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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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person was blessed with a vision of the Prophet Muhammad ,<br />

in which he saw Allah’s Messenger speaking in Urdu. The<br />

noble person asked, ‘How do you know this language, while you<br />

are an Arab?’ He said, ‘From the time I have been in contact<br />

with the scholars of the school of Deoband, I’ve known this<br />

language’.” Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi comments, “From this we<br />

understand the greatness of this Madrasa (school).” 654<br />

Finally, they have an enthusiastic group of individuals called, ‘the<br />

Jamaat Tableegh’, who have put up a tremendous effort in<br />

spreading Deobandism under the guise of virtues of righteous<br />

actions.<br />

In conclusion, the clear and unequivocal statement of Moulana<br />

Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi clearly spells out the intention of the<br />

Deobandis behind calling to the Taqleed of the Imams. Moulana<br />

Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi used to say many times, “Listen<br />

carefully! Truth is only, what is uttered by the tongue of Rasheed<br />

Ahmad. And I swear that I am nothing, but that in this age<br />

guidance and success is dependant upon my Ittiba (following).” 655<br />

654 Al-Baraheen al-Qaatiyah, p.30.<br />

655 Tazkirat ar-Rasheed, vol.2, p.17 by Aashiq Ilaahi Merathi.<br />


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