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And when the Messenger of Allah asked the father of Imran<br />

Ibn Husayn: “How many gods do you worship today, Husayn?”<br />

His father replied, “Seven, six in the earth and one in Heaven.”<br />

He asked, “Which of them do you take account of regarding<br />

your hopes and your fears?” Husayn replied the one in the<br />

Heaven. 340<br />

The Shirk of the Mushrikeen (the Pagan Arabs) was that they called<br />

upon their dead righteous people and Angels to intercede for<br />

them with Allah. And Allah said regarding their actions: “They<br />

worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit<br />

them, and they say: “These are only our intercessors with<br />

Allah.” 341 And thus their practice was declared as Shirk and<br />

worship to other than Allah.<br />

Calling upon other than Allah is Shirk:<br />

As the Deobandi’s Kitabul Janaiz mentions, “The Islamic meaning<br />

of Waseelah does not consist of praying or making Du’aa to<br />

Rasoolullah or any other created being. Islam teaches that the only<br />

Being to whom prayers and Du’aa have to be directed is Allah.<br />

Directing one’s prayer and Du’aa to any being other than Allah is<br />

Shirk or polytheism, and Shirk is the worst of sins committed<br />

against Allah” 342<br />

Though the Deobandis consider direct invocation of other than<br />

Allah to be Shirk, the Fazaail-e-Aamaal has several incidents in<br />

‘Virtues of Charity and Hajj’ that involve direct invocation to the<br />

Messenger of Allah . Mentioned below are some of them:<br />

1. In one story, a man named Abu Muhammad had to repay 80<br />

gold coins that were kept as a trust with him. He spent the money<br />

and had no one who could help him repay back the 80 gold coins.<br />

no. 2671.<br />

340 Sunan at-Tirmidhee, no. 2465.<br />

341 Soorah Yunus (10): 18.<br />

342 Kitabul Janaiz (Hanafee), p.21-24.<br />


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