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Moulana Aashiq Ilahi Meerathi mentions in Irshaadul-Mulook, “It is<br />

imperative for the Salik (one searching for the path) to have a<br />

Shaik-e-Kamil (spiritual guide) so that the Shaikh becomes the<br />

companion along this road, and explains the ups and downs and<br />

the pitfalls of this journey. Hence, Allah says: “O People of<br />

Eemaan! Adopt Taqwa (god fearing) and search for a Waseelah<br />

(means) towards Allah.” 318<br />

Tawassul in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah<br />

The correct means of Tawassul are three…<br />

• Tawassul by means of Allah’s Beautiful Names,<br />

• Tawassul by means of righteous deeds of the supplicant<br />

and,<br />

• Tawassul by means of a supplication made by a righteous<br />

person.<br />

(1) Tawassul by means of Allah’s Beautiful Names<br />

Allah says: “And to Allah belongs all the beautiful Names, so<br />

call upon Him by them.” 319<br />

Tawassul by means of Allah’s Beautiful Names is to invoke Allah<br />

mentioning His Beautiful Names, like saying, “O Allah, I ask you<br />

for You being the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy, the Most<br />

Gracious, the All-Knower that You grant me safety and well<br />

being…” This form of Tawassul is known from numerous<br />

Ahaadeeth.<br />

The Messenger of Allah would say before giving salaam in his<br />

prayer: “O Allah! By Your Knowledge of the hidden and<br />

Unseen, and Your Power over the creation, grant me life for as<br />

long as You Know that life is good for me, and grant me death<br />

when death is good for me…” 320<br />

318 Irshaadul-Mulook (Eng. Trans.) p.46.<br />

319 Soorah al-A’raf (7): 180.<br />

320 (Saheeh) al-Haakim, an-Nisa’ee and others.<br />


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