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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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“When a person switches from one Madhhab to another Madhhab,<br />

he shall be inflicted with Ta’zeer.” (Durrul Mukhtar) Ta’zeer refers<br />

to punishment meted out by an Islamic court. Such punishment<br />

may either be flogging or imprisonment.” 620<br />

In light of this punishment, differences between the Madhhabs are<br />

a source of hardship and not mercy, as the Deobandis claim based<br />

on the fabricated narration, “The disagreement among my Ummah<br />

is a mercy.’<br />

(5) Comparing the differences of the Madhhabs to the<br />

Differences amongst the Prophets<br />

A Muslim as part of his faith (Eemaan) is supposed to believe in all<br />

the Prophets, whilst only following the Sharee’ah of Prophet<br />

Muhammad . The Deobandis compare this to their present day<br />

concept of Taqleed of the Madhhabs, whereby the follower of one<br />

Madhhab considers all the Madhhab or Sufi Tareeqah to be the<br />

Truth, whilst following strictly his own Madhhab or Tareeqah.<br />

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi says in his Tafseer of, “And who<br />

believe in which has been sent down to you (O Muhammad )<br />

and that which was sent down before you”, “...from this verse it<br />

will be inferred by Qiyas that one should have faith in all the<br />

Shaikhs, as one would have belief in one’s own Shaikh. However,<br />

the following (Ittiba) is (only) for one’s own Shaikh, and this is<br />

similar to the case of the Messengers (i.e. we believe in all the<br />

Messengers and consider their followers as Ahl al-Kitab, but are to<br />

follow our own Messenger).” 621<br />

The error in this Tafseer (explanation) by Moulana Ashraf Ali is<br />

obvious and apparent. The difference in the Sharee’ahs of the<br />

Prophets is because Allah, the Most Merciful, revealed them in<br />

620 Kitabul-Imaan p.73.<br />

621 Ashraf Ali Thanvi mentions this under the heading, “Masaail as-<br />

Salook” [The Rulings regarding the Path (of Soofism)], the Tafseer of<br />

Soorah al-Baqarah (2), verse 4, p.3, Tafseer Bayaan al-Qur’aan.<br />


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