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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Sending Darood upon Allah’s Messenger is a very meritorious<br />

action, but to recite the Darood 125,000 times is not from the<br />

Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (even if it is possible to<br />

accomplish it in the first place).<br />

Furthermore, the Sufis speak of total absorption and oblivion of<br />

the world due to constant Dhikr.<br />

Moulana Zakariyah says: “Shaikh Muhammad bin Shaik Aarif had<br />

gained Istighraaq (absorption) to the degree of perfection in the<br />

spiritual state known as Mushaahad-e-Mutlaq (being in divine<br />

presence with the Batini heart at all times).” 381<br />

They also claim that the Sufis whose hearts are continuously<br />

involved in Dhikr, continue to do so even after their death.<br />

Moulana Zakariyah says: “After the death of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul<br />

Quddus Gangohi, Shaikh Riknud Deen after completing the<br />

ghusl, placed his hand on the blessed breast of Hazrat. He felt the<br />

movement of Dhikr-e-Qalbi (Dhikr of the heart).” 382<br />

We do not find any example of such kind of absorption or Dhikr<br />

of the heart after death from the lives of the Sahabah , who are<br />

undoubtedly the best of the worshipers. Moreover, Dhikr is an<br />

action of the tongue and not the heart, as the Messenger of Allah<br />

said: “…Let your tongue be constantly occupied with the<br />

remembrance of Allah.” 383<br />

In Islam, the quantity of deeds does not ensure reward with<br />

Allah; rather deeds are accepted by the obedience to Allah’s<br />

Messenger . The following narration of Anas Ibn Malik ,<br />

shows the importance of Ittiba (guidance or following).<br />

“A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the<br />

Prophet asking how the Prophet worshiped (Allah), and<br />

when they were informed about that, they considered their<br />

381 Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng. Trans.) p.171.<br />

382 Mashaikh-e-Chist (Eng. Trans.) p.181.<br />

383 at-Tirmidhee (1443).<br />


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