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worshiped them.” 314 Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr (rahimahullah) said: “The<br />

people who used to worship the Jinn continued to worship the<br />

Jinn, and the Jinn were not pleased with their worship, since they<br />

had accepted Islam. And they were the ones who sought a means<br />

of nearness to their Lord…” 315<br />

Allah says in the Qur’aan: “O you who believe! Do your duty to<br />

Allah and fear Him. Seek the means of approach (al-Waseelah)<br />

to Him, and strive hard in His Cause as much as you can. So<br />

that you may be successful.” 316<br />

Al-Hafidh Ibn Katheer (rahimahullah) reported Ibn Abbas <br />

saying in his commentary of this verse: “The meaning of al-<br />

Waseelah is to draw closer.” He also reports from Qatadah: “This<br />

is that you draw near to Him by obedience to Him and through<br />

actions that are pleasing to Him.” And Ibn Katheer (rahimahullah)<br />

said: “And with regard to what those Imams (Ibn Abbas and<br />

Qatadah) said there is no disagreement between the scholars of<br />

Tafseer about it… al-Waseelah is that by means of which one<br />

reaches that which he desires.” 317<br />

These two verses and their authentic Tafseers (commentaries)<br />

clearly explain that Waseelah consists of seeking nearness to Allah<br />

by means of righteousness in order to get closer to Allah.<br />

This refutes any other explanation of Waseelah like that of those<br />

who consider Waseelah to mean directly supplicating to the dead<br />

saints. It refutes the erroneous belief held by the Deobandis of<br />

seeking ‘Tawassul’ through the status and honor of the Prophets<br />

and saints.<br />

This also refutes the incorrect Tafseer by the Deobandis that…<br />

314 Saheeh al-Bukharee v.6, no.238 and Saheeh Muslim.<br />

315 Fath al-Baree 10/12 and 13.<br />

316 Soorah al-Maidah (5): 35.<br />

317 Tafseer Ibn Katheer.<br />


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