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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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ing us closer to Allah.” 82 Calling upon Allah for one’s needs is<br />

a great act of worship, and if it is directed towards other than<br />

Allah, it leads to Shirk in the worship. Allah revealed: “They<br />

worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit<br />

them, and they say: “These are only our intercessors with<br />

Allah.” 83<br />

Thus, Allah declared their act of seeking intercession with Allah<br />

as Shirk and termed them as Kafirun and Mushrikeen. He ordered<br />

His Messenger to proclaim, “I worship not that, which you<br />

worship, nor will you worship that which I worship, and I shall<br />

not worship that you are worshiping, nor will you worship that<br />

which I worship.” 84 These verses of the Noble Qur’aan establish<br />

the importance of the Tawheed of worship along with the Tawheed<br />

of Lordship.<br />

Essential Points: From the above, we understand that the Arab<br />

Pagans, despite their ignorance and arrogance, completely<br />

understood the meaning of Ibaadah (worship). They believed that<br />

intercession is a form of worship, and did not deny that calling<br />

upon pious people amounted to worshiping them. They would<br />

call their idols, ‘Aaliha 85 ‘(pl. of Ilah lit. meaning, One, who is<br />

worshiped). This is in sharp contrast of the belief of the graveworshipers<br />

of today, who make the engraved as intercessors with<br />

Allah, and yet do not consider it to be Shirk!!<br />

2. Tawheed al-Asma was-Sifaat: Belief in Allah’s<br />

Names and Attributes<br />

Allah says: “To Him belongs all the Best Names. All that is in<br />

the Heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-<br />

Mighty, the All-Wise.” 86 Abu Hurayrah narrates: “Allah has<br />

82 Soorah az-Zumar (39): 3.<br />

83 Soorah Yunus (10): 18.<br />

84 Soorah al-Kafiroon (109): 2-5.<br />

85 Soorah Sad (38): 5.<br />

86 Soorah al-Mumtahinah (60): 24.<br />


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