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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Even the Sahabah, who were close to Allah’s Messenger did not<br />

have the privilege for being in constant touch with him after his<br />

death. They had to suffice with the knowledge that they received<br />

from him during his lifetime. Umar Ibn Khattab was one of the<br />

closest companions of Allah’s Messenger , to the extent that Ali<br />

Ibn Talib would very often hear the Prophet say, “I, Abu<br />

Bakr and Umar went (somewhere). I, Abu Bakr and Umar<br />

entered (somewhere). I, Abu Bakr and Umar went out.” 532<br />

However, Umar’s contact with Allah’s Messenger ended<br />

with his death and Umar always regretted that he could not ask<br />

the Messenger of Allah about certain issues of Riba and<br />

inheritance. Once, he said in his sermon, while on the pulpit of<br />

Allah’s Messenger , “I wish Allah’s Messenger had not left us<br />

before he had given us definite verdicts concerning three matters,<br />

which are; how much a grandfather may inherit? The inheritance<br />

of Al-Kalala (the deceased person among whose heirs there is no<br />

father or son), and various types of Riba (usury)” 533<br />

Allah’s Messenger was asked, ‘Who is the most beloved person<br />

to you.’ To which he replied, ‘Aa’ishah.’ 534 But after the death of<br />

Allah’s Messenger there was no transmission of guidance from<br />

Allah’s Messenger to Aa’ishah (radhi allahu anha). Qais Ibn Abu<br />

Hazm narrated that when Aa’ishah (radhi allahu anha) reached the<br />

place of Hawab. She heard the barking of dogs, she said: “I think I<br />

should return back. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Who<br />

is it among you, upon whom the dogs of al-Hawab will bark!’<br />

So, Zubar said: ‘Will you return back! It is close that Allah may<br />

cause agreement between the people, because of you.” 535 These<br />

are the events leading to fighting between the Muslims, and<br />

Aa’ishah (radhi allahu anha) always regretted that she had not<br />

returned. This is a good example of how the companions referred<br />

to the sayings of Allah’s Messenger (i.e. the Hadeeth) for<br />

guidance after his death. They knew that in the Barzakh the<br />

532 Saheeh al-Bukharee, vol.5, p.25, no.34.<br />

533 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.) vol.7, no.493.<br />

534 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.), vol.5, p.9, no.14.<br />

535 Musnad Ahmad.<br />


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