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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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“Every statement on the authority of the Prophet is also my<br />

view, even if you do not hear it from me.” 638<br />

4: Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal (rahimahullah): “Do not follow my<br />

opinion; neither follow the opinions of Malik, nor Shafi’ee nor<br />

Awzai’ee nor Thawri, but take from where they took.” 639 -<br />

“Whoever rejects a statement of the Messenger of Allah is on<br />

the brink of destruction.” 640<br />

Moreover, the concept of Taqleed implies that only the four Imams<br />

have the right to Ijtihad, and the people of the subsequent<br />

generations whether they are scholars or common people must do<br />

Taqleed of the Imams. We have already seen that the Imams did<br />

not prescribe Taqleed. So, in light of Taqleed, the Muqallids too<br />

should not prescribe Taqleed or its conditions.<br />

Taqleed prohibits the later generations from Ijtihad even in minor<br />

issues, then how did the later Muqallids make a major Ijtihad of<br />

obligating Taqleed of the Madhhabs and declaring it to be a part of<br />

Eemaan? If Indeed, such a major Ijtihad has been made then how<br />

can it be said that the door to Ijtihad has been closed after the<br />

fourth century?<br />

Finally, since the subsequence generations do not have the right<br />

to Ijtihad, then on what basis did they form a consensus (Ijma) and<br />

how valid can this Ijma be in light of Taqleed?<br />

Extreme Taqleed of the Deobandis<br />

1: Claiming Taqleed to be a part of Eemaan<br />

Exaggerating in the importance of Taqleed, the Deobandis consider<br />

it part of one’s Eemaan. They say,<br />

638 Ibn Abi Hatim (p. 93-94).<br />

639 Fulaani (p. 113) and Ibn al-Qayyim in I’laam (2/302).<br />

640 Ibn al-Jawzi (p. 182).<br />


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