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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Abu Hurayrah who spent the most time with Allah’s<br />

Messenger acquired the most knowledge from him. Narrated<br />

Abu Hurayrah , “The people used to say, ‘Abu Hurayrah<br />

narrates too many narrations’. In fact, I used to keep close to<br />

Allah’s Messenger and was satisfied with what filled my<br />

stomach.” 526 In this narration Abu Hurayrah explains that the<br />

reason behind his exemplary knowledge of Hadeeth is that he<br />

spent most of his time with Allah’s Messenger memorizing his<br />

sayings, and not being bothered with seeking better livelihood.<br />

Furthermore, Allah’s Messenger said: “Knowledge is acquired<br />

by studying.” 527 And this is how the knowledge of the Qur’aan<br />

and the Sunnah has been transmitted from generation to<br />

generation, by memorization and writing. Allah’s Messenger <br />

said: “May Allah brighten a man, who hears my words and then<br />

delivers it to others.” 528 And he said: “Behold! Let him who is<br />

present convey (my words) to him who is not present.” 529<br />

Ironically, even the knowledge of Deoband, its Shaikhs, their<br />

biographies, their Mubashshirat, etc., etc., have been transmitted<br />

from one generation to the next in this same way and not by<br />

Tawajjuh – else there would be no real need for compiling books<br />

and establishing Madrasas (schools).<br />

Tasawwur-e-Shaikh<br />

This is another concept related to knowledge and Sufism.<br />

Accordingly, a Sufi’s entire concentration is focused upon his<br />

Shaikh, to the extent of that he experiences the presence of his<br />

Shaikh at all times.<br />

Tawajjuh and Tasawwur-e-Shaikh are similar concepts. In Tawajjuh,<br />

the Shaikh miraculously transfers his knowledge to his disciples<br />

(Mureeds) simply by concentrating upon them. In Tasawwur-e-<br />

526 Saheeh al-Bukharee, vol.5, p.47, no.57.<br />

527 Silsilatul-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (1/605/342).<br />

528 Sunan Ibn Majah (Eng. Trans.), vol. 1, no.230.<br />

529 Sunan Ibn Majah (Eng. Trans.), vol. 1, no.234.<br />


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