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Taqleed according to the Deobandis<br />

Taqleed according to the Deobandis means, “The acceptance of the<br />

statement of another without demanding proofs or evidence, on<br />

the belief that the statement is made in accordance with fact and<br />

proof.” In simple terms, Taqleed implies following one of the four<br />

Imams in all matters of the religion, and believing the statement<br />

of the Imam to be a proof in itself.<br />

This notion of accepting a statement without proof is so essential<br />

to the Deobandis that they are easily offended when asked for the<br />

Hadeeth on which a particular ruling is based.<br />

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi said that amongst the manners of<br />

asking a question to obtain the ruling of the Sharee’ah is that, “…<br />

(When asking your scholar for a ruling) Ask only the mas’alah (the<br />

rule or the law). Do not ask the daleel (the proof of the rule or the<br />

basis on which the ruling is given). 612<br />

Ashraf Ali Thanvi said, “The minds of people have become<br />

corrupted. A man posed some questions and wrote: “State the<br />

answers from the Hadeeth.” I responded: “I remember the<br />

answers from Fiqh. I do not remember them from the Hadeeth,<br />

hence excuse me.” (The translator of the book “Malfoozat” further<br />

added, “The questions were thus not answered. This was the<br />

remedy for the futile request”. 613<br />

Is “Asking the Scholars” a proof for Taqleed?<br />

The Deobandis justify the practice of Taqleed by claiming that<br />

Taqleed is…<br />

(1) Simply a matter of following transmitted knowledge.<br />

(2) Asking the scholars believing that they are the most<br />

knowledgeable of the religion.<br />

612 Aadaabul-Muaasharat (Etiquette of Social life) by Ashraf Ali Thanvi,<br />

p.61 (Adaab of Istifaa)<br />

613 Malfoozaat (Statements and Anecdotes of Ashraf Ali Thanvi), p.54.<br />


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