Resume JeffTsai - Institute for Transportation Research and Education

Resume JeffTsai - Institute for Transportation Research and Education

Resume JeffTsai - Institute for Transportation Research and Education


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Jeffrey C. Tsai<br />

Director, School <strong>Transportation</strong> Group<br />

Program Director, Operations <strong>Research</strong> / <strong>Education</strong> Laboratory<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Education</strong><br />

North Carolina State University<br />

Centennial Campus, Box 8601<br />

Raleigh, NC 27695-8601<br />

27695-8601<br />

919/515-7931 FAX: 919/515-7924<br />

tsai@unity.ncsu.edu<br />


Director,<br />

Operations <strong>Research</strong> / <strong>Education</strong> Laboratory (OR/Ed. Lab)<br />

Responsible <strong>for</strong> the management of the OR/Ed Laboratory, the lab specializes in the use of<br />

mathematical models (operations research) <strong>for</strong> improving decision-making in educational<br />

institutions <strong>and</strong> in state <strong>and</strong> local governmental agencies.<br />

The Integrated Planning <strong>for</strong> School <strong>and</strong> Community (IPSAC) offered by the Lab is being used<br />

by numerous school systems. IPSAC fully integrates community <strong>and</strong> regional data, ten-year<br />

economic <strong>and</strong> demographic <strong>for</strong>ecasts, demographics <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use studies, digitized pupil<br />

<strong>and</strong> school location files, <strong>and</strong> mathematical optimization algorithms. The IPSAC planning<br />

system is comprised of multiple data-driven processes including: Enrollment Forecasting,<br />

L<strong>and</strong> Use Studies, Out-Of-Capacity Analysis, School Location Optimization, <strong>and</strong> Attendance<br />

Boundary Optimization <strong>and</strong> Redirecting. The school planning solutions are driven by policy<br />

<strong>and</strong> supported by data have great success rate wining community support.<br />

The Integrated Planning <strong>for</strong> School <strong>and</strong> Community was a 1998 Edelman Prize Winner, awarded<br />

by the International Forum of Operations <strong>Research</strong> <strong>and</strong> Management Science (INFORMS), the<br />

world’s leading professional association of operation researchers <strong>and</strong> management scientists.<br />

Director, School <strong>Transportation</strong> Group<br />

Coordinating project activities with school systems <strong>and</strong> other pupil transportation related projects.<br />

Develop concept statement <strong>and</strong> seek funding opportunities <strong>for</strong> the application of scientific<br />

principles <strong>and</strong> technology to pupil transportation industry.<br />

2007 Principal Investigator, “Three-Point Lap/Should Belts in School Buses”. A study<br />

evaluates the utilization of lap/should belts in school buses among elementary, middle <strong>and</strong><br />

high school-age students <strong>and</strong> operation impact to school districts’<br />

2004 Principal Investigator, “Identification of North Carolina School Travel Related<br />

Motor Vehicle Crashes”. A study identifies crashes involving children <strong>and</strong> youth ages 0-18<br />

occurring on weekdays during morning <strong>and</strong> afternoon school commuting times.<br />

2003 Principal Investigator, “Best Practices Managing School Campus Carpool Traffic”.<br />

The project developed a synthesis of best practices <strong>for</strong> effective management of carpool<br />

lanes at the public elementary school campuses through school modal use analysis, traffic<br />

queue analysis, loading area procedural observations, <strong>and</strong> queue modeling. The study was<br />

packaged in a simple to use web-based “decision tree” <strong>for</strong> school administrators that is rich<br />

in illustrations, pictures <strong>and</strong> video clips.

Jeffrey C. Tsai 2<br />

2002 Principal Investigator, “A Study of Guidelines <strong>and</strong> Criteria <strong>for</strong> Establishing School<br />

Walk Zones”. A project studies North Carolina school districts’ practices in determining<br />

area where students walked to school. This project includes the following activities: (1)<br />

problem identification of North Carolina public schools’ policies <strong>for</strong> establishing walk zones<br />

through survey, pedestrian crash data analysis <strong>and</strong> focus group meetings, (2) define areas<br />

of focus <strong>and</strong> develop a list of specific recommendations, <strong>and</strong> (3) review guidelines <strong>and</strong><br />

practice developed by other states <strong>and</strong> municipalities <strong>for</strong> future inclusion of possible North<br />

Carolina guidelines.<br />

2001 Principal Investigator, “Special Needs Require Special Care”. A transportation<br />

policies, guidelines, <strong>and</strong> best practices <strong>for</strong> the transportation of preschoolers <strong>and</strong> children<br />

with disabilities <strong>for</strong> public schools developed by a committee of school level professionals<br />

who work with school children require special transportation needs.<br />

1999-2000 Principal Investigator, “A Cooperative Program to Reduce Incidents of<br />

Vehicles Passing Stopped School Buses in a Coastal Region of North Carolina”. A project<br />

funded by National Highway <strong>Transportation</strong> Safety Administration (NHTSA) through North<br />

Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The project demonstrates the value of a<br />

cooperative program of reducing stop arm violations through onboard video surveillances,<br />

GIS mapping <strong>and</strong> subsequent en<strong>for</strong>cement activities by law en<strong>for</strong>cement. It is supported<br />

through an intensive public awareness program based on the Public Service Announcement<br />

<strong>and</strong> education materials on h<strong>and</strong>. The project team demonstrates the applicability of video<br />

cameras recording actual illegal passing as an en<strong>for</strong>cement tool <strong>and</strong> also to study driver’s<br />

operating habits to identify training needs.<br />

1999-2000 Principal Investigator, “Data Collection Support <strong>for</strong> the North Carolina<br />

Exceptional Children <strong>Transportation</strong> Study”. A study requested by North Carolina General<br />

Assembly to study the excessive school bus riding time of exceptional children students.<br />

1999-2000 Principal Investigator, “In<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong> Technology Enhancements <strong>for</strong><br />

Wake County Public School System’s <strong>Transportation</strong> Department”. A project to study <strong>and</strong><br />

recommend currently technologies in the area of Intelligent <strong>Transportation</strong> Systems,<br />

computer networking, <strong>and</strong> communication to enhancement the efficiency <strong>and</strong> safety of a<br />

large <strong>and</strong> rapidly growing public school system.<br />

1998 Principal Investigator, “Interactive School Bus Safety Web Site <strong>for</strong> Elementary<br />

Schools”. A project funded by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program to crate a first in<br />

the nation, an interactive school bus safety web page <strong>for</strong> elementary school students<br />

(www.ncbussafety.org).<br />

1994 – Present Principal Investigator, Responsible <strong>for</strong> the day-to-day operation of the<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation Management System (TIMS) project office at ITRE (TIMS is a<br />

GIS-based computer assisted school bus routing <strong>and</strong> scheduling system). Manage TIMS<br />

support staff <strong>and</strong> provide assistance in high-level software problem solving. Take lead in<br />

investigating reported software problems, testing new products, developing application<br />

software, interpreting documentation <strong>and</strong> work with software vendor <strong>and</strong> staff evaluating<br />

software issues. Negotiate contract issues with North Carolina Department of Public<br />

Instruction <strong>and</strong> manage project budgets.

Jeffrey C. Tsai 3<br />

1993 Principal Investigator, “Alternative Fuels Study”, the study of the potential uses of<br />

alternative fueled vehicles as relates to North Carolina’s state-owned vehicles.<br />

1993 Principal Investigator, Technical Assistance in Paratransit Routing. Technical<br />

assistance, facilitation, <strong>and</strong> evaluation services in the installation of a computerized routing<br />

scheduling software <strong>for</strong> four Paratransit services in North Carolina.<br />

1993 Technical assistance, the Paratransit Scheduling <strong>and</strong> Dispatching System Options<br />

<strong>for</strong> Capital Metro Special Transit Services at Austin, Texas. Assist in identifying operational,<br />

software, hardware alternatives <strong>for</strong> a Paratransit scheduling <strong>and</strong> dispatching software<br />

system <strong>for</strong> the Special Transit Services in Austin, Texas.<br />

1992-1993 Technical assistance, the Assessment of Computer Equipment <strong>and</strong> Training<br />

Needs <strong>for</strong> NCDOT Public Transit <strong>and</strong> Rail Division (PT&RD). Assist in the study of computer<br />

capabilities of the North Carolina transit systems to clarify PT&RD’s future role in meeting<br />

the computer technical assistance needs.<br />

1991 System Designer, “North Carolina Pupil <strong>Transportation</strong> Budget Rating Simulator”. A<br />

simulation software package used statewide <strong>for</strong> pupil transportation budget allocation <strong>and</strong><br />

allows school systems to simulate impacts to the state transportation funding due to<br />

operation changes in the school system.

Jeffrey C. Tsai 4<br />

Professional Affiliations<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Chair, <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board, School <strong>Transportation</strong> Joint Subcommittee<br />

Member, <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board, <strong>Transportation</strong> Safety Management<br />

Committee<br />

Member, National Walk to School Evaluation Advisory Board<br />

Member, Hybrid Electric School Bus Advisory Board<br />

Committee member, North Carolina School Safety Conference<br />

Member of North Carolina Pupil <strong>Transportation</strong> Association<br />

Reports, papers, Website, publications, <strong>and</strong> presentations<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“North Carolina Experiences with Three-Point Restraint Seats in Large School Buses”,<br />

project report to NC Department of Public Instruction, 2007<br />

“Safe <strong>and</strong> Health School Environments”, contributing author, Ox<strong>for</strong>d University Press,<br />

2006<br />

“Creating <strong>and</strong> Operating a Walking School Bus”, presenting during the<br />

85 th <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006<br />

“School Bus Occupant Protection, a Review of the Implementation of Lap/Shoulder Seat<br />

Belts in Large School Buses in North Carolina”, presenting during the 85 th<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006<br />

“Integrated Planning <strong>for</strong> School <strong>and</strong> Community”, Journal of the <strong>Transportation</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> Board, No. 1922, November 2005<br />

“School <strong>Transportation</strong> News: Improving the Safety, Security, <strong>and</strong> Quality of Student Travel”,<br />

TR News, Number 237, 2005<br />

“Reducing the Illegal Passing of School Buses”, TR News, Number 237, 2005<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Best Practices Managing School Campus Carpool Traffic”, presenting during the<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board, 83 rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2004<br />

“Integrated Planning <strong>for</strong> School <strong>and</strong> Community”, presenting during the Council of<br />

<strong>Education</strong>al Facility Planners International, Charlotte, NC, 2003<br />

“True Costs <strong>and</strong> Risks of School <strong>Transportation</strong>”, presenting during the International<br />

Association of School Business Officers Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2003<br />

“GIS, GPS, <strong>and</strong> AVL” <strong>for</strong> School <strong>Transportation</strong>”, presenting during the 2003 School<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> News Annual Conference, Reno, NV, 2003<br />

“New Paradigm of School <strong>Transportation</strong>, Lesson Learned from the Public <strong>Transportation</strong><br />

Experiences”, presenting during the 2003 School <strong>Transportation</strong> News Annual<br />

Conference, Reno, NV, 2003<br />

“Analysis of North Carolina Guidelines <strong>and</strong> Criteria <strong>for</strong> Establishing School Walk Zones”,<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Record 1828, TRB, National <strong>Research</strong> Council, Washington,<br />

DC, 2003, pp. 47-55.<br />

“The Relative Risks of School Travel”. Committee Member of School <strong>Transportation</strong><br />

Safety, <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board, Special Repot 269, National <strong>Research</strong><br />

Council, Washington, DC 2002.

Jeffrey C. Tsai 5<br />

“Automated Vehicle Location(AVL) <strong>for</strong> School <strong>Transportation</strong>”, ITRE, 2001<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Use Global Positioning System (GPS) to Improve School Bus Routing <strong>and</strong> Scheduling”,<br />

ITRE, 2000<br />

Interactive School Bus Safety Training Web Page (www.ncbussafety.org). Lead the<br />

project team at ITRE developed state of the art educational web page designed <strong>for</strong><br />

elementary school children addressing school bus related safety training, 1998.<br />

Paratransit Scheduling <strong>and</strong> Dispatching System Options <strong>for</strong> Capital Metro Special Transit<br />

Services, Austin, Texas,” co-author, ITRE, January, 1993.<br />

“Alternative Fuels Study <strong>for</strong> the State Owned Light-Duty Vehicles” prepared <strong>for</strong> the Energy<br />

Division, North Carolina Department of Commerce, ITRE, March, 1993.<br />

“Technical Assistance in Paratransit Routing,” ITRE, March 31 1993.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Assessment of Computer Equipment <strong>and</strong> Training Needs <strong>for</strong> North Carolina<br />

Department of <strong>Transportation</strong>, Public Transit Division,” ITRE, April, 1993<br />

“Assessment of Software <strong>for</strong> Computerized Paratransit Operations,” co-author,<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Board 1378, 1993.<br />

User Manual <strong>for</strong> the “North Carolina Pupil <strong>Transportation</strong> Efficiency Rating Simulator,”<br />

ITRE, September, 1991.<br />

“Application of the Intelligent <strong>Transportation</strong> Systems <strong>for</strong> pupil transportation<br />

industry”, presentation, National Association <strong>for</strong> Pupil <strong>Transportation</strong> Conference,<br />

1998<br />

Awards <strong>and</strong> Recognitions<br />

North Carolina State University Excellence Award, 2006<br />

Director’s Award of the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Transportation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Education</strong>, 2003<br />

<br />

“Special Needs Require Special Care”, Best State Manual Award in the National<br />

<strong>Transportation</strong> Conference of Students with Disabilities <strong>and</strong> Preschoolers,<br />

Atlanta, GA, 2002<br />

<strong>Education</strong><br />

Fundamentals of <strong>Transportation</strong> Safety, June, 1999<br />

Intelligent <strong>Transportation</strong> Systems, Fall Semester, 1998<br />

Master of Science, Geophysics, North Carolina State University, 1987<br />

Bachelor of Science, Geophysics, North Carolina State University, 1984

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