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comedy. ‚Kokowääh‘ works the same way.“ Béla Jarzyk as writer and Til Schweiger as future<br />

director then worked on the script intensely for five months. „The final draft with the ‚Schweiger-<br />

Touch‘ was written by Til in good spirits, during the Football World Championship, after the<br />

German 4:1-win against England“, remembers Zickler. „Then we knew: We are on the right path.“<br />

Not until early May 2010, a decision was made for the production of „Kokowääh“. The filming then<br />

started at rather short notice, on 21 st July. Filming went on for 38 days, until 17 th September. The<br />

date was preset, for the film team was dependent on the summer holidays of seven-year-old lead<br />

actress Emma.<br />

Two fathers for Magdalena: the cast<br />

„Casting was relatively easy this time. If you're casting a Til Schweiger film, all the most celebrated<br />

actors in Germany will line up, but this time the choice was simple, for Samuel Finzi was to a 100 %<br />

Tristan as we had imagined him; and in the screen tests with Jasmin Gerat and Til the exact affection,<br />

tension and chemistry evolved, which are so important for this couple. We immediately wanted for<br />

Jasmin to accept the part of Katharina. But Til also knew from the beginning that bestselling author<br />

Katharina in his film should wear her hair short, and he asked Jasmin that very day to have her long<br />

hair cut before filming began. Jasmin has such a beautiful, distinctive face that Til imagined it with a<br />

modern short haircut“.<br />

Many contemporary films are technically brilliant, but at the end of the day everything depends on<br />

the chemistry between the actors being right. In the best case, the filmmakers find out during casting,<br />

or at the latest during production, after the first two or three days of shooting. Tom Zickler relates<br />

his experiences: „Our success might basically be traced back to the fact that we manage to get actors<br />

together who match each other. This was the case in ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘ with Til and Nora<br />

Tschirner, and this time it leads to very moving and emotional scenes between Emma and her two<br />

film-fathers. It works, and from that arises the kind of stardust which will enchant not only a few, but<br />

hopefully millions of cinemagoers“.<br />

„For me it became clear rather quickly that Emma would have to play Magdalena“, Zickler continues.<br />

„Til had played two or three scenes with her as a test, and Emma showed great eagerness to make<br />

the film. Each week she kept asking: ‚Papa, when will we start shooting‘? She enters into it with<br />

enthusiasm, and Emma's 13-year-old sister Luna will also take on a cameo in ‚Kokowääh‘.<br />

But 28 days of filming are a great challenge for a seven-year-old kid. Then there are the legal<br />

restraints to be considered: Emma was only allowed to work for three hours each day. To be able to<br />

carry out the shooting schedule all the same, the filmmakers coordinated it with the Health and<br />

Safety Office. During lighting adjustments, or whenever Magdalena, e.g. during dialogue scenes, is only<br />

seen from behind because the camera is on her partner, one of four doubles was used. Zickler says:<br />

„We casted them in such a way that looked very similar to Emma. They wore the same costumes<br />

and the same hairdos – it was really funny, to have four versions of Magdalena romping about the<br />

set!“<br />

About the concept of Barefoot, Zickler says: „Like in the earlier films, we wanted to show Berlin as a<br />

metropolis, precisely not just Kreuzberg and Linie 1, but as a city able to compete with London and<br />

Paris. Kirsten Niehuus, head of the Filmförderung Berlin-Brandenburg, confirmed before shooting,<br />

that ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘ gave Berlin as movie town an immense boost, because ever since, foreign<br />

productions interested in filming in the capital make inquiries, too. Therefore we stick to this<br />

concept, and search out attractive locations“.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


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