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5: Extremism in defending the Imam:<br />

Moulana Zakariyah mentions in Fazaail-e-Aamaal (The Stories of<br />

the Sahabah) that Abu Bakr Siddeeq burnt a collection of five<br />

hundred Ahaadeeth. He says this was due to caution, so that<br />

inauthentic Hadeeth may not be reported through Abu Bakr.<br />

On the basis of this Moulana Zakariyah attempts to defend Imam<br />

Abu Haneefah and the fact that very few Ahaadeeth have been<br />

narrated from him. He says, “This is the reason why Imam Abu<br />

Haneefah was not so liberal in reporting Ahaadeeth.”<br />

Moulana Zakariyah has taken this narration from “Tazkiratul-<br />

Huffaz”, as mentioned in the Hindi and Urdu versions of Fazaail-e-<br />

Aamaal. He, however, deliberately leaves out that the author of<br />

“Tazkiratul-Huffaz” considers this narration to be baseless because<br />

of many discrepancies in its chain of narration. 650<br />

This is the very same narration that the rejecters of Hadeeth<br />

promote to disorient the common people on the authority of<br />

Hadeeth. In Fazaail-e-Aamaal, Moulana Zakariyah has exposed his<br />

ignorant Jamaat to this dangerous doubt. This shows the attitude<br />

of the Deobandis, who will go to any extend to defend their Imam,<br />

even if the Hadeeth of Allah’s Messenger is harmed in the<br />

process. Furthermore, here we have another contradiction. The<br />

Deobandis claim that Imam Abu Haneefah based each and every<br />

ruling of his upon a Hadeeth and at the same time they claim that<br />

he did not narrate many Hadeeth!<br />

According to this, the Imam is either guilty of the great sin of<br />

hiding knowledge by not narrating the Hadeeth or he is guilty of<br />

giving ruling based upon unsure knowledge. Of course, none of<br />

this is true, what is true is that in the absence of the Hadeeth, the<br />

650 Tazkiratul-Huffaz, vol.1, p.5 - This narration about Abu Bakr<br />

Siddeeq has many discrepancies, there is a narrator in the chain of<br />

this narration by the name of Ali bin Salih who is Majhool (unknown)<br />

[Takreeb] - Another narrator is Muhammad Ibn Moosa who is<br />

untrustworthy [Lisaanul-Meezan], and third narrator Moosa Ibn<br />

Abdullah about him Imaam Bukharee (rahimahullah) says, Fihi<br />

Nazar.<br />


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