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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Deobandi.” 38 “In essentials and beliefs, they (the Deobandis) follow<br />

Imam Abul Hasan Ash’aree and Imam Abu Mansoor Maturidi;<br />

and in sub-principles Imam Abu Haneefah. They are initiates of<br />

the Chistiyyah, Naqshbandiya, Qadriyah and Soharwardiyah Sufi<br />

orders.” 39<br />

Moulana Mohammad Zakariyah, whose book ‘Fazaail-e-Aamaal’ is<br />

revered and used as a training guide by the workers of the ‘Jamaat<br />

Tableegh’ highly praises this Fatawa collection (Fatawa Rahimiyyah)<br />

of Mufti Lajpuri and approves of the views mentioned in it. 40<br />

The Definition and Reality of Sufism<br />

The Deobandis claim that Sufism is just another name for<br />

Tazkeyyatun-Nafs (purification of the soul) and Ihsan (the highest<br />

stage of Eemaan). Moulana Muhammad Maseehullah Khan, a<br />

Khalifah (successor) of Moulana Ashraf Alee Thanvi states, “It’s<br />

(Sufism) function is to purify the heart from the lowly bestial<br />

attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy,<br />

love of this world, love for fame, niggardliness, greed, vanity,<br />

deception, etc.” 41<br />

And, as such, they claim that Sufism does not contradict the<br />

Sharee’ah (Islamic Regulation), rather “It is incumbent for every<br />

Muslim to become a Sufi. Without Sufism, a Muslim cannot be<br />

38 Quoted in Fatawa Rahimiyyah, (Eng. Trans.), vol.1, p.9-10 from<br />

Ulama-e-Deoband ka Maslak.<br />

39 Fatawa Rahimiyyah (Eng. Trans.), vol.1, p.58.<br />

40 Moulana Zakariyah says, “The humble writer prays most sincerely<br />

for (success of) the Fatawa Rahimiyyah. May Allah make it the lot of<br />

the people to avail themselves more and more of and derive benefit<br />

from it and make it a Sadaqah-e-Jariah (continuous charity) for you<br />

(the author), for the printer and publisher and for everyone who may<br />

have in any way endeavored for the publication of this work and<br />

bestow upon you (all) its best rewards in both the worlds.” [Quoted<br />

from the first page of ‘Fatawa Rahimiyyah’ vol.1, published by the<br />

Islamic Book Printers, edition: Feb. 1997]<br />

41 Shariat and Tasawwuf p.11.<br />


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