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250 Selected Studies on Software and Information Systems<br />

[53] Paganelli, L., Paternò, F.: Intelligent Analysis of User Interactions with Web Applications.<br />

In: Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI ’02, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, 2002, pp.<br />

111–118.<br />

[54] Passin, T.: Explorer’s Guide to the Semantic Web. Manning Publications, 2004.<br />

[55] Perugini, S., Gonçalves, M.A., Fox, E.A.: Recommender Systems Research: A<br />

Connection-Centric Survey. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2004, vol. 23,<br />

no. 2, pp. 107–143.<br />

[56] Rafter, R., Smyth, B.: Passive Profiling from Server Logs in an Online Recruitment<br />

Environment. In: IJCAI Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalisation (ITWP<br />

2001), Seattle, Washington, USA, 2001, pp. 35–41.<br />

[57] Reinecke, K., Reif, G., Abraham Bernstein, A.: Cultural User Modeling With CUMO:<br />

An Approach to Overcome the Personalization Bootstrapping Problem. In Aroyo, L.,<br />

Hyvönen, E., van Ossenbruggen, J., eds.: Proceedings of Workshop on Cultural Heritage<br />

on the Semantic Web held at ISWC 2007, 2007, pp. 83–89.<br />

[58] Studer, R., Benjamins, R., Fensel, D.: Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Methods.<br />

Data Knowledge Engineering, 1998, vol. 25, no. 1-2, pp. 61–197.<br />

[59] Thomas, R.e.a.: Generic Usage Monitoring of Programming Students. In Crisp, G.,<br />

Thiele, D., Scholten, I., Barker, S., Baron, J., eds.: 20th Annual Conference of the Australasian<br />

Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE’03, Adelaide,<br />

Australia, 2003, pp. 715–719.<br />

[60] Trella, M., Carmona, C., Conejo, R.: MEDEA: an Open Service-Based Learning Platform<br />

for Developing Intelligent Educational Systems for the Web. In Brusilovsky, P., Conejo,<br />

R., Millan, E., eds.: Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education: Tools and<br />

Reusability, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005, pp. 27–34.<br />

[61] Tsiriga, V., Virvou, M.: A Framework for the Initialization of Student Models in Webbased<br />

Intelligent Tutoring Systems. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact., 2004, vol. 14, no.<br />

4, pp. 289–316.<br />

[62] van Meeteren, R., van Someren, M.: Using Content-based Filtering for Recommendation.<br />

In Potamias, G., Moustakis, V., van Someren, M., eds.: ECML/MLNET Workshop<br />

on Machine Learning and the New Information Age, 2000, pp. 47–56.<br />

[63] Van Schaik, P., Ling, J.: Design Parameters of Rating Scales for Web Sites. ACM Trans.<br />

Comput.-Hum. Interact., 2007, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 4.<br />

[64] Wei, Y.C., Lin, M.S., Chen, H.H.: Name Disambiguation in Person Information Mining.<br />

In: Web Intelligence, WI 2006, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE CS, 2006, pp. 378–381.<br />

[65] Yudelson, M., Brusilovsky, P., Zadorozhny, V.: A User Modeling Server for Contemporary<br />

Adaptive Hypermedia: An Evaluation of the Push Approach to Evidence<br />

Propagatation. In Conati, C., McCoy, K., Paliouras, G., eds.: UM 2007. LNAI 4511,<br />

Corfu, Greece, 2007, pp. 27–36.

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