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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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This idea that every god whom men worship is the embodiment<br />

of a limited ideal and that he is the symbol of one aspect of the<br />

Absolute, has persisted down the ages and, in fact, is one of the<br />

most fundamental characteristics of Hinduism. It is this idea,<br />

which makes Hinduism the most tolerant of religions.” 178<br />

Comments: Whenever the idea of a ‘Single Existence’ or Wahdat<br />

al-Wajood is presented, an explanation will inevitably be sought<br />

about the existence of things other than God, for example, human<br />

beings, animals, trees, mountains, etc. The Hindus say, “god is<br />

outside him and manifest in innumerable ways”, and this is<br />

similar to what Haji Imdadullah Makki says, “A question may be<br />

raised… that, since there is none other than Allah, what are these<br />

Hawatith 179 ? The answer is thus. ‘Lahul Asma al-Husna’ - meaning<br />

that all are the ‘Madhahar’ (points of manifestation) of Him. 180<br />

Thus, both the Sufis and the Hindus give the same explanation.<br />

Like Wahdat al-Wajood, Moksha too is for the<br />

Spiritual Elites<br />

“In Hinduism, if the metaphysical ideal is too advanced and<br />

abstract for a common man, a theological principle is set before<br />

him. At this stage, the ‘Impersonal Absolute Brahman’, becomes a<br />

personal god, the perfect become the good, manifestations<br />

become creation, liberation becomes life in the Heaven, and love<br />

takes the place of knowledge!<br />

178 This is also what makes the Soofis as tolerant as the Hindus, as Ibn<br />

Arabi says, “A Soofi; the person with complete understanding is he<br />

who sees every object of worship to be a manifestation of Truth<br />

(Allah) contained therein, for which it is worshiped. Therefore, they<br />

all call it a god, along with its particular name, whether it is a rock, or<br />

a tree, or an animal, or a person, or a star, or an angel.” [Al-Fusoos<br />

(1/195)]<br />

179 Hawatith : Things that do not exist originally, but come into<br />

existence later.<br />

180 Madhahar : The point of manifestation. Here it means that the<br />

creatures are nothing but the visible manifestations of Allaah. Just<br />

like Allaah’s Asmaa al-Husnaa (names) are not other than Him,<br />

similarly these Hawadith are not other than Him.<br />


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