AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Acknowledgements<br />

I sincerely thank Shaikh Ataa Allah Dervi in helping me compile<br />

this book, and providing direct references from his vast collection<br />

of Urdu books authored by the Deobandis. Shaikh Ataa Allah<br />

Dervi, who is an Imam of a Masjid in Sharajah has himself<br />

conducted a deep research on the beliefs and the view of the<br />

Deobandis and has authored three books on the subject.<br />

I also like to thank all the brothers, who have in some way or the<br />

other been part of getting this book published, especially, Br.<br />

Amin Qazi, Br. Mohd. Najeeb Muhammadi, Br. Nadeem A. Gani,<br />

Br. Faizal Rakhangi and Br. Ayaz Qazi.<br />

Last but not least, I thank my wife for providing support in the<br />

research, development and editing of this book and being a<br />

driving force behind the completion of this project.<br />

Sajid Abdul Kayum<br />

Completed: Ramadaan 1422 / November 2001

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