AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Messenger of Allah could neither be communicated with nor<br />

could he be sought for guidance.<br />

Conclusion<br />

“Allah will not leave the believers in this state in which you are<br />

not, until He distinguishes the wicked from good. Nor will<br />

Allah disclose to you the secrets of the Unseen but Allah<br />

chooses Messengers whom He wills.” 536<br />

Allah Alone is the Knower of the Unseen. He grants some of this<br />

Knowledge to His Messengers who are the conveyer of glad<br />

tidings, and warners of Allah’s Punishment. The Sahabah<br />

contended themselves to the clear and accurate information that<br />

they received about the issues of the Unseen from Allah’s<br />

Messenger . It was for disbelievers like sorcerers and fortunetellers<br />

to seek after the Ghayb using corrupt means and trying to<br />

futilely predict the future, inquire of hidden events, and unravel<br />

the secrets of the hearts. But what they acquired was not even<br />

close to the knowledge given by the Messenger, and was nothing<br />

more than conjecture, confusion and lies. As in the story of Ibn<br />

Saiyad, when Allah’s Messenger said to him, “I am concealing<br />

something from you.” Ibn Saiyad replied that it was ad-Dhukh<br />

(the smoke).” The Messenger of Allah rebuked him saying: “Be<br />

off with you. You cannot get further than your rank.” 537<br />

Whilst the Messenger of Allah was concealing the verse of the<br />

Qur’aan, [of Soorah ad-Dhukhan (44): 10], all Ibn Saiyad could<br />

say was smoke. This shows that even if one tries with the help of<br />

the Shayateen to find out the secrets of the heart, he will be far<br />

away from the truth.<br />

The Messenger of Allah did not hide the knowledge given to<br />

him, nor did he disclose it only to ‘the chosen few ones.’ 538 With<br />

536 Soorah aali-Imran (3): 179.<br />

537 Saheeh al- Bukharee (vol: 2, no: 437).<br />

538 Abu Tufayl Aamir Ibn Waathilah said: ‘I was with Alee Ibn<br />

Abee Talib when a man came to him and asked, “What private<br />

information did the Prophet give to you?” So, he became angry<br />


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