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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Tawakkul in Him.” 107 “And put your trust in the Living One,<br />

Who will never die, and glorify His praises; Sufficient He is, in<br />

being aware of the sins of His Ibaad (worshipers).” 108 Therefore<br />

to place trust in other than Allah, in matters in which Allah alone<br />

can help is Shirk. This applies to all other worships of the heart,<br />

like fear, sincerity, etc.<br />

Supplication: Allah says: “And your Lord said: “Invoke Me and<br />

I will respond to your (invocation)’ Verily, those who scorn My<br />

worship, will enter Hell in humiliation.” 109 While explaining<br />

this verse the Messenger of Allah said: “Supplication is<br />

worship.” 110 Thus, supplication is worship as Allah mentioned in<br />

the verse and as His Messenger explained in his Hadeeth.<br />

The Messenger of Allah once advised Ibn Abbas saying: “If<br />

you ask, then ask Allah and if you seek help, then seek help<br />

from Allah.” 111 He also said in a Saheeh Hadeeth: “Whoever<br />

abstains from asking others, Allah will make him content, and<br />

whoever tries to make himself self-sufficient, Allah will make<br />

him self-sufficient...” 112<br />

This command prohibits asking from others besides Allah, in<br />

matters which none can provide except Allah, like provision,<br />

sustenance, aid, cure, guidance, offspring, etc. However, this<br />

prohibition of asking others besides Allah does not restrict one<br />

from helping his Muslim brethren or asking help from them in<br />

matters which they can help. Allah says: “…Help you one<br />

another in al-Birr and at-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and<br />

piety)…” 113<br />

107 Soorah Hood (11): 123.<br />

108 Soorah al-Furqaan (25): 85.<br />

109 Soorah al-Ghaafir (40): 60.<br />

110 Sunan of Abu-Dawood no: 1474, At-Tirmidhee.<br />

111 (Hasan) Musnad Ahmad vol. 1, no. 293, at-Tirmidhee no: 2516,<br />

and others.<br />

112 Saheeh al-Bukharee vol. 3, no: 265, and Saheeh Muslim no: 1053,<br />

Abu Dawood no: 1644, at-Tirmidhee no: 2025, and others.<br />

113 Soorah al-Maidah (5): 2.<br />


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