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a rapturous rhapsody that Hazrat Hafiz Sahib fell unconscious<br />

into an ecstatic swoon” 118<br />

The effects of Qur’aan on those who listen with understanding<br />

have been mentioned in the Qur’aan. Listening to the Qur’aan<br />

causes the hearts to fear Allah, the faith to increase, the heart to<br />

soften and the eyes to shed tears. 119 But falling unconscious or<br />

dead, as a result of imposed anxiety is not the true fear that stems<br />

from the understanding of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah and such<br />

was never reported from the Messenger of Allah or his<br />

Companions. 120<br />

Another good example of misunderstanding the proper way to<br />

love and fear Allah, and subjecting oneself to extreme anxiety can<br />

be seen in the following incident mentioned in Fazaail-e-Aamaal.<br />

It is said that Malik Ibn Deenar met a young man on his way to<br />

Hajj, walking on foot, with no provision or water. Malik Ibn<br />

Deenar offered him his shirt, but he refused saying: “…It is better<br />

to remain naked, than to acquire worldly shirts.” Later, when the<br />

Hajis (the pilgrims) put on the Ihram, read the Talbiyah, this young<br />

man kept silent and said, ‘I fear that on reciting ‘Labbaik’, a reply<br />

may be heard, “La Labbaik, La Sadaik” (Your cry is not heard and<br />

we do not return to you in Pleasure.) The young man justified his<br />

acts that were apparently opposed to the Sharee’ah by saying,<br />

“And blame me not for this love for Him, for if thou knowest the<br />

thing I see then surely will you never speak.” Later, when the<br />

pilgrims sacrificed the sheep, this young man asked Allah to<br />

accept his life as a sacrifice and then died shortly afterwards. This<br />

story also claims that a voice from the Unseen said: “This is<br />

Allah’s friend, and Allah’s martyr.” Later that night, Malik Ibn<br />

Deenar asked the young man in his dream, ‘What did Allah do to<br />

you?’ He said: ‘I have gained a reward like that of the martyrs of<br />

118 Irshaadul-Mulook (Eng. Trans.), p.22.<br />

119 See Soorah al-Anfaal (8): 2, Soorah az-Zumar (39): 23, and Soorah<br />

Maryam (19): 58.<br />

120 For more information refer to, “The Dispraise of al-Hawaa” by Dr.<br />

Saleh as-Saleh, p.74-75.<br />


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