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268 Selected Studies on Software and Information Systems<br />

two-way; energy is moved backward from task goals to moves which directly lead to their<br />

achievement, from there to moves which enable those moves, etc. Simultaneously in<br />

the forward direction, energy is pushed into moves which can be immediately performed<br />

given the conversation state and relational model, from there to moves which are enabled<br />

by those moves, etc. In this way, REA's planner achieves task goals, conversational moves<br />

obey logical preconditions, while moves expected to cause face threat to the user are deferred,<br />

and topics are introduced gradually and coherently.<br />

Figure 9-6. REA’s conversational moves in the activation network.<br />

Although REA's relational modeling is relatively simple, and could engage only in a system-initiative<br />

dialogue it produced interesting results. In evaluation, 4 experiments were<br />

conducted, TASK vs. SOCIAL conditions crossed with EMBODIED vs. PHONE conditions.<br />

In the TASK conditions (i.e. TASK+EMBODIED and TASK+PHONE) only taskoriented<br />

dialogue moves were used, in the SOCIAL conditions identical task-oriented dialogue<br />

moves along with social dialogue were used. In the EMBODIED conditions full<br />

embodiment capabilities as described earlier were employed, in the PHONE conditions<br />

only 3D renderings of apartments were shown and the agent conversed with subjects over<br />

phone. For the purpose of the experiment, REA speech recognition was controlled by<br />

a wizard-of-oz setup. Interestingly, only a single positive result was achieved, namely that<br />

some evidence was found that small talk can lead to an increase trust. In this case however,<br />

it was observed only for one group of users (extroverts) and in one medium (face-toface),<br />

while it was hypothesized that it may be due to other reasons (e.g. inherent impulsivity<br />

of extroverts). Other than that, the EMBODIED conditions clearly demonstrated that<br />

REA's visual was very cold and uninviting, and her nonverbal behavior was insufficient.<br />

Subjects generally preferred to conduct small talk with her over phone, while preferring<br />

task-only talk face-to-face. Finally, the system-initiative approach was unable to carry on<br />

with user-initiated social dialogue moves, and subjects simply believed that REA has

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