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did not descend from his minbar (pulpit) until I saw rain dripping<br />

from his beard...” 327<br />

Tawassul by means of a Supplication made by a Righteous Person<br />

is also reported from the practice of the Sahabah . Anas Ibn<br />

Malik narrates from Umar Ibn Khattab that when the people<br />

suffered from drought he used to ask al-Abbas Ibn Mutallib to<br />

pray for rain for them. He used to say: “O Allah we used to<br />

request our Prophet to supplicate to You for rain, and You<br />

would bless us with rain. Now, we ask the uncle of our Prophet <br />

to supplicate to You, so grant us rain.” 328<br />

Also the noble Tabi’e, Sulaym Ibn Aamir al-Khabairee, reported:<br />

“The sky withheld any rain, so Muawiyah Ibn Abee Sufyan and<br />

the people of Damascus went out to pray for rain. When<br />

Muawiyah sat upon the minbar he said: “O Allah! We are today<br />

asking the best and most noble amongst us to supplicate to You<br />

for us, O Allah, today we put Yazeed Ibn al-Aswad al-Jurashee<br />

forward to supplicate to You for us.” Then Yazeed raised his<br />

hands and so did the people, and it rained until people could<br />

hardly reach their houses. 329<br />

Apart from these three correct manners of Tawassul, there is no<br />

authentic proof for any other form of Tawassul in the Qur’aan or<br />

the Sunnah.<br />

Tawassul According to the Deobandis<br />

In the words of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, the Deobandi concept<br />

of Tawassul is, “to supplicate directly to Allah Ta’ala, asking Him<br />

to accept one’s Du’aa by virtue of the barkat (auspiciousness) of a<br />

pious created being (a Prophet or a Wali)” 330<br />

327 Saheeh al-Bukharee.<br />

328 Saheeh al-Bukharee.<br />

329 Reported by al-Hafidh Ibn Asaakir in his Tareekh (18/151/1).<br />

330 Quoted from Kitabul Janaiz (Hanafee), p.21 - 24 published by<br />

Majlisul Ulema.<br />


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