Keith J. Hyatt, EdD, Western Washington University Ken Howell ...

Keith J. Hyatt, EdD, Western Washington University Ken Howell ... Keith J. Hyatt, EdD, Western Washington University Ken Howell ...


Importance of Research-based Interventions • Facilitated Communication • Originated in Australia and was initially used with individuals with CP • Fundamental premise is that some people have “undisclosed literacy” and simply experience difficulty with expression not a cognitive limitation (Jacobson, Foxx, Mulick, 2005b; Kavale and Mostert, 2004) • Research has repeatedly failed to support FC • Jacobson et al. (2005b) Reviewed 9 studies since 1992 that supported FC but found major methodological errors • Virtually every appropriately designed study failed to support communicator authorship Hyatt, Filler, & Krasch; TASH 2009 16

Importance of Research-based Interventions • Facilitated Communication (continued) • Mostert (2001) reviewed 29 studies • 19 provided one or more control procedures refuted FC • 6 provided one or more control procedures supported FC • 4 with no controls supported FC • Review confirms prior research with high quality research failing to support FC & those supporting FC were so methodologically poor that results can’t be accepted • Experimental rigor required if there is any hope of demonstrating efficacy of FC • Noted findings consistent with prior reviews (e.g., Cummins & Prior, 1992; Green, 1992, 1994; Hudson, 1995) Hyatt, Filler, & Krasch; TASH 2009 17

Importance of Research-based<br />

Interventions<br />

• Facilitated Communication<br />

• Originated in Australia and was initially used with<br />

individuals with CP<br />

• Fundamental premise is that some people have<br />

“undisclosed literacy” and simply experience difficulty<br />

with expression not a cognitive limitation (Jacobson,<br />

Foxx, Mulick, 2005b; Kavale and Mostert, 2004)<br />

• Research has repeatedly failed to support FC<br />

• Jacobson et al. (2005b) Reviewed 9 studies since 1992 that<br />

supported FC but found major methodological errors<br />

• Virtually every appropriately designed study failed to support<br />

communicator authorship<br />

<strong>Hyatt</strong>, Filler, & Krasch; TASH 2009<br />


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