2 - QVI Club

2 - QVI Club

2 - QVI Club


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Side neck stretches*<br />

Gently lean your head to the right. Return to an upright<br />

position. Lean your head left. Always return to an upright<br />

position between stretches and never simply rotate the neck.<br />

Shoulder stretch*<br />

Shrug both shoulders up to your ears, rotate them backward,<br />

and then lower them to their original position. Reverse<br />

direction by rotating them forwards.<br />

Arm-shoulder stretch*<br />

Extend your arms to either side at shoulder height.<br />

Rotate your arms in small circles, first clockwise and then<br />

counterclockwise.<br />

Arm strengtheners*<br />

Hold a fairly thick book in one hand. Using one hand, lift the<br />

book overhead and bring it down; extend it in front of you<br />

(shoulder level) and then draw your arm back toward your<br />

chest. Repeat with the other hand. As you get stronger, use<br />

a heavier object.<br />

Back stretch*<br />

Lean forward and reach in turn for your knees, calves, ankles,<br />

and the floor, holding each position for 1 to 2 seconds.<br />

Hip flexor strengthener*<br />

Stand and bring one knee as close to your chest as you<br />

can. Repeat with the other knee. Alternate your legs as if you<br />

were doing a high-stepping march.<br />

Quadricep strengthener/ankle stretch*<br />

Sitting with your back straight and both feet flat on the floor,<br />

lift one leg from the knee so that it is parallel to the floor. Hold<br />

the position, flex your foot, and rotate the ankle clockwise,<br />

then counterclockwise. Repeat with the other leg.<br />

Best of all, get up from your seat every hour or so, and walk!<br />

Go get a drink of water, talk to the shy colleague in the corner<br />

or admire the family photos of your cubicle neighbour before<br />

returning to your desk. The little chat and the walk will revive<br />

your senses, reconnect you to your fellow human beings and<br />

most of all, give your eyes a well-deserved break from the<br />

flickering screen.<br />

ess@work<br />

Escaping to a well-deserved spa treat in the middle of the work day is mostly a pipe dream for<br />

many working adults. Long hours spent sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer or even clutching the<br />

phone between your head and shoulder can take their toll on your sense of well being.<br />

Fortunately, there are some stretches you can do to take the stiffness out of your body. Try these exercises,<br />

repeating each 4 – 6 times and see what a difference they make to your physical and mental wellbeing.

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