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“…and nowadays Hanafee jurists also… issue Fatawa as per<br />

Imam Malik’s Madhhab for a period of four years. 629<br />

(b) Using Zakaat money for religious Madrasas: According to<br />

the Hanafee Madhhab, the money from Zakaat cannot be paid to<br />

finance religious Madrasas (schools). This stems from the<br />

prohibition in the Hanafee Madhhab for charging money for<br />

teaching the Qur’aan. These rulings have caused a big problem<br />

for the Hanafee-Deobandis in running their Madrasas. Whilst they<br />

cannot abandon the Hanafee Madhhab on these issues, they have<br />

formulated ways by which they can go around these restrictions.<br />

They give huge sums of money as Zakaat to the poor and Zakaatdeserving<br />

students of their Madrasas, who in turn are expected to<br />

give this money back to the Madrasa as charity (Sadaqah).<br />

Therefore, the restriction of their Madhhab in not using Zakaat<br />

money for these Madrasas is upheld, whilst money collected in the<br />

form of Zakaat is used indirectly to run these Madrasas. Mufti<br />

Abdul Rahim Lajpuri has been asked about the permissibility of<br />

this method and he has ruled it to be permissible provided the<br />

poor students do not do it out of compulsion. This is mentioned<br />

in Fatawa Rahimiyyah (vol. 2, Fatawa no. 4, p. 7).<br />

Conclusion<br />

The above examples shatter the myth of ‘the perfect compilation.’<br />

Firstly, the Deobandi’s Taqleed is limited only to matters of Fiqh.<br />

Secondly, we have seen that not only do the Deobandis accept the<br />

rulings that are contrary to those of Imam Abu Haneefah by his<br />

students, but also prefer to act upon them. At times, they are even<br />

forced to follow the Madhhab of the other Imam. We have also<br />

seen how the Deobandis play around with the Fiqh of their own<br />

Imam to fulfill their selfish needs. Then why the same courtesy<br />

cannot be extended to the other Imams and their students so that<br />

this unnecessary division of the Muslims can come to an end.<br />

(Claim 2) Taqleed of a single Imam prevents anarchy<br />

and confusion in the Religion<br />

629 Fatawa Rahimiyyah, Part.2, p.112 (Regulation regarding the<br />

missing husband).<br />


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