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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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The hypocrites of Medina, the Quraysh of Mecca and the Jews<br />

persisted in plotting against the Messenger of Allah . At times,<br />

they were able to harm the Muslims, whilst at other times, Allah<br />

aided His Messenger by informing him of their real intentions<br />

by revelation. Thus, no one knows what the hearts conceals,<br />

except Allah, the Exalted. But the books of the Deobandis have<br />

many incidents whereby they claim that their Shaikhs have been<br />

granted the knowledge of what the hearts conceals. Following are<br />

some quotations from their books:<br />

1. “O Salik! Sometimes Allah reveals to you by way of Kashf and<br />

Ilaham some of the hidden mysteries of the Heavens and earth,<br />

e.g. future events or information of distant places, etc. However,<br />

He does not make you aware of the secrets in the hearts of His<br />

servants. It is not appropriate for you to desire such information<br />

(of the hearts of the people) because this awareness is withheld<br />

for your own benefit. The knowledge of the secrets in the hearts<br />

of men is awarded to only such a person who has become a<br />

perfect manifestation of Allah’s attribute of mercy.” 502<br />

2. From Tazkirat ar-Rasheed, “One-Day Moulvi Amir Shah Khan<br />

mentioned a story - an incident to Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi. He<br />

said, “One day I was sitting with a Buzurg (Shaikh) in Masjid al-<br />

Haraam. A young Dervish (hermit) visited the Buzurg (Shaikh)<br />

and sat down besides him. The Buzurg looked at the young<br />

Dervish and said, ‘Brother, in your heart is a very nice thing.’<br />

Even though the poor fellow wanted to hide the condition of his<br />

heart, the Buzurg unveiled everything by saying, ‘In your heart is<br />

an image of a young woman … her nose is such, her eyes are<br />

such, her hair is such….’; that is to say that he mentioned her<br />

entire appearance. Momentarily, the Dervish was extremely<br />

embarrassed but went on to say, ‘No doubt, you speak the truth.<br />

During my teenage, I fell in love with a woman. Because I always<br />

had her in mind, her image came on my heart. Now, whenever I<br />

feel depressed, I close my eyes and see her. This makes me calm<br />

and my heart feels at rest.” – “After narrating this incident,<br />

Moulvi Amir Shah kept silent and waited so that Rasheed Ahmad<br />

502 Ikhmaalush Shiyaam (Eng. Trans.) p.157.<br />


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