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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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asked to do so and by way of testing, he himself used to ask for<br />

the translations of Hadeeth. It was a crime for any student to look<br />

up translations in Mazahir-Haqq (the school). But it was necessary<br />

to look up Tahawi and Hidaya, and to take out the Hadeeth<br />

appearing in Mishkat from the Sihaah Kitabs. It was also necessary<br />

to judge the Hadeeth and indicate whether they were in favor of<br />

the Hanafee Madhhab or against. Should a Hadeeth appear to be<br />

against the Hanafees, it was my duty to provide the argument of<br />

the Hanafees as well as the answer to that specific Hadeeth. I<br />

cannot remember not providing any Hanafee arguments for any<br />

mas’alah because I had the opportunity of checking Hidaya and its<br />

commentaries...” 645<br />

Here we see the attitude of the author of Fazaail-e-Aamaal that<br />

instead of checking whether the “Deobandi version of the Hanafee<br />

Madhhab” is in accordance with the saying, actions and approvals<br />

of Allah’s Messenger , he scrutinizes which Hadeeth opposes<br />

his Madhhab. Furthermore, he shamelessly admits that he is good<br />

at refuting the words of the most truthful Messenger that<br />

oppose his Madhhab.<br />

3: Adhering to Weaker Proofs<br />

Moulana Mahmoodul-Hasan Deobandi says in a Risalah called,<br />

“Taqreer-e-Tirmidhi”, on a Fiqh issue related to transactions,<br />

“…justice in this issue is that the opinion of Imam Shafi’ee carries<br />

greater weight, but we are the Muqallids, it is obligatory upon us<br />

to follow Imam Abu Haneefah.” 646 This example is a general rule<br />

for the bigot blind-followers that even if they realize that the<br />

645 Aap Beti, Moulana Zakariyah (p.29) This is similar to what Abu<br />

al-Hasan al-Karkhi said, ‘Every Ayah, which is in disagreement<br />

with what our people say (followers of the Hanafee Madhhab) is<br />

either under Naskh (overruled) or must be altered in meaning (to<br />

satisfy what Hanafees say). The same is for every Hadeeth (in<br />

opposition of what Hanafees say); it is either under Naskh or must<br />

be altered.’ [al-Karkhi, Risalah al-Karkhi , Cairo; al-Maktaba al-<br />

Arabiya, p.84-85]<br />

646 Taqreer-e-Tirmizi p.39-40.<br />


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