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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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The concept of ‘Allah being everywhere’ was neither the belief of<br />

the pious predecessors (as-Salaf as-Salih) nor the pious Imams<br />

(scholars) of Islam who came after them. For instance is the belief<br />

of Imam Abu Haneefah recorded by Ibn Abil-Ezz al-Hanafee in<br />

the explanation of “Al-Aqeedah at-Tahawiyah (p. 288)” Mutee’ al-<br />

Balakhee reported that he asked Abu Haneefah’s opinion about a<br />

person who says that he does not know whether his Lord is in the<br />

Heavens or on earth? Imam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) replied:<br />

“He has disbelieved, for Allah says: ‘The Most Merciful is above<br />

the Throne’ 134 and His Throne is above His Seven Heavens.” Al-<br />

Balakhee then asked: “What if he said that Allah is above the<br />

Throne, but he does not know whether the Throne is in the<br />

Heavens or on earth? Imam Abu Haneefah replied: “He has<br />

disbelieved because he has denied that Allah is above the<br />

Heavens and whoever denies that He is above the Heavens, has<br />

disbelieved.”<br />

This is an example of how a large number of Hanafee scholars<br />

adopted an important matter of Aqeedah from deviant Sufi beliefs.<br />

Imam Abu Haneefah used the word “Kufr” or ‘disbelief’ for him,<br />

who denies that Allah is above His Arsh or above the Heavens,<br />

which show the great importance, which he gave to the matters of<br />

Aqeedah. This is an example of how those who affiliate themselves<br />

with the Hanafee Madhhab, only follow the Hanafee Fiqh, but not<br />

the Aqeedah (beliefs) of Imam Abu Haneefah.<br />

Likewise, various beliefs of Imam Abu Haneefah mentioned by<br />

Ibn Abil-Ezz al-Hanafee (in the explanation of “Al-Aqeedah at-<br />

Tahawiyah”) are contradictory with the ideas of the present day<br />

Deobandi scholars.<br />

Deobandi Scholars unanimously support the theory<br />

of Wahdat al-Wajood<br />

Following are some quotes from the books of Deobandis…<br />

134 Soorah Taahaa (20): 5.<br />


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