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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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the people. On the occasion of the battle of Badr, Iblees appeared<br />

to the disbelieving Quraysh in the form of Suraqah bin Malik to<br />

encourage them to fight the Muslims. Therefore, the above<br />

Hadeeth of Allah’s Messenger was a re-assurance for the<br />

Sahabah who were familiar with the Prophet’s appearance that if<br />

they see him in a dream, they have Indeed, seen him.<br />

The Shaytaan can, however, claim to be a Messenger or a saint or<br />

someone else. So, only those dreams in which Allah’s Messenger<br />

is seen in his true features may be accepted as a vision of the<br />

Prophet. Even dreams in which, one sees Allah’s Messenger only<br />

serve as a source of optimism and not religious injunctions.<br />

The Deobandis in the World of Dreams<br />

Since it has been established by the Ahaadeeth of Allah’s<br />

Messenger that glad tidings may be received through dreams,<br />

the Deobandis have extensively made use of this possibility until<br />

their books are filled with Mubashshirat (glad-tidings) after<br />

Mubashshirat for their Madhhab, their school of Deoband and their<br />

scholars. Following are some of the dreams in which the<br />

Deobandis claim glad tidings for themselves, and try to misguide<br />

the people into believing that their methodology of Sufism,<br />

veneration of saints, exaggeration and blind-following has the<br />

approval of Allah’s Messenger :<br />

1. Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi writes in Al-Baraheen al-Qatiya about<br />

the superiority of the Madrasa (school) of Deoband … a noble<br />

person was blessed with a vision of the Prophet Muhammad ,<br />

in which he saw Allah’s Messenger speaking in Urdu. The<br />

noble person asked, ‘How do you know this language, while you<br />

are an Arab?’ He said, ‘From the time I have been in contact<br />

with the scholars of the school of Deoband, I’ve known this<br />

language’.” Rasheed Ahmad Gungohi comments, “From this we<br />

understand the greatness of this Madrasa (school).” 451<br />

451 Al-Baraheen al-Qatiya, p.30.<br />


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