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ed of nails. They meditate for long periods sitting without any<br />

movement in one position and hold their breaths for enormously<br />

long time.<br />

Professor D. S. Sarma, the author of numerous Hindu books says:<br />

“The higher phase of self-control is detachment. We have not only<br />

to overcome what is evil in life but also to become independent of<br />

what is good. For instance, our domestic affections, our family<br />

ties, our love for home and friends are good in themselves. But, as<br />

long as, we are passionately attached to these earthly things, we<br />

are only on the lower rungs of the spiritual ladder.” 55<br />

The Sufis too believe in complete abstinence from worldly<br />

pleasures and deprive themselves of the blessings of Allah. It is<br />

mentioned in Irshaadul-Mulook, “According to some Sufiya, it has<br />

been learnt from experience that thirst is a deceptive desire.<br />

Therefore, whoever develops the habit of drinking less water at<br />

the time of thirst; Allah will quench his thirst until he gains the<br />

ability of abstaining from water for several months at a time. He<br />

will not even have the desire to drink water. Despite this, his<br />

physical health will not deteriorate in anyway whatsoever. His<br />

body will be sustained by the moisture acquired from the food he<br />

eats.” 56<br />

We find number of stories concerning wandering and starvation<br />

of their Shaikhs mentioned in their books,<br />

1. “He (Khwaajah Abu Hubairah) loved solitude dearly. His<br />

entire life was spent in one room. He would cry so much that<br />

people thought he would die. He abandoned all delicious food.” 57<br />

2. “Khwaajah Shareef Zandani stayed in forest for 40 years,<br />

fleeing from people. He subsisted on the leaves of trees and<br />

whatever he could find in the forest. He loved poverty and<br />

55 ‘The Religion of the Hindus’ by Professor D. S. Sarma, p.12.<br />

56 Irshaadul-Mulook (Eng. Trans.) p.70.<br />

57 Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng. Trans.) p.125.<br />


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