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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Gungohi would comment. But Hazrat Imam Rabbani (Rasheed<br />

Ahmad Gungohi) did not say anything. When Amir Shah<br />

mentioned this incident a few more times, Rasheed Ahmad<br />

Gungohi finally spoke up. He said, ‘Brother, this is not a major<br />

achievement, for he had to close his eyes and concentrate on his<br />

heart. My contact with Hazrat Haji Sahib (i.e. his spiritual guide,<br />

Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki) for many years was such that<br />

without consultation with him my discussions (meetings) never<br />

came to a conclusion… even though he was in Mecca (and I in<br />

India). And after this I had the same connections with Allah’s<br />

Messenger for years.’ After saying this Rasheed Ahmad<br />

Gungohi remained silent.” 503<br />

3. Aashiq Ilahi Meerathi relates in Tazkirat ar-Rasheed, “One<br />

morning whilst going to see Hazrat (Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi),<br />

Moulvi Wali Muhammad passed by a sweets (confectionery)<br />

shop, where some fresh sweets were being prepared. He stood<br />

there for a while thinking that if he had money, he could buy<br />

some sweets. He then headed straight for the Khanqah<br />

(hermitage), where he found Hazrat (Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi)<br />

waiting for him. Upon seeing him, Hazrat said, ‘Moulvi Wali<br />

Muhammad, Today I wish to eat sweets, so take these four annas<br />

(some money) and fetch me some sweets of your choice’. So, Wali<br />

Muhammad bought some sweets from the same shop and kept<br />

them in front of Hazrat. Hazrat said, ‘It is my hearts desire that<br />

you should eat these sweets’. Moulvi Wali Muhammad used to<br />

say after this incident, ‘I feel afraid in meeting Hazrat because the<br />

intentions in the heart are not within one’s control and Hazrat gets<br />

informed about them.” 504<br />

4. “Once in the Masjid of Keraana, a pious butcher was sitting by<br />

Hazrat Sahib (Imdadullah Muhajir Makki). While sitting there,<br />

thought came to his mind: “Is the rank of Hazrat Sahib higher or<br />

that of Hazrat Haji Sahib?” Hazrat immediately commented: “It is<br />

503 Tazkirat ar-Rasheed, vol.2, p.197.<br />

504 Tazkirat ar-Rasheed, vol.2, p.227.<br />


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