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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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(b) Al-Medina is visited with the intentions of visiting the<br />

Prophet’s mosque and to take benefit from the reward that prayer<br />

has in the Prophet’s mosque,. Allah’s Messenger said: “A<br />

single Salaat (prayer) in this Masjid of mine, is better than 1,000<br />

Salaat elsewhere, except al-Masjid al-Haraam.” 289<br />

Thus, traveling to al-Medina is only with the intention of visiting<br />

the Prophet’s mosque and not his grave because Allah’s<br />

Messenger said, “Do not make your houses graves, and do not<br />

make my grave an ‘Eid’ 290 (place of gathering). But invoke<br />

blessings on me, for your blessings reach me wherever you may<br />

be.” 291<br />

Visiting the Prophet’s grave and sending Allah’s blessings upon<br />

him and his two Companions (radhi allahu anhuma) is part of the<br />

visit to the Prophet’s mosque, and not its sole purpose. It has been<br />

transmitted in Sunan Saeed Ibn Mansoor that Abdullah Ibn<br />

Hussain, the grandson of Alee saw a man paying frequent visits<br />

to the grave of the Holy Prophet and said to him, “O you person,<br />

Verily Allah’s Messenger said, “Do not take my grave as a<br />

place of worship and invoke blessings upon me wherever you<br />

are, for your blessings will reach me.’ Thus, you and a person in<br />

Spain are equal.” 292<br />

289 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.157, no.282, Saheeh<br />

Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.697, no.3209), Sunan at-Tirmidhi (Assalaat<br />

– the Prayer), Sunan an-Nasa’ee (al-Masaajid – the Mosques),<br />

Sunan Ibn Majah (Iqamatis-Salaat – Extablishing Prayer), Musnad<br />

Imaam Ahmad and Muwatta Imaam Maalik (an-Nida as-Salaat – The<br />

Call for Prayer).<br />

290 The Arabic word ‘Eed’ has two meanings;<br />

• visiting a place repeatedly,<br />

• the place or a day of festivals or celebrations.<br />

Both these meanings assist in the understanding of the Hadeeth. This<br />

Hadeeth, therefore, prohibits all unnecessary traveling to the<br />

Prophet’s grave and all festivities and celebrations at the grave of<br />

Allah’s Messenger .<br />

291 Sunan Abu Dawood (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.542-543, no.2037, and<br />

Musnad Ahmad. See Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawood vol.1, no.1796.<br />

292 Mentioned by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in Kitaab al-Waseelah<br />


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