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idea vehemently to the extent that he inscribed on his door the<br />

following line: “Glorified is He, Who has neither a companion nor<br />

anyone sitting beside Him on the Throne.” This created a fury<br />

among the people of Baghdad who pelted his house with stones<br />

till his door was covered by them. 552<br />

The Qasidah of Moulana Jamee 553<br />

Moulana Zakariyah mentions in ‘The Virtues of Darood’ 554 , “The<br />

Qasidah 555 of Hazrat Moulana Jamee (a renowned Sufi saint) is in<br />

Persian. “A story has been reported by him related to this<br />

Qasidah that when Moulana Jamee went for Hajj, he intended to<br />

recite this Qasidah at the grave of the Messenger of Allah . The<br />

ruler of Mecca dreamt of the Messenger of Allah , who said to<br />

him, “Do not let him (Moulana Jamee) go to Medina.” The Ruler of<br />

Mecca prohibited Moulana Jamee from leaving for Medina but the<br />

Moulana managed to leave for Medina secretly. The Messenger of<br />

Allah again came in the dream of the ruler of Mecca and said:<br />

“He has started for Medina, Do not let him on his way to<br />

Medina.” Upon this, Moulana Jamee was brought back to Mecca,<br />

and imprisoned. The Messenger of Allah again came in the<br />

dream of the ruler of Mecca, and said, “He is not guilty. He has<br />

552 Tahdhir al-Khawas min Ahadith al-Qussas, p.161 by Jalal al-Din as-<br />

Suyutee (Beirut - 1972). See Criticism of Hadeeth among Muslims<br />

with reference to Sunan Ibn Majah, p.40.<br />

553 Abd al Rehman Jami (d. 898/1492), a mystic, philosopher and<br />

poet, was born in Jam in Khurasan. Besides many works in poetry,<br />

Jami wrote a large commentary on Fusus ‘l-Hikam of Ibn Arabi and a<br />

short one, Naqd an-Nusus, the exposition of the basic doctrines of<br />

Wahdat al-Wajood; Lawai’ih, partly in prose and partly in verse, a work<br />

on theology and an introduction to the lives and teachings of almost<br />

600 Soofis, Nafahat ‘l-Uns. [For his poetry see: A.J.Arberry: Classical<br />

Persian Literature (London, Allen & Unwin, 1958), p.425-50] [Soofism<br />

and Shari’ah, p.149]<br />

554 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, (Eng. Trans.), Virtues of Durood, (Arabic Qasidah<br />

for the Holy Prophet), p.157. (Edt. 1985, Published by Dini Book<br />

Depot - Delhi).<br />

555 (Qasidah) Eulogy, i.e. a speech or writing in praise of a person,<br />

especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person. [The World<br />

Book Dictionary]<br />


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