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Shaikh 605 , just as he cannot appear in the actual form of the<br />

Messenger.” 606<br />

Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi says: “If in one gathering all the Awliya<br />

have gathered including Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi and our Hazrat<br />

Haji Sahib (i.e. Imdadullah Muhajir Makki) also happens to be<br />

there, then we shall not turn our attention to Hazrat Junaid<br />

Baghdadi or anyone else. We will go to Hazrat Haji Sahib. Yes,<br />

Hazrat Haji Sahib should turn his attention to them. Our concern<br />

is with only Hazrat Haji Sahib.” 607<br />

Tawheed al-Matlab as explained by Ashraf Ali Thanvi<br />

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi in his Tafseer while explaining the<br />

verse, “And who believe in which has been sent down to you (O<br />

Muhammad) and that which was sent down before you”,<br />

“...from this verse it will be inferred by Qiyas that one should<br />

have faith in all the Shaikhs, as one would have belief in one’s<br />

own Shaikh. However, the following (Ittiba) is for one’s own<br />

Shaikh, and this is similar to the case of the Messengers (i.e. we<br />

believe in all the Messengers and consider their followers as Ahl<br />

al-Kitab, but are to follow our own Messenger).” 608 Similar to this<br />

has also been mentioned in Irshaadul-Mulook of Aashiq Ilahi<br />

Meerathi. 609<br />

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi says in “Aadaabul Muaashirat”, “While<br />

honoring and respecting all Shaikhs, do not accept for practical<br />

adoption their taleem. Adopting the taleem of another Shaikh<br />

while one’s Shaikh is living is detrimental. Objecting to one’s<br />

Shaikh’s taleem will deprive one of spiritual progress. 610<br />

605 Also mentioned by Moulana Zakariyah in Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng.<br />

Trans.) p.256.<br />

606 Irshaadul-Mulook, p.27, story no.3.[English Translation by Majlisul-<br />

Ulema p.49]<br />

607 Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng. Trans.) p.250.<br />

608 Ashraf Ali Thanvi mentions this under the heading, ‘Masaail as-<br />

Salook’ - The Rulings regarding the Path (of Soofism)], the Tafseer of<br />

Soorah al-Baqarah (2), verse 4, p.3, Tafseer Bayaan al-Qur’aan.<br />

609 Irshaadul-Mulook (Eng. Trans.) p.48.<br />

610 Aadaabul Muaasharat (Etiquette of Social Life) (Eng. Trans.) - Aadab<br />


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