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The Shaikh saves from the torment in the Grave<br />

Once Hazrat Haaruni attended the burial of his spiritual brother<br />

(Mureed of the same Shaikh). After the burial when he left, Hazrat<br />

remained there for a while and the state of the inmate revealed to<br />

him. When the Angels of punishment approached the inmate,<br />

Hazrat Haaruni informed them that the inmate of the grave was<br />

his associate. As a result of his intercession the mayyit was saved<br />

from the punishment. 596<br />

Once, Ashraf Ali Thanvi asked Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi, “Hazrat<br />

is it allowed to keep a Shajarah (a list which mentions the names<br />

of all the saints of a particular Sufi Tareeqah) in the grave’. He said,<br />

‘Yes’. … Ashraf Ali Thanvi asked, ‘Is this of any benefit?’ He<br />

replied, ‘Yes’. He then mentioned that Shah Gulaam Alee (a Sufi)<br />

made a will that the shoes of his Pir (Shaikh) should be put with<br />

him in his grave.” 597<br />

You cannot be like your Pir<br />

A baker once prepared meals for the guests of Hazrat Khwaajah<br />

Baqi Billah. Out of gratitude Hazrat said to him … “Ask whatever<br />

you wish for.” The Baker replied, “Make me like you”. Hazrat<br />

said, “You will not be able to bear it”. But the baker insisted…<br />

“Hazrat took the baker to his room and cast Tawajjuh Ittihadi 598 on<br />

him. When they emerged from the room, the Tawajjuh had<br />

permeated even his external appearance. The baker’s appearance<br />

was identical to that of Hazrat. The difference was that Hazrat was<br />

conscious and alert and the baker was semi-conscious … on the<br />

third day, the baker died” 599<br />

596 Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng. Trans.) p.144.<br />

597 Tazkirat ar-Rasheed (a biography of Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi by<br />

Aashiq Ilaahi Merathi) vol.2, p.290.<br />

598 Moulana Zakariyah explains, “In this type of Tawajjuh, the Shaikh<br />

diffuses his Ruh into the Ruh of the mureed (deciple) to such a degree<br />

that both souls are united into a single soul. “ Mashaikh-e-Chist, (Eng.<br />

Trans.), p.16.<br />

599 Mashaikh-e-Chist, by Moulana Muhammad Zakariyah, p.16.<br />


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