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wherever we like.” Their Lord asked them the same question<br />

thrice. When they saw that they would be continued to be asked<br />

and not left (without answering the question), they said: “O<br />

Lord, we wish that You may return our souls to our bodies so<br />

that we may be slain in Your cause once again. When He (Allah)<br />

saw that they had no need, they were left (to their joy in<br />

Heaven).” 302<br />

Thus, a complete study of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah concludes<br />

that it is neither possible, nor proven that souls of the dead return<br />

to the world of the living, meet with people or converse with<br />

them.<br />

The Deobandis support the Theory of the Soul’s<br />

Return<br />

Mufti Abdur Rahim Lajpuri, a prominent Deobandi scholar, says<br />

in Fatawa Rahimiyyah, “The soul can and does come. Events and<br />

observations bear witness to this fact.” 303<br />

From Kitabul Janaiz, “The belief that the Ruh (soul) of the mayyit<br />

(dead) remains in the house or visits the house for forty days is<br />

baseless. While it is possible for the Ruh to visit any place with the<br />

permission of Allah, the belief that it does in fact visit the home<br />

on specific days is not correct.” 304<br />

Another popular book, “What happens after death?” mentions<br />

many such incidences and has in it a chapter named, “The dead<br />

spoke after death.” 305<br />

302 Saheeh Muslim no.4651, Sunan at-Tirmidhee no.1631 and others.<br />

303 Fatawa Rahimiyyah (Eng. Trans.) vol. 2, p.252, Question no. 355.<br />

304 Kitabul Janaiz (Hanafee), p.36 by Majlis-Ulema, the pro-Deobandi<br />

lobby of South Africa.<br />

305 ‘What happens after death?’ by Ahmad Sa’eed Dehlavi, published<br />

by Saeed international, part.1, pg.96.<br />


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