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incident is related in the Qur’aan in Soorah al-Anfal (8): 48:<br />

“(Remember) when Shaytaan made their (evil) deeds seem fair<br />

to them and said: ‘No one of mankind can overcome you this<br />

day (of the battle of Badr) and verily, I am your neighbor (for<br />

each and every help).’ But when the two forces came in sight of<br />

each other, he ran away and said: ‘Verily, I have nothing to do<br />

with you. Verily! I see what you see not. Verily, I fear Allah for<br />

Allah is severe in punishment.” 309<br />

Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s Grandfather comes back<br />

after Death!<br />

A strange incident is mentioned in Ashrafus-Sawaneh (biography<br />

of Ashraf Ali Thanvi) about the great-grandfather of Ashraf Ali<br />

Thanvi, Muhammad Fareed. He was accompanying a marriage<br />

procession when it was attacked by a band of thieves.<br />

Muhammad Fareed died defending the procession and was<br />

buried near the tomb of Pir Samauddin. An Urs (festival) was<br />

held at his grave for many years. The biographer writes, “After<br />

his martyrdom a strange incident occurred. At night, he returned<br />

to his home as if he was alive and gave some sweets to his family<br />

members saying, ‘If you do not tell (about my visit) to anyone, I<br />

shall keep coming this way.’ But the family members feared that<br />

the people may suspect something wrong when they see the<br />

children eating sweets, so they disclosed the incident and after<br />

this he did not return.” 310<br />

309 Soorah al-Anfal (80): 48.<br />

310 Ashraf as-Sawaneh, vol.1, p.12.<br />


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