-house departments immediately. Which pathway is beer in your<br />

view?<br />

I think it best to spend a few years at a law firm, as an apprence so to speak, where one can expect to work<br />

very long, very hard hours, on a range of cases, plead before judges, etc. Law firms in this sense are like an<br />

extension of the university. Also, one can almost always go from a law firm to an in-house posion, but the<br />

reverse is more difficult.<br />

Is internaonal arbitraon the preferred choice for you company?<br />

Not necessarily. Arbitraon is preferable when (1) there is no neutral or fair court, (2) it is unclear whether a<br />

court judgment would be enforceable, and (3) some parcular experse is desirable in the arbitrators. Judicial<br />

proceedings are generally preferable if (1) one has a very strong case, (2) the court is acceptable, and (3)<br />

one can expect the judgment to be enforceable. In general, however, arbitraon is chosen merely because<br />

the pares cannot agree on any other forum.<br />

What factors influence the decision to iniate arbitraon proceedings? Who makes the ulmate decision?<br />

Management decides whether to commence arbitraon upon the advice of in-house counsel, which necessarily<br />

includes an esmate of the chances of success, of the costs, and of the expected duraon of the<br />

proceedings. In short: an informed cost-benefit analysis is necessary, which is the joint responsibility of management<br />

and counsel.<br />

Peter Rees QC, ex-Shell legal director, said in his interview: “If you look at most corporaons these days,<br />

ligaon and compliance is the biggest risk. No corporaon will go down because of a failed M&A deal.”<br />

Do you agree with this statement?<br />

In countries with a strong/honest legal culture, yes. In countries with a weak/corrupt legal system, no. In the<br />

laer countries, the greatest risk is polical: outright expropriaon, creeping expropriaon, bribes and illegal<br />

payments, undue pressure, bureaucracy, unrest and revoluon.<br />


How do you see the role of in-house counsel in internaonal arbitraon? Does it have any specific features<br />

in Russia and CIS countries?<br />

I personally do not deal with CIS/Russia maers<br />

directly, as there is a separate department for<br />

those cases. My role is to manage non-CIS<br />

maers. With regard to those maers, I see my<br />

main tasks as 1) forming company policy with<br />

regard to the dispute, that is: helping management<br />

to decide whether to commence as case<br />

or how best to defend one or sele, 2) coordinang<br />

work among the various outside counsel<br />

in different jurisdicons when a dispute spills into more than one forum; 3) controlling costs and fostering<br />

efficiency, and (4) ensuring outside counsel and the company collaborate effecvely, as in the case of choosing<br />

witnesses, preparing witness statements, and collecng documents.<br />

Having pracced both in the US and Russia do you think Russian/CIS companies are different from US (or<br />

European) companies when it comes to their approaches to arbitraon? Does it have any effect on the role<br />

of an in-house counsel?<br />

I have not noced any big difference.<br />

Outside counsel focus narrowly on<br />

the parcular dispute; in-house<br />

counsel focuses broadly on policy<br />

and strategy<br />

How would you recommend to split the tasks up between in-house and outside counsel?<br />

Outside counsel are expert in the parcular field of law and have the personnel resources to accomplish large<br />

tasks. In-house counsel act as liaison between management and outside counsel, help formulate company<br />

policy, manage expectaons, control costs, and review submissions for conformity with company policy and<br />

goals. In short; outside counsel focus narrowly on the parcular dispute; in-house counsel focuses broadly on<br />

policy and strategy.<br />

Do you believe that in-house counsel can represent the company in arbitraon proceedings? Does it work<br />

in case of small-scale disputes?<br />

Yes and yes. We have the capability of represenng the company ourselves in suitable disputes. The liming<br />

factor is how much me we can afford to spend on any given dispute. As a rule, therefore, we can represent<br />

the company ourselves only in relavely small, convenonal disputes, and disputes within our competence.<br />

Some say that an in-house career creates fewer opportunies for further professional/career development<br />

in comparison with the one in private pracce. Do you agree with that? Would you ever consider moving<br />

to private pracce?<br />

An in-house career has its own possibilies that differ from those available in private pracce. As an in-house<br />

lawyer one can, for example, rise to the top of the legal department or take on more business responsibilies<br />

and perhaps transfer to the finance or capital markets department. There is no such opon at a law firm. At<br />

a law firm, the general model is “up or out,” that is: one rises through the ranks of associates in the hope of<br />

becoming partner. If one does not become partner, one is typically asked to leave the firm. There are, it seems<br />

to me, fewer opons at a law firm, where the career path is narrower.<br />

It happens that external counsels underesmate level of IHCs’ experience telling them things they already<br />

know and offering them services they do not need. Have you ever faced this?<br />

Somemes. External counsel can be condescending toward in-house lawyers and view them as lawyers who<br />

failed to succeed at law firms. In my experience, I have not perceived a marked difference in ability between<br />

in-house lawyers and law firm lawyers in terms of their experse and professionalism. In fact, I pity many law<br />

firm lawyers, as many of them do not seem to enjoy their work or their life, such as it is.<br />


What are the most influenal factors for you in selecng outside counsel? Do you find rankings of law firms<br />

in directories a good source of informaon?<br />

First, trustworthiness in the sense that they will not betray our confidence and will treat the company’s interests<br />

as a priority. Second, basic competence and responsiveness. Third, familiarity with the general subjectmaer<br />

of the dispute, the facts and background, as this saves a lot of me and money that would otherwise<br />

be spent bringing them up to speed.<br />

Which one of the following factors is more important in choosing an outside counsel: the understanding of<br />

each parcular client’s business or general procedural skills and proficiency?<br />

I think they are equally important.<br />

Who is ulmately responsible for the outcome of arbitraon proceedings?<br />

I am not sure what this queson means. If it means “whose task is it to ensure a certain outcome,” then the<br />

answer is: it is in-house counsel’s task. If an in-house counsel lawyer loses too many cases, he or she will get<br />

fired, as he or she works for the company, whose own money is at stake. If outside counsel loses too many<br />

cases, he or she will not generally get fired, because outside counsel gets paid, as a rule, whether he or she<br />

wins or loses. In short: in-house counsel works for the company and answers to the company; outside counsel<br />

works for a law firm and answers to the law firm. As the company’s money is at stake in a dispute, it is the<br />

in-house lawyers who stand to reap the gain from winning (geng a bonus), or endure the pain or losing<br />

(geng fired).<br />

You are the author of The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia (2014), what's your opinion on<br />

Russian courts' approach to arbitraon? Are there ways Russia can become more aracve as a seat of<br />

arbitraon?<br />

The conclusion reached in my book is that the Russian courts appear to be enforcing<br />

foreign arbitral awards at an acceptable rate, one probably comparable to the<br />

rate found in other developed counes. There are, however, certain inconsistencies<br />

in the court judgments, which makes predicng the outcome of a given<br />

award enforcement proceeding more difficult in Russia than in some other<br />

jurisdicons. Russian judgments also tend to be quite succinct – at least by the<br />

standards of common law courts – and do not always set out all the facts necessary<br />

to render the judge’s reasoning fully comprehensible to an outsider. No<br />

doubt this is owing to the fact that Russian judgments have no precedenal<br />

effect, thus they need not serve as an “instrucon,” for want of a beer word, to<br />

non-pares to the case. Rather, they generally contain only enough informaon<br />

to inform the pares to the case, who do know all the relevant facts, why the<br />

judge ruled as he or she did. The above points render Russia somewhat less desirable<br />

as a place for arbitraon because non-Russian pares will find it difficult to understand precisely how the<br />

Russian courts will address this or that arbitraon-related issue. It is precisely this “fear of the unknown” that<br />

I tried to dispel in my book.<br />


Interview with Evgenia Loewe – Renova Group<br />

Evgenia Loewe<br />

Posion: Head of Internaonal Ligaon<br />

Reporng to: Chief Legal Officer<br />

Industry / Company: Leading Russian investment group with diversified<br />

interests in natural resources, energy, telecoms, nanotechnology,<br />

and other sectors across the globe<br />

Brief CV: Evgenia Loewe graduated from Internaonal University in<br />

Moscow in 2002 with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Law. Received LLM<br />

in American Law from Boston University School of Law in 2002.<br />

Admied to NY State Bar. For the past 11 years have been with the<br />

legal department of the Renova Group.<br />

Сould you please tell us how your in-house career started and has developed over the years?<br />

My career with Renova started in 2003 when I joined the legal department of the Renova Group’s management<br />

company, which had then just been established. I joined as a generalist and, since at the me, our team<br />

was comprised of only three lawyers, we were responsible for all legal maers that the group faced across the<br />

spectrum of its varied business interests. This meant that we dealt with a very diverse pool of issues that, for<br />

the most part, had an important foreign or internaonal law aspect. My worked included anything from<br />

corporate governance and compliance to providing legal support in handling the M&A acvity of the group.<br />

Given the small size of the team inially and the group’s very acve investment strategy, our work was structured<br />

on a project basis with each lawyer responsible for providing full legal support in relaon to a number<br />

of investments allocated to him/her. This structure has worked well over the years, even as our department<br />

grew, since there has tradionally been very lile movement in our team and most of our lawyers, including<br />

myself, keep their ‘legacy’ projects, which they tend to know in-depth. This is also why, despite taking on the<br />

foreign ligaon funcon in 2007, I have remained responsible for the legal oversight on the legacy investments<br />

that I have managed on the M&A side beforehand.<br />

As the needs of the Group grew so did our department, and at various mes I have headed corporate and<br />

M&A sub-departments within the larger legal team of the Renova Group run by our Chief Legal Officer. I have<br />

held my current posion since 2007 when it was recognised that the growing foreign ligaon acvity of the<br />

group required a dedicated team. The posion as head of foreign ligaon allowed me a great degree of<br />

anatomy and flexibility and I have since then worked in Switzerland, New York and now London, handling<br />

Renova and other engagements. This has worked well with the geography of the cases, whose venues are<br />

usually common law jurisdicons but also including ligaon and arbitraon proceedings in the EU. I have<br />

been fortunate to work on diverse maers spanning from complex mul-jurisdiconal disputes (some of the<br />

more prominent and reported ones are VSMPO-AVISMA, TNK-BP and RUSAL shareholder disputes) to such<br />

fascinang cases as London High Court ligaon against Chrise’s in relaon to authencity of a Russian<br />

painng.<br />

Why did you choose to concentrate mostly on dispute resoluon? Has your specializaon changed over<br />

me?<br />

I have been interested in internaonal arbitraon since my year in Boston University Law school where I was<br />


fortunate enough to study it under the accomplished Professor William Park. At the me many of us signed<br />

up for a course vaguely tled “Internaonal Business Transacons” not expecng to receive an excing<br />

semester-long discourse in internaonal arbitraon, the New York Convenon and enforcement of foreign<br />

judgements. Later, in my earlier years at Renova, I was in charge of a project that became ligious as Renova<br />

sought to exit the parcular investment. I enjoyed the fast pace and the strategic work involved in managing<br />

a large shareholder dispute, as well as the adversarial nature of the process and the dynamics this imposes.<br />

The challenge, however, was combining this me consuming work - one cannot ligate “in spare me” - with<br />

my primary M&A funcon, so when in 2007 the group recognised the need for a dedicated foreign ligaon<br />

funcon I was excited to have the opportunity to head it. While my specializaon has not changed since then,<br />

the nature of the job and the diversity of the cases we have handled since then has certainly allowed me a lot<br />

of room for professional growth. That said, my prior<br />

transaconal experience has been very helpful when<br />

In order to be successful as a<br />

disputes lawyer you need a<br />

healthy dose of paence, a high<br />

stress tolerance, and the ability<br />

to maintain long-term perspec-<br />

it comes to grasping commercial raonale behind the<br />

deals that oen eventually culminate in a dispute, or<br />

interpreng the intent behind commercial contracts<br />

at the me of draing. In these situaons, it is<br />

extremely helpful to be inmately familiar with the<br />

draing and negoaon process of deal-making<br />

when you need to interpret this documentaon in<br />

the framework of a dispute. Conversely, I have found<br />

that my ligaon experience has affected my own<br />

transacon draing as it has made me more<br />

conscious and meculous in the choice of words in draing and I oen find myself reviewing every sentence<br />

using a “what if this goes wrong” test.<br />

Are there people that are more suited for a posion in-house as opposed to private pracce and vice versa?<br />

What qualies a disputes lawyer needs to have to succeed as an in-house counsel?<br />

I believe that in order to be successful as a disputes lawyer you need a healthy dose of paence, a high stress<br />

tolerance, and the ability to maintain long-term perspecve and focus. Unlike transaconal work, disputes<br />

are marathons stretching several years. At the same me, you must have the ability to distract from pure<br />

academics and keep a focus on the long-term commercial and strategic goals behind any dispute and adapt<br />

to the needs and expectaons of your company and management. I believe it all boils down to these personal<br />

qualies and skills, and both in-house and private pracce praconers can be successful at the job.<br />

In the US in most cases lawyers move to in-house posions aer spending some me in private pracce,<br />

while in Russia many graduates join in-house departments immediately. Which pathway is beer in your<br />

view?<br />

Both approaches have their pros and cons. The former will probably suit a wider pool of graduates as it<br />

provides an opportunity for structured and supervised growth. In a way, it is a less risky approach to career<br />

development. Starng off in-house may be a slower track with a narrow industry specializaon. On the other<br />

hand, the right in-house posion in a dynamic company oen allows for fast professional growth - in a small<br />

legal department, such as was the case when I joined Renova, there is necessarily a lot of learning on the job<br />

and such posions may be best for those who to do not shy away from taking independent decisions and<br />

taking responsibility. I would recommend anyone considering a career in-house to do as much due diligence<br />

as possible on the composion and dynamics of the legal department: what is the level of responsibility<br />

assigned to more junior staff, how does it interact with other departments within the company and with<br />

outside counsel, what are the growth and promoon opportunies, what are the personalies that you will<br />

be working closely with, etc.<br />

Is internaonal arbitraon the preferred choice for you company?<br />

Yes, in most cases, we prefer to deal with disputes through arbitraon to take advantage of confidenality<br />

and flexibility, as well as enforcement mechanisms that it allows for. We provide for this through an arbitra-<br />


aon clause, which we insist on including in all our transaconal documentaon. Historically, we tend to have<br />

more arbitraons under the Rules of the LCIA with a seat in London than that of any other instuon. The<br />

LCIA arbitraon clause was inially one we inherited in some of the earlier shareholder agreements, and<br />

experience showed that LCIA is reliable instuon with a good pool of experienced arbitrators providing<br />

efficient support of the process along the way. Being able to rely on the London courts for interim measures<br />

is another aracve feature.<br />

What factors influence the decision to iniate arbitraon proceedings? Who makes the ulmate decision?<br />

The ulmate decision rests with the management and shareholders, who make them on the basis of recommendaons<br />

we put forward, considering (as you would expect) the prospects, the ancipated length and cost<br />

of the proceedings and recovery/enforcement challenges.<br />

Peter Rees QC, ex-Shell legal director, said in his interview: “If you look at most corporaons these days,<br />

ligaon and compliance is the biggest risk. No corporaon will go down because of a failed M&A deal.”<br />

Do you agree with this statement?<br />

I would agree, although this does not take the responsibility off the transaconal teams: many disputes start<br />

with poor draing or failure by counsel to communicate to their clients all the intricacies of the rights and<br />

obligaons they are signing up to. However, these are far more manageable challenges than ligaon risk. It<br />

is not only that an unfavourable award is the final point in many disputes, but along with legal costs it can be<br />

catastrophic for the company. Moreover, ligaon, being an organic process itself, opens the company to<br />

disclosure of sensive informaon, regulatory invesgaons, and other factors that may adversely affect its<br />

value even before the final judgement/award is rendered.<br />

Does your company have a dedicated in-house<br />

disputes team? Do you find it feasible to have<br />

someone within legal department dealing<br />

solely with internaonal dispute resoluon?<br />

How oen are outside counsel retained?<br />

Renova has a dedicated disputes team covering<br />

both Russian court proceedings and those in<br />

foreign jurisdicons. Since in foreign tribunals<br />

alone we have four to six ongoing proceedings<br />

at any given moment, we also rely heavily on<br />

outside counsel for all our foreign law disputes.<br />

While having a dedicated in-house interna-<br />

The role of in-house counsel in<br />

internaonal arbitraon is to formulate<br />

a legal strategy that will<br />

enable the company to meet its<br />

the commercial goals, and to then<br />

oversee its implementaon<br />

onal dispute specialist is certainly feasible, it is only warranted if the company has the sufficient<br />

ligaon/arbitraon workload. I think this should be the primary consideraon and, if a company only deals<br />

with internaonal disputes occasionally, it may be beer served by pairing up its legal deal team with outside<br />

ligaon counsel to handle a given dispute. While this will lead to a higher cost for a specific case, as the<br />

outside team will have to take on a lot of managerial responsibilies, it will make more economic sense in the<br />

long run.<br />

We engage outside counsel for every foreign law dispute and tend to do so from the outset so as to have a<br />

realisc assessment of the prospects and can tailor the overall strategy and steps to be taken from the early<br />

stage.<br />

How do you see the role of in-house counsel in internaonal arbitraon? Does it have any specific features<br />

in Russia and CIS countries? How would you recommend to split the tasks up between in-house and<br />

outside counsel?<br />

As a principal maer, the role of in-house counsel in internaonal arbitraon is to formulate a legal strategy<br />

that will enable the company to meet its the commercial goals, and to then oversee its implementaon,<br />

amending it as needed as the case develops and ensure the company’s resources are not wasted on unviable<br />


outes and its acons do no bring on unjusfied risk. A secondary role for the in-house counsel is more praccal<br />

and that is to act as the primary liaison for the outside legal team to both coordinate the pre-ligaon and<br />

ligaon stages and be the gateway to the company’s management. Specifically, the in-house counsel is there<br />

to ensure our outside counsel team has access to all the informaon they need (and this includes documents,<br />

witness etc.) and has a thorough understanding of the factual background and the internal funconing of<br />

your company, to deliver the best result. Such individual as in-house counsel has to be a manager, liaison and<br />

interpreter. The laer is a parcularly prominent role when it comes to so-called Russia/CIS disputes, where<br />

a lot of effort oen goes into, on one hand, marrying the commercial perspecve and expectaons with the<br />

legal realies of foreign jurisdicons, and on the other hand, explaining the workings of Russian businesses to<br />

foreign counsel. Finally, a parcularly challenging responsibility for the in-house counsel is to manage costs.<br />

The difficulty is that one must budget for both the foreseeable and the unpredictable costs involved in a<br />

highly dynamic and evolving process, which can include a complex disclosure process, iniaon of new parallel<br />

proceedings, injuncve relief etc. Other challenges include managing disclosure process, which oen me<br />

involves foreign IT specialists, with all the confidenality and security concerns it entails, not to menon<br />

generally geng all departments within the company involved and engaged in the process and invested in its<br />

outcome.<br />

These roles are reflected in the split of tasks between in-house and outside counsel working on the team.<br />

Do you believe that in-house counsel can represent the company in arbitraon proceedings? Does it work<br />

in case of small-scale disputes?<br />

An in-house counsel may very well be suited to present his/her company and thus dispense with an outside<br />

team. However, as a praccal maer, unless he/she has the support of a dedicated in-house team, I do not<br />

believe it feasible to manage a case, at least not<br />

the kind of mul -jurisdiconal shareholder<br />

disputes we usually see on the Russian market,<br />

from beginning to end without the assistance of<br />

the outside counsel. There are several stages of<br />

a dispute where the workload is extremely<br />

heavy, such as document producon, expert<br />

and factual witness statements, that oen run<br />

in parallel and require very detailed coordina-<br />

on from in-house counsel. So already for that<br />

reason, most in-house legal teams would be<br />

overwhelmed by the sheer workload. In addi-<br />

I am happy with having stayed inhouse,<br />

this is where I think I add<br />

the most value and enjoy the specific<br />

challenges an in-house job has<br />

to offer<br />

on to this, the in-house counsel should first and foremost be an advisor to the company and, as such,<br />

inmately familiar with the company, the deal that lead to the dispute, management’s goals etc., while the<br />

outside counsel should first and foremost be an expert in the law and in conducng proceedings. These are<br />

therefore highly complementary roles and difficult to unite under one umbrella.<br />

Some say that an in-house career creates fewer opportunies for further professional/career development<br />

in comparison with the one in private pracce. Do you agree with that? Would you ever consider moving<br />

to private pracce?<br />

This is a debate similar to whether or not it is best to start legal career in private pracce or in-house. It all<br />

depends on the in-house posion: I appreciate that many may be less excing and challenging than private<br />

pracce experience. When it gets to senior posions however, the balance oen ps in favour of in-house<br />

because it invariably includes management responsibilies, which for many would be one of the most important<br />

catalysts for propelling their career to its peak. I have in earlier years of my career considered going to<br />

private pracce, but Renova’s M&A acvity at the me was so fast-paced and excing that luckily I did not<br />

have too much me to pounder that choice. I am happy with having stayed in-house, this is where I think I<br />

add the most value and enjoy the specific challenges an in-house job has to offer, while growing more holiscally<br />

and developing skills within management, strategy, finance etc.<br />


It happens that external counsels underesmate level of IHCs’ experience telling them things they already<br />

know and offering them services they do not need. Have you ever faced this?<br />

It has happened and it is natural for a first me engagement, as both sides need to go through a learning<br />

period in order to have a beer idea of each other’s capabilies and approaches to structuring client-counsel<br />

communicaon. Personally, I like to be involved in the process in detail. It is not a maer of control - I usually<br />

work with teams I know well and trust my advisers - but rather a maer of professional interest and development.<br />

I try to add value and act as a member of the team, rather than just being a supervising client, and I<br />

would like to think that the outside firms I work with enjoy this level of cooperaon and involvement from my<br />

side - at the end of the day managing a dispute is a collaborave process.<br />

What are the most influenal factors for you in selecng outside counsel? Do you find rankings of law firms<br />

in directories a good source of informaon? Which one of the following factors is more important in choosing<br />

an outside counsel: the understanding of each parcular client’s business or general procedural skills<br />

and proficiency?<br />

Fortunately, there are a number of firms whose arbitraon teams possess both qualies and for me the<br />

choice have not been presented quite this way. However, if the issue is whether to choose a firm with a higher<br />

ranking over commitment and understanding of Renova’s business, I will always choose the laer. All disputes<br />

are stressful marathons and having a loyal outside counsel as your partner who can provide calm support<br />

regardless of how the case develops, along the way is what oen makes all the difference at the end.<br />

In general, when it comes to rankings, I find them quite useful when researching firms in areas of law or<br />

jurisdicons that I am not very familiar with. I also frequently use ranking entries when compiling counsel<br />

profiles for management. However, when it comes to choosing an arbitraon counsel I do my own due<br />

diligence and prefer to rely primarily on our own market intelligence.<br />

Who is ulmately responsible for the outcome of arbitraon proceedings?<br />

Undoubtedly, the in-house counsel – unfortunately for me, this is where sharing of responsibility ends!<br />


Some comments on the role of in-house counsel in contentious work<br />

by Christer Söderlund, Advokairman Vinge<br />

The role of in-house counsel<br />

There is no doubt that the way in which in-house<br />

counsel supports and engages in any contenous<br />

maer, be it domesc ligaon or internaonal<br />

arbitraon, is of a fundamental importance for<br />

success in the pursuit or defence of any ligious<br />

maer.<br />

Choice of in-house counsel<br />

In-house counsel has a vital role to play when it<br />

comes to the selecon of outside counsel or a<br />

legal team to represent the company in conten-<br />

ous maers. Companies with extensive and<br />

far-flung operaons may get entangled in legal<br />

hassles in a number of venues under a wide<br />

variety of laws and regulatory regimes. Disputes<br />

may be heard in different languages and involve<br />

parcular industrial sectors or technical experse.<br />

All of this impinges on the selecon of outside<br />

counsel. I believe that in-house counsel should be quite acve and meculous in performing due diligence in<br />

respect of counsel selecon.<br />

In maers of certain economic (or policy) significance, in-house counsel could well include in its selecon<br />

process personal interviews. This occurs rarely, but I think it could be recommended as a helpful screening<br />

tool.<br />

Coming up with the facts<br />

The most important part in preparaon and pursuing any ligious maer is a process of laying bare all pernent<br />

facts which may have a bearing on the case. A relevant and consistent presentaon of facts supporng<br />

the company’s case is of fundamental importance in any dispute. No elegant legal theories, however astutely<br />

conceived, can patch over any incorrect or misstated presentaon of the underlying facts. A credible and<br />

verifiable account for the facts is also a prerequisite for maintaining credibility in any arbitraon which is a<br />

sine qua non for the success of any parcular acon.<br />

In this mission of fact-finding, there is a really important mediang role for in-house counsel to play, i.e. to<br />

assist outside counsel to gain access to pernent company records and to individuals within the organisaon<br />

who have first-hand knowledge of the disputed maers.<br />

How should in-house counsel manage a case?<br />

In-house counsel’s management of any parcular case presents a delicate balancing act. It is certainly so that<br />

in-house counsel is responsible to his or her organisaon for the proper conduct of the parcular acon. It is,<br />

therefore, necessary to discuss submissions and me schedules with outside counsel on an on-going basis<br />

and also to connuously follow up that maers proceed smoothly. (Likewise, it is of course important for<br />

outside counsel to ensure that planned as well as performed acvies are promptly and connuously<br />

reported to in-house counsel in order to ascertain that things are on the right track.)<br />


In-house counsel takes on a parcularly challenging aspect when it comes to the strategic decisions that have<br />

to be taken, parcularly at the outset of any acon, but also during its course of contenous proceedings.<br />

Such quesons may concern whether to pursue a disputed claim or not aer selement aempts have failed,<br />

whether to appeal or seek invalidaon of any court judgment, whether to reconsider ligaon prospects at<br />

any point of the proceedings and whether to consider alternave dispute opons if they are available.<br />

In-house counsel will also normally have oversight of the financial aspects of arbitraon. This may include the<br />

agreement on hourly rates for different members of the legal team involved in the parcular acvity, whether<br />

to include any conngency fees, success fee or the like and, not least, to require a cost esmate for defined<br />

parts (or the enrety) of proceedings, based on assumpons concerning the parcular requirements of the<br />

dispute. It happens (in my experience) that in-house counsels may, although rarely, be prone to involve themselves<br />

in the niy-gries of the legal handling of the dispute. I believe that it is necessary for in-house counsel<br />

to have trust in the experience and insights of outside counsel and leave maers of legal argument and shaping<br />

of the pleadings very much to the decision of the outside counsel. I would even say that if in-house counsel<br />

too rigorously intervenes in the actual proceedings, this can, in the odd case, jeopardise the outcome.<br />

Quite another maer is that in-house counsel should not shy away from adopng an inquisitorial approach<br />

to outside counsel and ask for explanaons, when felt necessary, of certain procedural steps taken or lines of<br />

argument pursued. If outside counsel cannot explain such maers to in-house counsel in an intelligible way,<br />

he or she may well have difficules explaining them to the arbitral tribunal!<br />

Any horror story that I could tell in the in-house/outside counsel relaonship?<br />

There is no doubt that nowadays in-house counsel of any company of significance is highly versale in dealing<br />

with ligaon management, involving outside counsel. As a consequence, I can recall no horror story of<br />

recent date. However, in the beginning of the ninees, things were quite different. I recall where in-house<br />

counsel peremptorily demanded that I “start arbitraon” without caring much to explain what the thing was<br />

about. When I aer a lot of prodding managed to have the reluctant in-house counsel yield some documents<br />

pertaining to the “dispute”, I could easily see that there were no prospects of winning the case at all. I<br />

informed in-house counsel of this, who explained in a very annoyed fashion: “The boss has said: Start arbitra-<br />

on”. This made me understand that I had to deal with the boss directly to explain the hopelessness of the<br />

case. So, I asked to have the opportunity to do so. The in-house counsel reacted in an even more annoyed<br />

fashion and exclaimed in a very upset manner: “Are you out of your mind? Do you think that you, a lowly<br />

external counsel, may have the privilege of talking to our boss?”<br />

This was in the days of strict top-down management. Nothing came of it.<br />


Lawyers Talk<br />

A<br />

number of disnguished arbitraon praconers kindly agreed to share with us their thoughts on three<br />

quick quesons on the role of an in-house counsel in arbitraon. With their kind permission we now<br />

share their thoughts with our readers.<br />

Aleksei N. Zhiltsov<br />

Member of Presidium of<br />

the ICAC at the RF CCI,<br />

Head of Department,<br />

Private Law Research<br />

Center, General Editor,<br />

Internaonal Commercial<br />

Arbitraon Review<br />

Noah Rubins<br />

Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus<br />

Deringer<br />

Alexei Dudko<br />

Partner, Hogan Lovells CIS<br />

Julia Popelysheva<br />

Counsel, L&DR Department<br />

of Clifford Chance CIS,<br />

FCIArb<br />

Q1. How is in-house counsel's contribuon integral to the success of an arbitraon?<br />

Aleksei N. Zhiltsov:<br />

Speaking of the role of in-house counsel in arbitraon proceedings I have seen three major situaons: 1)<br />

in-house counsel takes part in the arbitral proceedings on its own, without any external assistance from law<br />

firms; 2) in-house counsel takes part in the proceedings together with external counsel; 3) in-house counsel<br />

does not take part in the proceedings at all, these being fully entrusted to the external counsel.<br />

It goes without saying that the choice of a parcular model of parcipaon in arbitraon depends on whether<br />

the respecve company has sufficient resources to employ an in-house counsel with experse in arbitraon<br />

and company’s involvement in arbitraons jusfies retenon of such an expert.<br />

Irrespecve of whether the company decides to instruct an external counsel to deal with arbitral proceedings,<br />

having internal counsel closely follow and control the proceedings is highly advisable. The most sophiscated<br />

and highly professional external counsel may not be aware of all the intricacies of complex business<br />

relaons between the pares to the arbitraon. And knowledge of these is decisive parcularly once selement<br />

becomes feasible. It is advisable that in-house counsel directly takes part in the proceedings side by side<br />

with aorneys that are entrusted with the conduct of the proceedings.<br />

Noah Rubins:<br />

Obviously, everything depends on the nature of the case, and the nature of the relaonship with in-house<br />

counsel. One area where the client’s internal lawyers are always essenal is in the gathering of facts, idenfi-<br />


caon of witnesses, and ensuring that the business side understands the importance of thoroughness and<br />

accuracy in the formulaon of a case theory. But in-house counsel in my experience can do a great deal more,<br />

and contribute in many other ways to the success of an arbitraon. Perhaps most importantly, in-house counsel<br />

can form a bridge to management to help the client company as a whole arculate its goals, interests and<br />

priories. Also essenal is working closely with in-house counsel to communicate the strengths and weaknesses<br />

of the client’s case, so that expectaons can be managed on an on-going basis as the arbitraon develops<br />

and the contours of argument and defence become clear. And finally, the best in-house counsel are able<br />

to contribute their own experse and ideas to tesng the case theory and arguments – while preserving trust<br />

in outside counsel’s ability to use this input in a final recommendaon that is the opmal one for the client.<br />

Alexei Dudko:<br />

IHC's role is indeed very important to the success of an arbitraon. Strategically, all major issues are agreed<br />

with IHC and unless IHC really understands the case and specifics of arbitraon, it could turn into a mission<br />

impossible for outside counsel to successfully navigate the maer without IHC's support, apart from the<br />

situaon where IHC opts not to intervene at all, which, of course, generates certain risks for IHC himself. Then,<br />

IHC ensures that the arbitraon should have enough resources, both human, technical, operaonal and<br />

financial, internally and externally, to ensure a win. Next, IHC at the start has beer knowledge of the maer,<br />

IHC should ensure there is no informaon asymmetry for the outside counsel both in terms of the factual<br />

preparaon for the maer as well as achieving the client's specific objecves in the arbitraon. Last, not least,<br />

IHC has to pick the arbitraon team that has the maximum potenal to win the case.<br />

Julia Popelysheva:<br />

The role of in-house counsel in a successful outcome of arbitraon cannot be overesmated. An external<br />

counsel almost never has the final say over case strategy - it is ulmately for the client to decide how the<br />

arbitraon should go, whether the pares should sele, and how extreme the posion should be on procedural<br />

issues and the merits.<br />

The in-house counsel is a key element to all the thinking that goes into resolving the above quesons. He or<br />

she either ulmately makes the relevant decisions or communicates the pros and cons to the client's management<br />

- an indispensable role in both cases.<br />

Q2. To what extent should in-house counsel manage an arbitraon?<br />

Aleksei N. Zhiltsov:<br />

As is seen from my answer to the first queson, in all situaons the acve role of internal counsel in the<br />

conduct of the proceedings is decisive for the successful outcome of arbitraon. Extensive experience in<br />

arbitraon and the related legal issues of external counsel should be coupled with the in-house counsel’s<br />

understanding of business realies and details.<br />

Noah Rubins:<br />

Much will depend on the in-house counsel’s resources and work load. In my experience, many general counsel<br />

are overwhelmed by non-contenous work, and will not be praccally able to “manage” an arbitraon.<br />

The most important thing for such counsel is to understand their own posion and not to try to manage the<br />

arbitraon, because this will create dangerous delays and bolenecks in the approval process for various<br />

necessary steps, dras, and filings. Other in-house counsel have as their primary job precisely the management<br />

of several ligaon processes, and they need to be able to verify and approve each step that outside<br />

counsel is going to take. This can be very helpful, because it provides a second check on the common sense<br />

of acons being taken, and also maintains the interests and priories of the client fully in view for outside<br />

counsel. But again, it’s very important that if in-house counsel is charged with “managing” the arbitraon,<br />

that he make me and internal resource available for that purpose, and provide a freer hand to outside coun-<br />


sel during periods when he is going to be under pressure on other maers. On the whole, the most important<br />

thing is communicaon between inside and outside counsel at the outset of a mandate, so that the in-house<br />

counsel’s contribuon can be used to full potenal without simply adding an extra layer of management.<br />

Alexei Dudko:<br />

I think that IHC should not micromanage the procedural aspects if he has trust in the outside counsel. IHC has<br />

to effecvely co-manage the most important issues together with the outside counsel and be in control of the<br />

process. The sphere where IHC has to manage exclusively is costs.<br />

Julia Popelysheva:<br />

An easy answer would be, it really depends. Normally, a skilful external counsel would expect to be given<br />

broader management powers (subject, of course, to a proper reporng chain established with the client's<br />

in-house team). There may be cases, however, where this arrangement is unpraccal for a number of strategic<br />

or economic reasons. Clearly, in this case the in-house counsel will be expected to play a more prominent<br />

role in the case management (and, quite possibly, in handling the case altogether).<br />

Q3. What is the most memorable experience you had with an in-house counsel in arbitra-<br />

on?<br />

Aleksei N. Zhiltsov:<br />

In one case heard under the Rules of the Internaonal Commercial Arbitraon Court at the Russian Chamber<br />

of Commerce and Industry in-house counsel represented one of the Russian banks. The amount at stake was<br />

not significant, the bank was not among the biggest Russian banks, but the case appeared to be very complicated.<br />

Inially, I was uncertain to what extent the tribunal will be assisted by counsel in this case, given that<br />

the bank was not represented by a renowned professional counsel and that parcipaon of inexperienced<br />

counsel in complex arbitraons frequently creates considerable difficules for the tribunal. However, the<br />

in-house counsel conducted the case in a very professional manner, cing abundant volume of Russian and<br />

foreign legal authories, making mely procedural moons and perfectly reacng to all the difficult issues<br />

arising in the course of the proceedings. This case convinced me that one cannot draw skepcal conclusions<br />

from the mere fact that a minor company in a small case is represented by an internal counsel and not by a<br />

well renowned internaonal law firm.<br />

Noah Rubins:<br />

I have many memorable experiences. Most recently, I worked very closely with in-house counsel from a major<br />

oil company in relaon to the damages phase of an arbitraon arising out of a producon-sharing contract in<br />

Africa. This in-house counsel is very deeply involved in every aspect of the cases for which he is responsible.<br />

This parcular damages case was quite unique and conceptually complex, with no precedents that anybody<br />

could idenfy. We also had a number of experts, some of which were on technical geology maers, the detail<br />

of which were beyond the understanding of any of the lawyers (despite extensive experience in oil and gas<br />

arbitraon). The in-house counsel worked as part of the outside counsel team to develop an economic<br />

approach to the core damages issues that would make sense and be acceptable to his management (and that<br />

of several co-venturer companies). He also drew on resource from his geology department to find people who<br />

could work directly with the technical experts up unl the draing of an inial report for review by the<br />

lawyers. In the end, we were able to be ready to file in a very short period of me, despite all the moving parts<br />

and technical issues. This was a truly synergisc experience.<br />

Alexei Dudko:<br />

When IHC forbade me to contact the potenal witness with whom their CEO had a personal conflict. The<br />

person later turned to be the star witness in the arbitraon, I managed to persuade IHC but had a hard me<br />

before it was accomplished as my credibility was at stake.<br />


Julia Popelysheva:<br />

Several years ago our firm represented a major shipyard in a mul-million dollar dispute against a Scandinavian<br />

shipowner. The in-house counsel who was in charge for collecon of documents for a document produc-<br />

on exercise revealed to me that he had bought a new pair of running shoes in order to promptly pick up the<br />

documents from different departments of the client scaered across a very large territory of the shipyard.<br />

One could say that it is a trivial example for the Digital Millennium, but in that parcular case a pair of running<br />

shoes (and a very dedicated in-house counsel) really made a difference.<br />


Arbitration Events to Attend<br />

19 September 2014<br />

19-20 September 2014<br />

16 October 2014<br />

19-24 October 2014<br />

3-4 November 2014<br />

6-7 November 2014<br />

11 November 2014<br />

26 November 2014<br />

28 November – 1 December 2014<br />

ABA Moscow Dispute Resoluon Conference<br />

Organiser: American Bar Associaon<br />

Locaon: Moscow, Russia<br />

hp://www.americanbar.org/<br />

Global Conference of the Co-Chairs’ Circle<br />

Organiser: Co-Chairs’ Circle (CCC)<br />

Locaon: Berlin, Germany<br />

hp://www.co-chairs-circle.com/<br />

On-line Arbitraon<br />

Organiser: Russian Arbitraon Associaon<br />

Locaon: Moscow, Russia<br />

hp://www.arbitraons.ru/<br />

IBA Annual Conference<br />

Organiser: Internaonal Bar Associaon<br />

Locaon: Tokyo, Japan<br />

hp://www.ibanet.org/<br />

Internaonal Dispute Resoluon in Sweden<br />

Organiser: Arbitraon Instute of the SCC<br />

Locaon: Stockholm, Sweden<br />

hp://www.sccinstute.com/<br />

Kiеv Arbitraon Days 2014: Think Big!<br />

Organiser: Ukrainian Bar Associaon<br />

Locaon: Kiev, Ukraine<br />

hp://www.uba.ua/<br />

LCIA European Users' Council Simposium<br />

supported by the Russian Arbitraon Associaon<br />

Organiser: LCIA and RAA<br />

Locaon: Moscow, Russia<br />

hp://www.lcia.org/Conferences/Conference_Schedule.aspx<br />

Freshfields Arbitraon Lecture 2014<br />

Organiser: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP<br />

Locaon: London, UK<br />

hp://www.freshfields.com/<br />

ICC Lex Mercatoria<br />

Organiser: Belarus State University<br />

Locaon: Minsk, Belarus<br />

hp://www.law.bsu.by/site/?64<br />


RAA40 Events<br />

RAA40 Meeting: Sanctions and Arbitration – October 2014<br />

In October 2014 RAA40 will organize a meeting<br />

to discuss various ways in which sancons<br />

may have an effect on arbitraon. We will<br />

announce the exact date shorty: stay tuned.<br />

Topic<br />

Sancons may become relevant for an arbitra-<br />

on praconer in many different ways.<br />

A party may claim that it can no longer perform<br />

the contract due to the sancons or that the<br />

contract needs to be adjusted to take into<br />

account the sancons (e.g. by changing the<br />

currency in which payments are effected). In the context of cross-border contracts any disputes between the<br />

pares are likely to be resolved by arbitraon, raising many challenging issues including applicable law, applicaon<br />

of mandatory rules etc.<br />

Sancons may influence the conduct of arbitraon as well. If a person is sanconed this may restrict the<br />

person's access to counsel or indeed ability to parcipate in the arbitraon (e.g. deposit advances, use the<br />

services of an arbitral instuon).<br />

Finally, sancons may influence enforcement of the award. For example, the losing party may argue that it<br />

may not perform the award due to the sancons. In alternave, it may argue that the enforcement of the<br />

award would be contrary to the public policy as it frustrates the sancons regime.<br />

RAA40 meeng<br />

We propose to discuss various effects sancons may have on an arbitraon, including the above-described<br />

aspects. In doing so we propose to look specifically at the exisng precedents (such as Iran-related cases) and<br />

issues and jurisdicons most relevant for the Russian praconers.<br />

The experts in the field are invited and expected to speak at the meeng.<br />


RAA40 and LCIA YIAG Tulney Hall Seminar – 10 November 2014<br />

RAA40 and LCIA Young Internaonal Arbitraon Group are organizing a joint seminar preceding the LCIA<br />

European Users' Council held in Moscow on the same day.<br />

The seminar will adopt the tradional LCIA Tulney Hall format with discussion centred on the key issues<br />

proposed by the seminar’s parcipants before the seminar. The discussion will be led by arbitraon experts<br />

from Russia and other jurisdicons.<br />

RAA40 will separately circulate a call for proposals of the topics for discussion and further informaon about<br />

the seminar.<br />

RAA40 New Year and Christmas Drinks – Mid December 2014<br />

RAA40 invites young arbitraon praconers to celebrate the very special holidays –<br />

the New Year and Christmas together in mid December. The event gives an opportunity<br />

to meet informally and discuss topical arbitraon issues as well as to share<br />

past experiences and the plans for 2015.<br />

The date and the venue will be announced in due course.<br />


Become<br />

a Member<br />

of RAA40<br />

R<br />

AA40 goes back to 2008, when Anton Asoskov, Francesca Albert and Richard Chlup established the<br />

Moscow Arbitraon Forum 40 (MAF40). In September 2013 MAF40 became RAA40 joining forces with<br />

the Russian Arbitraon Associaon.<br />

RAA40 is a forum for the young arbitraon praconers in Russia to exchange ideas, meet renowned experts<br />

in the field and each other, share their experience and learn from the experience of others. To achieve this<br />

purpose RAA40 organizes regular seminars and other events to address the most pressing and current issues,<br />

publishes a newsleer and parcipates in other projects.<br />

Membership in RAA40 is open to anyone interested in arbitraon. There are no registraon or membership<br />

fees and you do not need to be a member of RAA to become a member of RAA40. However, to become a<br />

member you need to possess either a degree in law or have praccal experience in arbitraon. As suggested<br />

by the name RAA40 members should be 40 or less.<br />

Members of RAA40 gain the following advantages:<br />

the first to learn about RAA40 events and other projects and have priority access to them;<br />

a periodic newsleer covering arbitraon-related developments in Russia;<br />

aend some the arbitraon-related events on special terms.<br />

To become a member please complete a form available at hp://www.arbitraons.ru/en/raa-40/enter.php.<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

Co-chairs of RAA40 wish to express their special gratude to:<br />

Robert Dougans (Partner), Nabeel Osman (Associate) and<br />

Maria Gritsenko (Counsel) of Bryan Cave for the assistance<br />

provided in proof-reading certain materials in this Newsleer.<br />

White & Case LLP and personally David Goldberg (Partner) for<br />

allowing to use the firm's facilies for producon of the hard<br />

copies of the Newsleer.<br />

Dechert LLP and personally Francesca Albert (Partner) for<br />

allowing to use the firm's facilies for producon of another<br />

poron of the hard copies of this Newsleer.<br />

42 Design by Yuriy Obodnikov (fancy13work@gmail.com)

For Notes<br />


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