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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Shaikh, the Mureed receives knowledge from his Shaikh<br />

miraculously by performing concentration exercise. Tasawwur-e-<br />

Shaikh or concentration exercises too have been borrowed from<br />

the Buddhist hermits and Hindu mystics.<br />

1. It is mentioned in Arwah-e-Thalathah, Khan Sahib said that once<br />

Hazrat (Rasheed Ahmad) Gungohi was in an ecstatic state and the<br />

issue was of Tasawwur-e-Shaikh. He (Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi)<br />

asked, “Should I say?’ He was asked to speak. He again asked,<br />

‘Should I say?’ He was asked to speak. He asked for the third<br />

time, ‘Should I say it?’ He was asked to speak. So he said, “For<br />

three complete years Hazrat Imadad’s (Imdadullah Muhajir<br />

Makki) face remained in my heart and I did not do anything<br />

without asking him first.” Then he got further excited, he said:<br />

“Should I say it?’ He was asked to speak. He said: “(For some)<br />

years Hazrat Muhammad remained in my heart, and I did not<br />

do anything without asking him first.” Saying that he got further<br />

excited. He asked, “Should I say it?’ He was asked to speak. But<br />

he remained silent. When people insisted that he should speak<br />

further, he declined them.” 530<br />

It can only be imagined what was coming next!<br />

2. From Malfoozat Hakim al-Ummat, “Once he (Ashraf Ali<br />

Thanvi) said, there are such pious people that they constantly see<br />

the Messenger of Allah. When Suyooti heard a narration, he<br />

would know whether it was a Hadeeth or not. Someone asked<br />

(how does he do so), so he (Suyooti) replied, ‘after listening the<br />

Hadeeth, I look towards the Prophet’s face. If he is joyous, I<br />

understand it to be a Hadeeth and if his face is gloomy then I<br />

know it’s not a Hadeeth.” 531<br />

530 Arwah-e-Thalathah p.265 (Published by Daarul-Ishaat (Karachi)<br />

Compiled by Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (no: 1976) story no: 306 and<br />

Tazkirat ar-Rasheed (a biography of Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi by<br />

Aashiq Ilaahi Merathi) vol.2, p.197.<br />

531 Malfoozat Hakim al-Ummat (Urdu) vol.7, p.109-110, Malfooz<br />

(saying) no. 171.<br />


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