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Above Well, no one’s going to accuse it of being just another brown<br />

shooter. Even the most brutal of fights looks oddly cheerful here.<br />






Above Those pesky Varelsi. The bastard children of twigs<br />

and ink splatters, out to extinguish all light from the universe.<br />

Above Miko’s manner and moves are inspired by martial arts<br />

movies. Because how else to humanise a mushroom?<br />


1. MINUTE MAN<br />

Over the course of a 20-40<br />

minute co-op scenario, your<br />

character levels up roughly<br />

every 60 seconds.<br />

2. DEADLY DIY<br />

You can build turrets on<br />

fixed locations in every<br />

map, enabling you to fortify<br />

your overall defence.<br />

3. FINE LUPINE<br />

The Black Wolf, an end-of<br />

level boss we glimpsed, is of<br />

almost Dark Souls-level<br />

physical stature. Erk.<br />

<br />

Okay, it’s safe to say Gearbox isn’t trying to<br />

out-Dickens Dickens with this game, but the<br />

backstory does at least tee up one of Battleborn’s<br />

most important elements: its massive roster of<br />

playable characters. We’ve seen just a handful so far:<br />

Rath the quasi-vampire, walking bicep depository<br />

Montana, and Marquis the gentleman death-bot<br />

join a mushroom, a combat droid, and an elfish lady<br />

with a thing for bows in this pre-pre-alpha version.<br />

While all characters have broadly the same combat<br />

options – one primary attack and a couple of<br />

specials – the variation between attack types and<br />

equipment is huge. Montana is shamelessly lifted<br />

(presumably using an industrial crane) from Team<br />

Fortress 2 and its Heavy, carrying with him a<br />

minigun the size of King Kong’s pepper mill. He’s<br />

packing Hailstorm ammo for a special attack that<br />

slows enemies, and has an ultimate ability called<br />

Mansformation which transforms him into a<br />

hulking great juggernaut for close-range damage.<br />

Conversely, the aforementioned mushroom Miko’s<br />

attacks are largely spore-based, either sending out a<br />

spray of toxic fungus or deploying healing mushroom<br />

matter to help out allies. His ultimate ability, Fungus<br />

Among Us, does both simultaneously. Each of the<br />

other characters is as different again, which makes<br />

combat in Battleborn resemble a hybrid of Valve’s<br />

TF2 and BASEketball. Weaponised objects<br />

of varying absurdity fly this way and that,<br />

abilities form domes over their affected<br />

areas… it’s quite something to behold.<br />


Rather than the wide open spaces of<br />

Borderlands, Battleborn’s actual battles<br />

take place in arenas, connected in the larger<br />

game world via corridors that allow time<br />

for a spot of banter between teammates.<br />

And as you might expect from Gearbox<br />

at this point, the banter is right on the<br />

mark. It’s hard to be genuinely funny in a<br />

videogame, and Battleborn does it without<br />

coming across as try-hard. But its unique<br />

approach to level design, along with the<br />

pacing of enemy appearances, is markedly different<br />

to PlayStation’s current crop of shooters, and it’ll<br />

take many hours of play to determine whether this<br />

experimental blending of FPS and MOBA genuinely<br />

works to create something better than both.<br />

Battleborn’s combination of long-term and midround<br />

character levelling will also play a big part in<br />

that experiment. In every battle you gain points to<br />

spend in the Helix Menu, offering a binary choice<br />

between more ammo or faster running speed active<br />

for that one skirmish. Above that there’s a deeper,<br />

persistent upgrade path to chip away at long-term,<br />

and above that there’s a long game to be played in<br />

upgrading yourself, the holder of all these characters,<br />

to get perks that benefit all your Battleborn.<br />

We’re not really sure who this game is for right<br />

now – there’s a suggestion of depth and strategy<br />

that’ll appeal to the hardcore, but a danger they<br />

could be turned off by the Pixar-esque art direction<br />

(we’re 50/50 in the office) and the fact that they’re<br />

throwing a mechanical owl at a fighting mushroom.<br />

It’s very early days for the project, and there’s plenty<br />

of time for it to find its footing as Borderlands did<br />

over a protracted development period. Gearbox’s last<br />

game might have disappointed (hi, Aliens), but this<br />

has so many new ideas we’re hopeful it’ll shine.<br />


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