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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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innovators) and Wahabi, live in peace with moderation. Musical<br />

concerts (or Sama or Qawwali) with or without instrumental music<br />

are likewise controversial. Some need them (instrumental music)<br />

among the loving Sufis (Ahle-Muhabbat) and it is best not to<br />

criticize others as hypocrites. Who do not need them should not<br />

perform them, but do not divide over trivial (unimportant)<br />

differences.” 75<br />

As we mentioned earlier, the Deobandis agree in principle on most<br />

issues with the Barelawis. The disagreements are either in finer<br />

details or, whether those actions are for specific people or for<br />

every one. This essay by Imdadullah Muhajir Makki is an open<br />

witness to this attitude and is apparent in both the examples<br />

(Milaad and music).<br />

Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki’s advice to his followers is that<br />

(1) Milaad, (2) the gatherings, (3) the standing to greet Allah’s<br />

Messenger and (4) the belief that even after death Allah’s<br />

Messenger can attend multiple gathering at the same time are<br />

not innovations in themselves. The problem is only with those<br />

who consider standing in Milaad to be an obligation! Furthermore,<br />

he expresses no real disapproval for this “pagan originated<br />

custom” (as today’s Deobandis call it), by allowing his followers to<br />

participate in the Milaad.<br />

The so-called, ‘Ahle-Muhabbat’ mentioned by Imdadullah Muhajir<br />

Makki were those who indulged in the Haraam (prohibited) action<br />

of playing and listening to music, in order to please Allah. To<br />

exaggerate in righteous actions is bad enough but to indulge in<br />

Haraam action claiming to gain the pleasure of Allah is the worst<br />

of all.<br />

75 See Bahishti Zewar, Part twelve, p.223, “Unity in Islam by Hazrat<br />

Haji Imdadullah”.<br />

Moulana Zakariyah has quoted five page discussion in his book<br />

“Mashaikh-e-Chist” from the writing of Moulana Ashraf Alee<br />

Thanvi’s by the name, “Haqqus Sama.” The conclusion of this<br />

discussion is that listening to Samaa and music is permissible for<br />

the Soofis with certain conditions. [See, Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng.<br />

Trans.) p.174.]<br />


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