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and if there is any such person amongst my followers, it is<br />

Umar.” 475<br />

Commenting on this Hadeeth, Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah<br />

(rahimahullah) says, ‘Thus, it is established that the allies of Allah<br />

may receive inspirations or intuitions. The best of these in the<br />

entire Muslim nation after Abu Bakr , is Umar Ibn Khattab .<br />

The best of this nation after its Prophet is Abu Bakr and then<br />

Umar. 476<br />

It has been established in the Saheeh that Umar is a muhaddath of<br />

this nation. For any muhaddath, or receiver of inspirations and<br />

which we assume to exist in this nation, Umar is better than him.<br />

And yet, Umar always did that which was obligatory upon him;<br />

to measure anything that occurred to him against that with which<br />

the Prophet was sent. Sometimes, they would be in agreement,<br />

and this would be evidence of the high rank of Umar and his<br />

piety. In this way, the Qur’aan was revealed ratifying the opinion<br />

of Umar, which he had expressed before its revelation on several<br />

occasions. 477 Other times, what occurred to Umar would be at<br />

variance with the message of Muhammad , and Umar would<br />

retract his original position as soon as he realized this, as in his<br />

retraction his opinion at the treaty of Hudaibiyah when at first he<br />

was determined that the Muslims should engage the<br />

associationists in battle. This was after a consultation between<br />

Umar and the Prophet . This Hadeeth is well known and is<br />

found in the collection of Bukharee and others.”<br />

“Another example is when after the death of Allah’s Messenger<br />

, some people refused to pay Zakaat to Abu Bakr . Abu Bakr<br />

declared war against them, to which Umar reproached but after<br />

discussing the issue with Abu Bakr, he backed from his view.<br />

475 Saheeh al-Bukharee, vol.5, no.38.<br />

476 See, Saheeh al-Bukharee, vol.5, no.20.<br />

477 Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar, “Umar said: ‘My lord concorded<br />

with (my judgments) on three occasions. In case of the Station of<br />

Ibrahim, in case of the observance of veil and in case of the prisoners<br />

of Badr.” [Saheeh Muslim, no. 5903.]<br />


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