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graves as places of worship, for verily I forbid you to do so.” 274<br />

He also said: “The most evil of mankind are those who will<br />

be alive when the Last Day arrives and those who take graves as<br />

places of worship.” 275<br />

Du’aa too is a form of worship. 276 Therefore, to visit graves to<br />

make Du’aa for oneself believing that Du’aa is more acceptable at<br />

the graves of the righteous is also taking graves as places of<br />

worship.<br />

Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah has explained the wisdom behind<br />

the prohibition of taking graves as places of worship. He said:<br />

“The Companions of the Holy Prophet knew that Allah had<br />

exterminated the very root of polytheism by forbidding the<br />

graves to be taken as places of worship. Similarly, Allah has<br />

forbidden prayer at the time of sunrise, even though the observer<br />

of the prayer might be praying with sincerity, lest they should<br />

resemble the worshipers of the sun. The Companions never<br />

indulged in this sinful act (of taking graves as places of<br />

worship)” 277<br />

As Allah’s Messenger was about to breathe his last, he drew his<br />

sheet upon his face and when he felt uneasy, he uncovered his<br />

face and said in this very state: “May Allah’s curse be upon the<br />

Jews and Christians for taking the graves of their Prophets as<br />

places of worship”. He in fact warned against what they (the<br />

Jews and Christians) did.” 278 Aa’ishah reported: “Had it not been<br />

274 Saheeh Muslim (Eng. trans.) vol.1, p.269, no.1083<br />

275 Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hambal (al-Fitan wal-Ashrat as-Sa’aat – the<br />

trials and signs of the Hour). See Ahkaamul-Janaa’iz, p.278.<br />

276 Allah’s Messenger said: “Du’aa (supplication) is worship.”<br />

Then he recited: ‘And your Rabb (Lord) says: ‘Call on Me, I will<br />

answer your prayer.’” [Sunan Abu Dawood (Eng. Trans.) vol.1,<br />

p.387, no.1474., Imaam al-Bukhare in al-Adab al-Mufrad (714), at-<br />

Tirmidhi vol. 4, no.178 - 223), Ibn Majah vol. 2, no. 428-9), and<br />

Musnad Ahmad vol.4, no.267-271-276-277 and others. See Saheeh<br />

Sunan Abu Dawood vol. 1, no.1312.]<br />

277 Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taimeeyah in Kitaab al-Waseelah, p.239.<br />

278 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.) vol.1, p.255, no.427 Saheeh<br />


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