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Examples of the Deobandis giving precedence to the rulings of the<br />

students of the Imams can be found in the Fazaail-e-Aamaal itself.<br />

Like in the virtues of Ramadaan it is mentioned, for a Nafl (nonobligatory)<br />

Itikaf, the minimum time period should not be less<br />

than an entire day according to Imam Abu Haneefah. According<br />

to Imam Muhammad, there is no limit as to the minimum time<br />

period. Moulana Zakariyah supports the Fatawa (ruling) of Imam<br />

Muhammad ash-Shaybanee. 625<br />

Moulana Zakariyah says in the virtues of Ramadaan, “The well<br />

known opinion of Imam Abu Haneefah is that Laylatul-Qadr<br />

moves throughout the year, while another view is that it moves<br />

throughout the month of Ramadaan. His famous students, Imam<br />

Muhammad and Imam Abu Yusuf, however, were of the opinion<br />

that the night is fixed on one specific night which is unknown<br />

during the Holy Month.” 626<br />

“Imam Abu Haneefah stipulates that the Itikaf should be done in a<br />

Masjid, where the five daily prayers are said, where as according<br />

to Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ash-Shaybanee, any Masjid<br />

according to the Sharee’ah can be entered for Itikaf.” 627<br />

This attitude of the students of the Imams in changing the ruling<br />

when stronger proof is found is according to the teachings of the<br />

Imams. Imam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) said: “If a Hadeeth<br />

is found to be authentic, then that is my Madhhab.” 628<br />

625 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, (Eng. Trans.), Virtues of Ramadaan, Chapter.3,<br />

p.65, (Edt. 1985, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

626 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, (Eng. Trans.), Virtues of Ramadaan, Chapter.2,<br />

p.60, (Edt. 1985, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

627 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, (Eng. Trans.), Virtues of Ramadaan, Chapter.3,<br />

p.67, (Edt. 1985, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

628 628 Related by Ibn Aabideen in al-Haashiyah (1/63)and also in<br />

Rasmul-Muftee (1/4).<br />


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