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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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He (Mufti Abdur Rahim Lajpuri) says, “(to say) O Allah! For the<br />

right of such and such! (Ilahi Behaq-e-fulan!) is proper. Some<br />

divines have dissented from the word ‘Bahaqq-e’ and have argued<br />

on the basis of the saying, ‘The creatures have no right upon the<br />

Creator.’ But this is not correct.” 355<br />

The Deobandis thus refute the correct beliefs of their Imam, though<br />

they dare not mention his name, rather say: “Many learned ones<br />

consider it prohibited…” or “Some divines have dissented from<br />

the word…” as in the statements of both, Moulana Zakariyah and<br />

Mufti Abdur Rahim Lajpuri.<br />

The Hadeeth of Blind Man 356<br />

Those who consider Tawassul to be permissible by means of the<br />

status, honor and right of Allah’s Messenger and righteous<br />

people, often quote the Hadeeth of the blind man to support their<br />

erroneous view.<br />

Narrated Uthmaan Ibn Haneef: ‘A blind man came to the Prophet<br />

and said: ‘Supplicate to Allah that He should cure me.” So he<br />

said, if you wish I will supplicate for you, and if you wish I will<br />

delay that for that is better (and in a narration, ‘and if you wish<br />

have patience and that is better for you’). So he said: “Supplicate<br />

to Him.” So he ordered him (the blind man) to make wudhu<br />

well, and to pray two Raka’ahs and to supplicate with this Du’aa:<br />

“O Allah I ask You and turn to You by means of Your Prophet<br />

Muhammad , the Prophet of mercy, O Muhammad I have<br />

turned by means of you (i.e. your Du’aa) to my Lord in this<br />

need of mine, so that it may be fulfilled for me, O Allah accept<br />

his Shafaah on my behalf, and accept my Shafaah for him (to be<br />

accepted for me).” So, the man did it and he was cured.’ 357<br />

355 Fatawa Rahimiyyah (Eng. Trans.) vol.3 pg. 5.<br />

356 Adapted from the book, ‘Tawassul – Its Types and Rulings’, by<br />

Shaikh Muhammad Nasiruddeen al-Albanee.<br />

357 Reported in al-Musnad (4/138), by at-Timidhee (4/281-282), Ibn<br />

Majah (1/418) and others.<br />


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