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A film by<br />


Produced by<br />


BAREFOOT FILMS Produktion<br />

in co-produktion with BÉLA JARZYK PRODUCTION and<br />


Starring<br />



Directed by<br />


Written by<br />


CAST<br />

Henry<br />

Magdalena<br />

Katharina<br />

Tristan<br />

Charlotte<br />

Agent<br />

Maria<br />

Rob Kaufmann<br />

Patient<br />










CREW<br />

Director<br />

Producer<br />

Script<br />




2<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB

Line Producer<br />

Camera<br />

Editing<br />

Music<br />

Set Design<br />

Sound<br />

Costume<br />

Make up<br />






SILKE BUHR, sfk<br />




GERMAN RELEASE: 3. February 2011/Warner Bros. Pictures Germany<br />

a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH<br />


Beta Cinema, Dorothee Stoewahse<br />

Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15<br />

Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com<br />


Beta Cinema, Dirk Schuerhoff/Andreas Rothbauer<br />

Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 80<br />

Fax: + 49 89 67 34 69 888<br />

beta@betacinema.com<br />

www.betacinema.com<br />


Henry (Til Schweiger) is an unsuccessful screenwriter, and just as unhappy going from one casual<br />

relationship to another. Out of the blue he gets a fantastic job offer to co-write the screenplay of a<br />

bestselling novel together with Katharina (Jasmin Gerat). She is not only the author of the novel, but<br />

Henry’s ex-girlfriend and love of his life. He now has a second chance and things couldn’t get better<br />

when an 8 year old girl, Magdalena (Emma Schweiger), shows up at Henry’s door and turns his life<br />

upside down. She’s his daughter from a long-forgotten one night stand 8 years ago and her mother<br />

Charlotte (Meret Becker), who’s attending a court hearing in the US, insists Henry takes care of<br />

Magdalena until she returns. Henry is shocked and so is Tristan (Samuel Finzi) who thought for eight<br />

years that he was Magdalena’s biological father. Life will never be the same for any of them.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />



Script writer Henry Lehnbach stumbles from one hapless love affair to the next, and professionally<br />

speaking, his life has hit the doldrums, too: He writes the TV-series „The Forest Warden from the<br />

Spreewald“. His unsettled way of life and his chaotic work performance drive Henry's (female) agent<br />

to the edge of a nervous breakdown. All the more surprising that he receives a sensational offer: He<br />

is intended as co-writer for the film version of a bestselling book. This assignment is owing to the<br />

writer of the original novel: Katharina Meese is not only Henry's Ex, but also the love of his life.<br />

Katharina's wish to have children had led to the split between them. But since she now insists on his<br />

collaboration, Henry is apparently getting a second chance. Working together with Katharina gets<br />

Henry's life back on track – until one day eight-year-old Magdalena pops up at his door and declares,<br />

that she is supposed to live with him until further notice. Henry hardly knows what hit him. A<br />

message from Magdalena's mother, Charlotte Walser, clears the situation, but makes it nothing<br />

easier: Magdalena is supposedly Henry's daughter – the aftereffect of a long-forgotten one night stand<br />

with Charlotte. The child's mother and her compnay have to face charges in New York and<br />

therefore she can't look after Magdalena for a while. Henry is totally taken aback. Charlotte's<br />

husband Tristan, who for eight years thought that he was the girl's father, has similar feeelings:<br />

Because of this new situation he is separated from Charlotte.<br />

To become a father helter skelter isn't easy, even less so when at the same time you have to write<br />

the book of a lifetime and win back the love of your life. Henry cannot count on the support of the<br />

deeply wounded Tristan, so he has no choice but to care for the innocent Magdalena. Now the word<br />

is to get up early, prepare a healthy breakfast, check homework and read stories out loud. Henry<br />

starts to like his role as a father. He gets a grip on his household: For him the well-being of his child<br />

comes first. But again and again, Magdalena asks about her parents. Henry finally has to make a clean<br />

sweep. He decides to tell Magdalena, who her biological father is. And Katharina needs to know that<br />

the kid is not some neighbour's daughter. But as so often in Henry's life, the right moment for an<br />

explanatory conversation never seems to come along, and pretty soon, the situation is a complete<br />

shambles. Since Tristan in the meantime is trying to get back in contact with Magdalena, and is<br />

coming to terms with Charlotte as well, Henry is in danger of losing the girl at the precise moment<br />

where he has started to love her. Katharina uncovers the deception on her own; disappointed, she<br />

ends the collaboration as well as all private contacts with Henry. Henry summons up his courage: He<br />

fights for time together with his daughter. But he also has to prove to Katharina that his love for her<br />

is sincere…<br />


Scriptwriter and producer Béla Jarzyk („Reine Formsache“) was until a few years ago the manager of<br />

the talent agency “Players” and Til Schweiger's agent. Early in 2010 he offered the first draft of<br />

„Kokowääh“ (= Coq au vin) to Schweiger: His subject matter, conceived as a drama, tells of a little<br />

girl who as a „cuckoo child“ has to deal with two fathers. „We thought the idea was wonderful“,<br />

states producer Tom Zickler, who for years has, alongside Schweiger, led production company<br />

Barefoot Films. „And since little Emma Schweiger has delighted audiences in ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘<br />

and ‚Rabbit Without Ears 2’, we immediately imagined her as Magdalena. But we had the impression<br />

that Béla's story would work even better as a comedy. Our approach to that was similar as with<br />

‚Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door‘: Basically, the story is very sad, but audiences perceived the film as a<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


comedy. ‚Kokowääh‘ works the same way.“ Béla Jarzyk as writer and Til Schweiger as future<br />

director then worked on the script intensely for five months. „The final draft with the ‚Schweiger-<br />

Touch‘ was written by Til in good spirits, during the Football World Championship, after the<br />

German 4:1-win against England“, remembers Zickler. „Then we knew: We are on the right path.“<br />

Not until early May 2010, a decision was made for the production of „Kokowääh“. The filming then<br />

started at rather short notice, on 21 st July. Filming went on for 38 days, until 17 th September. The<br />

date was preset, for the film team was dependent on the summer holidays of seven-year-old lead<br />

actress Emma.<br />

Two fathers for Magdalena: the cast<br />

„Casting was relatively easy this time. If you're casting a Til Schweiger film, all the most celebrated<br />

actors in Germany will line up, but this time the choice was simple, for Samuel Finzi was to a 100 %<br />

Tristan as we had imagined him; and in the screen tests with Jasmin Gerat and Til the exact affection,<br />

tension and chemistry evolved, which are so important for this couple. We immediately wanted for<br />

Jasmin to accept the part of Katharina. But Til also knew from the beginning that bestselling author<br />

Katharina in his film should wear her hair short, and he asked Jasmin that very day to have her long<br />

hair cut before filming began. Jasmin has such a beautiful, distinctive face that Til imagined it with a<br />

modern short haircut“.<br />

Many contemporary films are technically brilliant, but at the end of the day everything depends on<br />

the chemistry between the actors being right. In the best case, the filmmakers find out during casting,<br />

or at the latest during production, after the first two or three days of shooting. Tom Zickler relates<br />

his experiences: „Our success might basically be traced back to the fact that we manage to get actors<br />

together who match each other. This was the case in ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘ with Til and Nora<br />

Tschirner, and this time it leads to very moving and emotional scenes between Emma and her two<br />

film-fathers. It works, and from that arises the kind of stardust which will enchant not only a few, but<br />

hopefully millions of cinemagoers“.<br />

„For me it became clear rather quickly that Emma would have to play Magdalena“, Zickler continues.<br />

„Til had played two or three scenes with her as a test, and Emma showed great eagerness to make<br />

the film. Each week she kept asking: ‚Papa, when will we start shooting‘? She enters into it with<br />

enthusiasm, and Emma's 13-year-old sister Luna will also take on a cameo in ‚Kokowääh‘.<br />

But 28 days of filming are a great challenge for a seven-year-old kid. Then there are the legal<br />

restraints to be considered: Emma was only allowed to work for three hours each day. To be able to<br />

carry out the shooting schedule all the same, the filmmakers coordinated it with the Health and<br />

Safety Office. During lighting adjustments, or whenever Magdalena, e.g. during dialogue scenes, is only<br />

seen from behind because the camera is on her partner, one of four doubles was used. Zickler says:<br />

„We casted them in such a way that looked very similar to Emma. They wore the same costumes<br />

and the same hairdos – it was really funny, to have four versions of Magdalena romping about the<br />

set!“<br />

About the concept of Barefoot, Zickler says: „Like in the earlier films, we wanted to show Berlin as a<br />

metropolis, precisely not just Kreuzberg and Linie 1, but as a city able to compete with London and<br />

Paris. Kirsten Niehuus, head of the Filmförderung Berlin-Brandenburg, confirmed before shooting,<br />

that ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘ gave Berlin as movie town an immense boost, because ever since, foreign<br />

productions interested in filming in the capital make inquiries, too. Therefore we stick to this<br />

concept, and search out attractive locations“.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


No emotion without music: the soundtrack<br />

For „Kokowääh“ the soundtrack is created in cooperation with Sony Music. „Since some of our titles<br />

are still in the demo-stage, we can talk to the artists and have our wishes heard, before the tracks<br />

will eventually be produced“, Tom Zickler reports. „The music business knows, since the success<br />

story of ‚Apologize‘ (from ‚Rabbit Without Ears‘) and ‚I Like‘ (‚Rabbit Without Ears 2‘), what kind of<br />

an importance, what a snowball effect, the participation in a Til Schweiger Film can have. Therefore<br />

the doors of the labels are always open for us“.<br />

Family celebrations, on camera and off<br />

„We appeal to large family audiences, designing the concept to a U-rating, for young children should<br />

be able to watch ‚Kokowääh‘. It has become clear from the previous films how much the kids love<br />

our Emma“, says Tom Zickler. „We noticed at the half-way party, at other set-partys, again and<br />

again. Even my 15-year-old son, who is usually more into action movies, is enthusiastic about Emma.<br />

She is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking: All the children who have watched scenes from our film<br />

beforehand, are keen to have the same pyjamas like the ones Henry cuts for Magdalena”!<br />

Zickler continues: „Patchwork families are a part of everyday life now – for Til it is reality in his<br />

private life, it's the same for me, for many of our friends. The new social family structures have<br />

become established. In any case, it is about getting over traumas, respecting each other and always<br />

putting the wellbeing of the children first: That's the bottom line“.<br />

About working in the Barefoot team, Tom Zickler says: „For Til, creativity is always the most<br />

important. Occasionally it can be strenuous to enable him to do this. But the result speaks for itself“.<br />

There is never any doubt on set that it's Til Schweiger who holds the reins. „Til is an authoritarian<br />

director, who, while he may always be ready with a joke, must not be disturbed when he is working<br />

in concentration“, says Zickler. „There is no other way to do this, because as a director he not only<br />

needs to keep track of the whole, but also has to direct himself as an actor, needing to change<br />

constantly from behind the camera to in front of it, while he has to direct the other actors as well<br />

and give them cues. Emma herself is very much interested in film-making. She is irresistibly charming<br />

and extremely intelligent – unbelievable, how quick on the uptake she is“.<br />

Exactly how compelling the story of „Kokowääh“ is, can be proven by the best reassurance Til<br />

Schweiger – whether as a real or a cinematic dad – received from Emma during the prepping of the<br />

movie: Father and daughter had just finished a read-through of the whole script, and Emma<br />

understood that Magdalena in the film is torn between two fathers. She reflected about it and finally<br />

said: „Oh, Papa, I would settle for you in the long run”!<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


ACTORS<br />


Henry<br />

Tilman Valentin Schweiger was born on 19 th December 1963 in Freiburg. He started reading German<br />

and wanted to become a teacher, but then he attended drama school in Cologne, gained first<br />

experiences on stage and in 1991 accepted the part of Jo Zenker in the cult series „Lindenstraße“.<br />

His TV appearances include popular series „Die Kommissarin“, „Lemgo“, „Adrenalin“, „A Girl Called<br />

Rosemary“ and „Die Halbstarken“.<br />

„Racin’ in the Streets“ made him known to cinema audiences, „Ebbies Bluff“ brought him the Max-<br />

Ophüls-Award as Best Newcomer. With the huge success of „Maybe… Maybe not“ he rose to<br />

stardom and received the „Bambi“. Hits followed in close succession: „Männerpension“ (second<br />

Bambi), „The Superwoman“, „Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door“ (Actor's Award in Moscow) and „The<br />

Devil and Mrs D“. For his first English-speaking part in „Brute“ he won the Film Award, as first<br />

foreign actor, at the Polish Filmfestival.<br />

Since then, the German superstar has gained a footing in Hollywood as well: After his debut in „The<br />

Replacement Killers“ there followed „Judas Kiss“ with Emma Thompson, „SLC Punk!“, „Magicians“,<br />

Alan Rudolph's „Investigating Sex“ and Renny Harlin's racing driver movie „Driven“ with Sylvester<br />

Stallone and Burt Reynolds. In Steve James’ TV-film „Joe & Max“ Schweiger embodied boxing legend<br />

Max Schmeling. This was followed by „Lara Croft Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life“, „In Enemy<br />

Hands“, „King Arthur“, „Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo“, his performance as the legendary Lucky<br />

Luke in „Les Dalton“ as well as „Body Armor“, „Already Dead“, „Far Cry“ and Quentin Tarantino's<br />

„Inglourious Basterds“.<br />

In 2011 Schweiger can be seen alongside Reese Witherspoon in the action-comedy „This Means<br />

War“ and in the thriller „The Courier“ with Mickey Rourke. In Germany he scored a huge success as<br />

space cowboy Rock in Bully Herbig's „Dreamship Surprise – Period 1 “, which won him the Bambi<br />

and the German Comedy Award. Further Films are: „What to Do in the Case of Fire?“, „Where is<br />

Fred?“, „The Red Baron“, „Phantom Pain“ and „Men in the City“. This will be followed in 2011 by the<br />

sequel „Men in the City 2“. He could be heard in the animated film of Janosch's „The Trip to<br />

Panama“ as Little Tiger.<br />

In 1998 Til Schweiger directed himself in „Der Eisbär“. Another hit was his second work as a<br />

director, „Barefoot“, where he also co-starred with Johanna Wokalek. For this achievement,<br />

Schweiger was awarded a further Bambi. In 2007 he registered a huge success as co-author, director<br />

and star with „Rabbit Without Ears“, which had more than six million viewers in cinemas. Schweiger<br />

won the audience award at the Bavarian Film Award ceremony, the Ernst-Lubitsch-Award, as well as<br />

(together with Nora Tschirner) another Bambi and the German Comedy Award. This was followed<br />

by action-comedy „1½ Knights - In Search of the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde“, with himself in the<br />

starring role, which he again saw through as director and producer. In 2009 he produced and<br />

directed „Rabbit Without Ears 2“. In this fast paced romantic comedy he again took on the male lead<br />

alongside Nora Tschirner. This sequel, too, was an outstanding success, clocking up four million<br />

viewers.<br />

Apart from this he produced Thomas Jahn's „Auf Herz und Nieren“, Lars Büchel's „Now or Never“<br />

and „Peas at 5:30“, and also Reto Salimbeni's „One Way“, in which he stars as well. As co-producer<br />

he was involved in „Desert Flower“ and „Phantom Pain“.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />



Magdalena<br />

Emma Tiger Schweiger (born 2002) is Til Schweiger's youngest daughter and gave her screen debut<br />

at the age of four, as Cheyenne-Blue in the hit movie „Rabbit Without Ears“. She repeated that part<br />

in „Rabbit Without Ears 2“. Magdalena in „Kokowääh“ is her first leading role.<br />


Katharina<br />

Jasmin Gerat was born in Berlin in 1978. In 1997 she had her first movie part in „War of<br />

Neighbours“ (Director: Felix Dünnemann). In 1998 starring roles followed in „I Love You, Baby“<br />

(Director: Nick Lyon) and in Michel Bielawa's TV-movie „Cecile“. In 1999 she appeared a.o. in the<br />

ZDF-miniseries „Das Herz des Priesters“, and Sönke Wortmann cast her in his production of „The<br />

Cripple of Inishmaan“ at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf.<br />

In 2003 she accepted a leading part in the film „Girls on Top 2“ (Director: Peter Gersina), before<br />

starring in director Lars Becker's ZDF-serial „Nachtschicht“ – a part which the critics, as well as she<br />

herself, considered one of her most important. After that she filmed the drama „Zwischen Liebe und<br />

Tod“ in South Africa, with Sigi Rothemund; and with Markus O. Rosenmüller „Die Mandantin“ as<br />

mysterious beauty alongside Barbara Rudnik. From 2005 to 2006 she accepted a lead part in the<br />

series „Soko Köln“ (ZDF). In 2005 she also made Sat.1-thriller „Erased“ with Tobias Moretti and<br />

Wotan Wilke Möhring directed by Isabel Kleefeld.<br />

After giving birth to her daughter in 2007, she returned in front of the cameras in 2008. In 2009<br />

„Ausgerechnet Afrika“ was produced in South Africa, and was broadcast on RTL in 2010. She played<br />

the female lead, director was Axel Barth. The same year and also for RTL, she filmed a part in<br />

„Alarm für Cobra 11“; for the ZDF she played, among other things, a guest role in „Rosa Roth“ and<br />

Til Schweiger won her for a cameo in his hit movie „Rabbit Without Ears 2“. The following year,<br />

2010, she played leading roles in „Der Alte“, the ZDF-movie „Wohnungstausch“ and in a „Tatort“,<br />

which was directed by Zoltan Spirandelli, before starting the shoot for „Kokowääh“.<br />


Tristan<br />

Finzi hails from Bulgaria, his training took place at the National Academy for Theatre and Film in<br />

Sofia. In the 1990's he established himself on the German-speaking stages – he did theatrical stints in<br />

Düsseldorf, Cologne, Bochum, Zurich, Hamburg, at the Burgtheater in Vienna and the Deutsches<br />

Theater Berlin. Among his parts in films are „Headshots“, „Kill Daddy Good Night“, „In Between<br />

Days“, „Family Rules“, „Measures to Better the World“, „Ein ganz gewöhnlicher Jude“, „The Miracle<br />

of Bern “ and „Now or Never.“ November 2009 saw the start of police procedural series<br />

„Flemming“ with Finzi in the part of profiler Vincent Flemming.<br />


Charlotte<br />

Meret Becker has worked with notable directors like Sönke Wortmann, Doris Dörrie, Caroline Link,<br />

Dominik Graf, Helmut Dietl, Joseph Vilsmaier, Dani Levy, Neele Leana Vollmar and Steven Spielberg.<br />

In 1991 she received the Adolf-Grimme-Award as Best Newcomer for her part in „Fremde, liebe<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


Fremde“. For her efforts in „The Promise“ and „The Invincibles“ she was awarded the Bavarian Film<br />

Award in 1995. She won the 1997 German Film Award as best supporting actress for „Comedian<br />

Harmonists“, which also brought her the German Golden Camera Award as best actress. In 2004<br />

she received the Max-Ophüls-Preis for the soundtrack music to the film „PiperMint … das Leben<br />

möglicherweise“. Her cinematic releases are, among others, „Das Leben ist zu lang“, „Fliegende<br />

Fische“, „Boxhagener Platz“, „Friedliche Zeiten“, „Die Glücklichen“, „Merry Christmas“, „Munich“,<br />

„Happy As One“, „3° kälter“, „Polly Blue Eyes“, „Nogo“, „Poem“, „12 Past Midnight“, „Annaluise and<br />

Anton“, „The Volcano“, „Liebe Lügen“, „Hundert Jahre Brecht“, „Rossini“, „Painted Angels“, „Life Is<br />

All You Get“, „The Blue One“, „Happy Birthday!“, „Little Sharks“ and „Alone Among Women“.<br />

In parallel to her work as an actress, she developed her career as singer, sound explorer and<br />

composer. Two live albums were released nationally and internationally, also two albums of her own<br />

compositions and one CD with film music. Meret Becker gives concerts in France, Spain, Portugal,<br />

Norway, Japan, Canada and Australia.<br />



Screenplay, Director, Producer<br />

See „Cast“<br />


Producer<br />

Tom Zickler (born 1964) grew up in Thuringia/Germany. From 1986 to 1988 he worked at the<br />

DEFA-studio for feature films. From 1988 to 1994 he studied at the HFF Babelsberg. Zickler has<br />

been working with Til Schweiger since 1996: From 1996 on he was manager and partner in their coowned<br />

company Mr. Brown Entertainment, from 1999 to 2003 manager and partner of Checkpoint<br />

Berlin. Since 2004 he has been the manager of Barefoot Films.<br />

Among his films are „10 Tage im Oktober“, „Varieté“, „Der unbekannte Deserteur“, „Knockin’ on<br />

Heaven’s Door“, „Der Eisbär“, „Marmor, Stein & Eisen“, „Falling Rocks“, „Planet B: The Antman“,<br />

„Planet B: Detective Lovelorn und die Rache des Pharao“, „Planet B: Mask Under Mask“, „House of<br />

Fear“ (TV), „Barefoot“, „One Way“, „Rabbit Without Ears“, „1½ Knights - In Search of the Ravishing<br />

Princess Herzelinde“ and „Rabbit Without Ears 2“.<br />


Screenplay, Producer<br />

Jarzyk was born in Helmstedt in 1964 and from 1996 to 2007 he was managing partner of the talent<br />

agency “players agentur management GmbH”, Berlin. Besides that, he founded his own production<br />

company, with which, in 2006, he produced his first feature film, written by him: „Reine Formsache“<br />

(Director: Ralf Huettner). „Kokowääh“ is his second screenplay and as producer, his first<br />

collaboration with Til Schweiger, whose agent he had been for many years.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />



Camera/Co-director<br />

Christof Wahl had already photographed „Barefoot“ for Til Schweiger, which won him a nomination<br />

for the German Camera Award. He also worked with Schweiger on „Rabbit Without Ears 2“,<br />

„Rabbit Without Ears“ (also nominated for the German Camera Awards), „1½ Knights - In Search of<br />

the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde “ (camera and co-director), „One Way“ (scenes filmed in New<br />

York and Vancouver), „Auf Herz und Nieren“ (additional cameraman), „Now or Never“ (steadicamoperator)<br />

and „Der Eisbär“ (steadicam-operator, second unit camera). Besides that, Wahl filmed<br />

„Body Armour“, with Til Schweiger in the cast. Further films are: „Auf der Suche nach dem G.“ (TV),<br />

„Hitman Zero“ (TV), „D.I.K. – Jagd auf Virus X“ (TV), „Todesstrafe – Ein Deutscher hinter Gittern“<br />

(TV), „Marmor, Stein & Eisen“ and „Schwere Beute“.<br />

He was involved in many further productions as additional cameraman, steadicam-operator or<br />

second unit cameraman, among them „Siegfried“, „Les gaous“, „The Blind Flyers“, „Ma femme…<br />

s’appelle Maurice“, „Operation Rubikon“, „Frau2 sucht HappyEnd“, „The Runner“ (TV), „Catching<br />

the Stars“,„Curiosity & the Cat“, „Run Lola, Run“, „Das Geheimnis der Kormoraninsel“ and „Sexy<br />

Sadie“.<br />

BETA CINEMA (World Sales)<br />

Beta Cinema is the theatrical division of Beta Film. Launched in 2001, Beta Cinema has established<br />

itself as a "boutique operation" for independent feature films with strong potential for theatrical<br />

distribution. Beta Cinema's philosophy is to limit its selective acquisition policy of 10 to 15 titles per<br />

year in order to fully develop the theatrical potential of each title according to its individual<br />

character. Beta Cinema’s portfolio includes outstanding productions like JOHN RABE, which won<br />

four German Film Awards 2009, Cannes 2008 Jury Prize-winning IL DIVO, Academy Award 2008-<br />

winning THE COUNTERFEITERS, Academy Award 2008 nominated MONGOL, Academy Award<br />

2007-winning THE LIVES OF OTHERS and the Academy Award 2005-nominated DOWNFALL.<br />

For further information:<br />

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15, Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627<br />

press@betafilm.com, www.betacinema.com.<br />

Pictures and filmclips available on ftp.betafilm.com, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB<br />


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